Alexandria Police Announces Further Dates in Series of Community Conversations with Chief Tarrick McGuire
Alexandria, VA – Alexandria Police Chief, Tarrick McGuire continues to have conversations with members of the Alexandria community. Chief McGuire scheduled additional dates in the series to gain input and feedback on public safety and the Alexandria Police Department (APD):
Thursday, January 16, 6-7p.m. at Charles Houston Recreation Center, 901 Wythe Street
Tuesday, January 21, 6:15-7:15p.m. at William Ramsay Elementary School, 5700 Sanger Avenue
Tuesday, February 11, 6-7 p.m. UPDATE: Due to the forecast of inclement weather, the meeting has been moved to Virtual on Zoom
Meeting ID: 875 3512 3114
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The first conversation was held December 27, 2024, in the Chirilagua community. Residents voiced concerns on neighborhood street safety, pedestrian safety, the need for crossing guards, school safety, and nighttime personal safety.
“As the department considers strategies to address public safety action items, it’s critical we have our community stakeholders, residents, business owners, and operators at the table so we move forward with a shared vision and ownership in the plan, as One Alexandria and One APD,” said Alexandria Chief of Police Tarrick McGuire.
During his first week as Chief of Police, McGuire presented a 100-Day Action Plan prioritizing feedback and input from internal and external stakeholders. As part of this commitment to collaborative community policing and diverse perspectives and feedback to influence our next steps, he will continue to visit a variety of neighborhoods throughout the city. Members of the community are invited to attend and participate in at least one of the conversations to engage directly with Chief Tarrick McGuire.
In response to the community feedback we receive, the APD will collaborate with the community to create plans to address the issues raised. The APD will inform the community of these plans and progress while being transparent and accountable for results.
For more information on future dates, be sure to follow Alexandria Police Department on Facebook, Instagram, and X.