Alexandria Joins Street Smart Campaign
The City of Alexandria Joins Street Smart Public Safety Campaign
Alexandria, VA – The Alexandria Police Department (APD) and the Department of Transportation and Environmental Services (T&ES) join multiple law enforcement agencies across the region to raise awareness about pedestrian, bicycle, and driver safety and highlight enforcement of the laws that protect Alexandrians walking, biking, and driving on City streets. Street Smart, the region-wide public safety campaign, educates residents about the safe use of roadways. Street Smart complements Alexandria’s Vision Zero efforts to end traffic fatalities.
In partnership with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, APD will concentrate enforcement of traffic safety laws with focused radar and officer patrol to deter aggressive driving around the King Street metro area and will include West Braddock and Seminary Roads, Duke Street, and Commonwealth Avenue.
In 2017, Alexandria adopted a Vision Zero Policy and Action Plan to eliminate fatal and severe traffic crashes by 2028. Each year, safety improvements are implemented citywide to work toward this goal and create safer streets for everyone. In Fiscal Year 2023, T&ES performed various safety improvements, with a particular focus on high-crash or high-risk locations and equity emphasis areas. Safety improvements included no turn on red restrictions, speed limit reductions, automated red-light enforcement, automated speed enforcement in three school zones, and much more. In Fiscal Year 2024, T&ES’ work plan will continue to have a “Safe System Approach”, which focuses on building and reinforcing multiple layers of protection to both prevent crashes from happening in the first place and minimize the harm caused to those involved when crashes do occur.
The City of Alexandria asks the community to take an active role in participating in the Street Smart campaign by doing their part to adhere to these safety tips and be aware of the law to affect public safety for all.
Transportation Safety Tips
When driving, people are reminded to:
Slow down, drive the speed limit, and obey all posted traffic signs and signals.
Avoid blocking crosswalks and bike lanes.
Remain alert for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Stop for pedestrians in crosswalks.
Use caution when passing buses or stopped vehicles.
Watch for pedestrians and bicyclists when turning.
Watch for people biking when entering or exiting a parked car next to a bike lane.
Allow for at least 3 feet when passing bicyclists.
Avoid using your cell phone and never text while driving. Holding a hand-held communication device while driving is illegal in Virginia.
When walking, people are reminded to:
Cross the street at the corner and use marked crosswalks when they are available.
Wait for the walk signal to cross the street at signalized intersections.
Look both ways before crossing.
Verify that all drivers have stopped before crossing multiple lanes at unsignalized intersections.
When biking or scooting, people are reminded to:
Ride in the same direction as traffic.
Ride in the center of the travel lane when bike lanes aren’t available to discourage people driving from passing too closely.
Be predictable and use hand signals to communicate your intentions with others.
Every person on a bicycle who is 14 years of age or younger is required to wear a protective helmet within the City of Alexandria (City of Alexandria Code of Ordinances, Section 10-7-12)
Keep your eyes on the road and avoid the use of devices that may distract you.
Use headlights and taillights, especially when riding between sunset and sunrise.