Spring Break Volunteer Opportunities for Youth
Youth Engaged in Service (YES)
Volunteer Alexandria is offering three days of service-learning opportunities for middle and high school age youth, called Youth Engaged In Service (formerly Breaks With Impact or BWI), during this year's spring break.
Participants will learn about the critical issues facing the City of Alexandria, and how to help. Participants engage with speakers, community leaders, and do a variety of service-learning projects across the City of Alexandria. Projects have included removing invasive species, exploring careers, packing groceries, cleaning up a local park, sorting donations, advocating for pedestrian safety, and learning about mental health.
Each program day includes experiences at least two different sites. Participants will walk and/or use public transportation and two adults will be on site at all times. Children and youth engaged in service develop compassion as they learn the value of giving to others. They learn to appreciate what they have and learn to work with others. In addition, they learn how to be a valued member of their community. Growing up with a greater sense of social responsibility makes them more likely to volunteer throughout their lives.