500 Block N. Pitt St. Sewer Separation Project

Project Overview
Phase: Construction
Status: Complete
Location: Old Town
Project Description
The City of Alexandria repaired a damaged 10-inch sanitary sewer main along N. Pitt Street, between Cook Street and Pendleton Street. The damage was identified after receiving resident complaints about the sewer backups from multiple households. CCTV inspection of the sanitary sewer recorded structural damage at the invert of the 10-inch RCP. The solution included the separation of sewer laterals from the combined sewer line and then connection to the 10-inch PVC sanitary sewer line along the N. Pitt Street.
Project Schedule
Procurement: January – April 2022
Active Construction: August - December 2022
Construction Status
Active Construction
What to Expect During Construction
Site activity is anticipated to begin in early August 2022. The City will distribute an informative letter to community members prior to construction explaining the location and nature of the planned construction activity, as well as mitigation measures for any closures or detours required for the completion of this project. A copy of that letter will be posted to this site.