Energy Awareness Month 2019
2019 Energy Awareness Month
October 2019 is Energy Awareness Month in the City of Alexandria. The purpose of Energy Awareness Month is to raise awareness about the importance of sustainably managing energy use.
Energy is used to produce the food we eat, pump the water we drink, power the transportation that moves us, and so much more. This energy is typically provided by burning fossil fuels, which pollutes our air and water and contributes to a warming world.
Energy Awareness Month 2019 is focused on highlighting how individuals can use less energy. Energy not used is the cleanest and cheapest energy source. When we use less energy, fewer dollars must be spent to purchase energy and fewer power plants are needed to generate energy, which leads to reduced greenhouse gas emissions and improves air and water quality. From replacing old incandescent light bulbs with LEDs, sealing cracks in windows and door frames, installing programmable thermostats, using power strips for electronics, to shutting down electrical equipment when not in use, everyone can reduce their energy use and carbon footprint.
Energy Awareness Month 2019 is also focused on informing the Alexandrian community on ways to power their lives with cleaner energy sources. From purchasing renewable energy credits to purchasing on-site generation to commuting “greener”, there are options for everyone to sustainably manage their energy use.
Energy Awareness Month Events
The Holmes Run Park Committee and the City’s Energy Management Office are hosting a discussion on solar energy. This presentation will discuss how the City supports residents who decide to go solar, where the City has and will invest in solar, and highlight portions of the Environmental Action Plan (EAP) 2040 that support renewable energy growth and greenhouse gas emissions reductions. This event will also feature a presentation by installer, Solar Energy World, on what you can gain from “going solar”.
- Date: October 3, 2019 from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
- Location: Beatley Central Library (5005 Duke St.)
- Presentation Materials: Energy Awareness Month 2019 - Solar Energy Presentation
This training will provide information on how to take control of energy use in the home with a presentation by the Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP), a local nonprofit dedicated to empowering central and northern Virginia home and business owners with energy efficiency and solar solutions. The training will also show how to complete a DIY home energy audit including use of portable thermal cameras and Kill-A-Watt meters, which can be rented from Alexandria Libraries.
- Date: October 16, 2019 from 7 - 8 p.m.
- Location: Mount Vernon Recreation Center (2701 Commonwealth Ave.)
- Presentation Materials: Energy Awareness Month 2019 - Energy Efficiency Presentation
This event, held in partnership with Virginia Clean Cities (VCC), will feature a presentation on Alexandria’s EAP 2040 electric vehicle (EV) goals and trends in the Virginia EV market. This event will also provide an opportunity for community members to ride in or test drive an EV. If you would like to test drive an electric vehicle, please bring your driver’s license and proof of insurance.
- Date: October 19, 2019 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
- Location: George Washington Middle School (1005 Mt. Vernon Ave.), Multi-Purpose Room
- Presentation Materials: Energy Awareness Month 2019 - Electric Vehicle Presentation
Stay Informed
Throughout Energy Awareness Month, Transportation and Environmental Services will be sharing tips and resources via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram on how to sustainably manage energy use.
The City of Alexandria provides information about energy efficiency, renewable energy, green power purchasing, and electric vehicles all year round on its Energy page. Click here to learn more!
Do More
During Energy Awareness Month, what else can you do to reduce your energy use and carbon footprint?
- Sign the Energy Efficiency Day Pledge!
October 2 is Energy Efficiency Day 2019. Add your name to the list of advocates, companies, utilities, and others who will pledge to save energy and money.
- Complete a Do-It-Yourself Energy Audit
The U.S. Department of Energy provides a list of steps to complete in a "do-it-yourself" home energy audit to help spot problems in any type of house. You can also utilize resources from Alexandria Libraries such as the Kill-A-Watt meter and Thermal Camera Kit.
- Attend the 2019 National Solar Tour
Every October, individuals open their homes to showcase solar design, technology, and sustainable living concepts. This year’s tour is from October 5th to 6th. Use the National Solar Tour Map to find a location to near you! If you have already done your part to sustainably use energy, consider being part of a future year’s tour.
- Find Resources & Rebates to Finance an Upgrade
There are many programs offered by Virginia utilities and the State to help finance energy efficiency upgrades and help control one’s energy use. Here is a list to get you started: Virginia DHCD Housing Repair and Energy Efficiency, Dominion Smart Cooling Rewards Program, Dominion Income and Age Qualifying Home Improvement, Washington Gas - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program, Washington Gas – Commercial Energy Analysis, and Dominion - Energy Conservation Programs.