Real Estate Sales Codes
A description of the sales codes used in the Real Estate property search database.
Page updated on September 19, 2024 at 2:48 PM
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Sales Code by Category
VERIFIED - Valid Sales
A | no disqualifying circumstances |
B | purchased by adjacent owner |
C | actual consideration differs from deed |
E | while related partnership, sale/lease back, etc.- independent appraisal was prepared for value consideration |
F | pending verification |
G | multi-lot sale |
H | land sale |
I | condominium sale where the number of parking spaces sold is different than number assessed |
LK | like kind exchange |
VERIFIED - Invalid Sales
J | to relative or related business |
K | buyer was tenant under lease agreement |
L | exchange of properties |
M | foreclosure |
MB | financial institution or deed in lieu of foreclosure |
MS | short sale |
N | divorce decree or duress |
O | seller assisted financing is major influence |
OC | City-assisted financing - affordable |
P | will transferring property - no consideration |
Q | miscellaneous (does not fit definition in any other category) |
R |
re-recorded deed |
VERIFIED - Invalid Sale for Sales Ratio Study
S | multi-lot sale or assemblage |
T | subdivision of original parcel |
U | adjacent property owner is purchaser |
V | alteration/addition/renovation, or other change in physical condition since last assessed |
W | reserved for future use |
X | three efforts made to contact buyer, seller or agent |
Y | buyer, seller and agent refused to respond |
Z | easements/agreements |