Local Mental Health Charity Accepting Applications for Board
Local Mental Health Charity Accepting Applications for Board
April 16, 2021--Friends of the Alexandria Mental Health Center is accepting applications for board members and invites inquiries from those in the Alexandria community who care about mental health and are interested in collaborating with fellow residents to help the city’s most vulnerable residents to thrive.
Friends is an all-volunteer group of residents that oversees the administration of one of Alexandria’s top mental health charities. Working closely with the Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS), Friends helps Alexandrians who are struggling to cover basic life needs--such as medicine, housing, transportation and education--while on their path to recovery.
The organization is looking for individuals who have deep ties to the community as well as the time and passion to work on meaningful projects, attend regular board meetings and engage with City leaders on how to make Alexandria a leader in community health.
Board members work on average 10 hours per month and commit to:
- Assisting with efforts to maintain and increase donations, which help fill the special and emergency needs of low-income Alexandrians participating in DCHS mental health services.
Attending board meetings, which are currently virtual and held the second Wednesday evening of each month, as well as occasional meetings to assess policies, plan events and monitor operations
Helping in the operation of the organization
Attending community events to reduce stigma and City Council public hearings to advocate for mental health care
Those interested should email FriendsofAMHC@gmail.com.
Friends of the Mental Health Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit created in 1984 which provides financial help and hope to Alexandrians receiving City services for mental health conditions, substance use disorders and developmental disabilities.