Resident & Visitor Resources
Trip Planning Assistance
Sometimes the biggest barrier to trying a new way to travel is a lack of information. GO Alex staff can help introduce you to the many ways to access Alexandria and the region, including:

- Metrorail
- Metrobus
- DASH Bus
- Carpool/Vanpool
- Capital Bikeshare
- Bicycle/Pedestrian Routes
- Carshare
- Virginia Railway Express (VRE)
City staff are available to help you via email or in person Monday through Friday. Please contact 703-746-4025 to speak to someone in the Mobility Services office. It is located across the street from City Hall at 421 King Street, Suite 235.
How to Commute Guides
You have things to do, places to be, and people to see. Know your travel options before you GO! Download the “How to Commute” guides to learn how to use your travel options in Alexandria. Click here to download your "How to Commute" Guides.

On-Site Assistance
The GO Alex team can come to you—staff attend community events at the invitation of property managers, homeowners and civic associations, or any resident group that might want more information about the many transportation options the City enjoys. The team will provide fliers and brochures, personalized travel guidance, and other resources. The earlier you contact GO Alex, the more likely the team will be able to accommodate your request and schedule the Mobile Store to attend as well.
Mobile Store

The GO Alex mobile store visits Metrorail stations, offices, libraries, and recreation centers throughout Alexandria to help residents purchase the things they need to access transportation facilities throughout the region. You can also request that the store visit your office, building, or neighborhood for a one-time event, such as a commuter fair, or on a regular basis.
In addition to informational resources, the Mobile Store offers:
- SmarTrip Cards (new or add value)
- Senior SmarTrip Cards (receive senior discount)
- VRE Tickets
- E-ZPass Flex
- DASH Passes
- Capital Bikeshare Membership
Carpool and Vanpool Matching
Alexandria is part of the regional Commuter Connections program that matches commuters with existing or interested carpoolers or vanpools operating near your home (or other selected origin) and office or school. This arrangement can offer more flexibility than transit and help you access express lanes for free. Registration and ridematching services are free.
Commuter Connections offers incentives for vanpooling and carpooling. New or re-established vanpools can be eligible for a $200 reimbursement, and carpoolers can receive up to $130 after carpooling for 90 days. See if you are eligible here.
Commuter Connections also offers a Guaranteed Ride Home program to get you a free ride home in case of emergency. The program can be used up to four times a year.