1. Please be careful.
  2. To add an alert, copy the full red box and paste it into the blue box. Feel free to include the purple spacer lines before and after the red box.
  3. Try to use the same date format so the "updated" line will look right on the website.
  4. Do not delete the blue box! To remove all alerts, delete the red boxes inside the blue box. Feel free to leave purple spacer lines in the red box.
Spacer (not shown)
1/27/2015 4:43:48 PM
Summary goes here. Remember that mobile pages don't show summaries, and desktop pages do not show any alert summaries if there are two or more alerts.

The full content goes here. H2s, bullet lists, even calendar widgets are OK.


Spacer (not shown) Spacer (not shown) Spacer (not shown)