Real Estate Tax Information
Make a Real Estate Tax Payment
The City of Alexandria levies a tax each calendar year on all real estate located in the City that is subject to taxation. Residential and commercial property is assessed at 100% of the estimated fair market value as of January 1 of each year.
For information on your assessment, visit the Office of Real Estate Assessments web page where you can view details property information and assessment schedules.
Real Estate Tax Information
Due Dates
First Half: June 15 (or the next business day if the due date falls on a weekend)
Second Half: November 15 (or the next business day if the due date falls on a weekend)
Late Payment Penalty
In accordance with City Code, late payment penalty and interest will be assessed on all real estate taxes and refuse fees that are not paid or postmarked by the due date. The late payment penalty is five percent of the tax if paid up to 15 days after the due date, and 10 percent of the tax if paid more than 15 days late, or $10, whichever is greater. The late payment penalty is 10 percent of the refuse fee. Interest will be assessed on any unpaid tax and late payment penalty, at an annual rate of 10 percent the first year and 5 percent each year thereafter, beginning the day after the original due date. Interest will be assessed on unpaid refuse fee at an annual rate of 10 percent and stormwater fee at an annual rate of 6 percent, beginning the day after the original due date. Interest will continue to accrue until the entire outstanding balance is paid.
Real Estate Assessment
Assessment notices are mailed to property owners in February. Owners who wish to contest their property assessment may lodge an appeal. For information on real estate assessment procedures, Board of Equalization and Assessment Review and the appeals process, please visit the Office of Real Estate Assessments.
Residents and other interested parties may view ownership, sales, tax history, and assessment information for a property or make real estate tax payments . Assessed values and other real estate assessment data are extracted from the official assessment records for all properties in the City of Alexandria.
Computation and Collection of Tax
Real estate taxes are calculated by multiplying the property's assessed value by the real estate tax rate. On May 1, 2024, the City Council set the real estate tax rate at $1.135 per $100 for the tax year beginning January 1, 2024. For example, in tax year 2024, the real estate tax on a residence assessed at $200,000 is $2,700 ($200,000 x 2024 tax rate of $1.135 per $100). The rate for tax year 2025 will be set on April 30, 2025.
Real estate taxes are billed and payable in two installments. The first tax bill is mailed in May and is due by June 15. The second tax bill is mailed in October and is due by November 15. ( Sample Real Estate Tax Bill)
If taxes are included in a property owner's mortgage payments, the City will bill the bank or mortgage company for taxes due. Any property owner whose taxes are not paid through a bank or mortgage company who does not receive a tax bill should contact the Treasury Division. The property owner is still responsible for paying the tax before the due date. Failure to receive a bill does not relieve a tax payer from payment of the tax, penalty and interest.
Potomac Yard Special Tax Districts
City Council originally established two special tax districts (Tier I and Tier II) to help finance the redevelopment of the Potomac Yard Area.
- The "Tier I Special Services District," which City Council approved in December of 2010, encompasses the north and central areas of Potomac Yard (Landbay F, as well as Landbays G and H; and, the multi-family portion of Landbay I). Beginning in calendar year 2011, Tier I properties are assessed a tax of $0.20 per $100 in assessed value in addition to the City's base real estate tax rate.
- The "Tier II Special Services District" encompasses all of Landbay I not in the Tier I District and all of Landbay J. In general, the Tier II District is comprised of the southern part of Potomac Yard, not including the development sites south of the Monroe Avenue Bridge, and excluding Potomac Greens. While special district taxation of residential properties in Tier II was slated to begin following the opening of the Potomac Yard Metrorail station, City Council voted unanimously on December 15, 2018 to eliminate the planned Tier II special tax district. The Tier II special tax district is no longer in effect. See the City's news release for more details.
Additional information on the Potomac Yard project is available on the City's Potomac Yard Development page and the Department of Planning & Zoning's Potomac Yard Small Area Plan page.
Refuse Collection and Disposal Fee
The City charges an annual fee for the collection and disposal of solid waste, ashes, and yard debris to owners of required user properties. The Alexandria City Code defines a "required user property" as "[a]ny single family, two family or row dwelling, or any building or structure used solely for residential purposes and containing four or fewer dwelling units, that is located within the city, excluding condominium dwellings and dwelling units, and also excluding dwellings and dwelling units in any residential development wherein an owners' association is required by special use permit to provide solid waste and recyclable material collection service by private collector." This refuse collection fee is added to the property owner's or owners' real estate tax bills in biannual installments.
For current refuse collection and disposal fees, visit the Tax Rates page.
Stormwater Utility Fee
To view the Stormwater Utility Fee for any property (single family residential or nonresidential): Use the property search or Stormwater Utility Fee Map Viewer and enter the property address. The fee is billed to property owners as a separate line item on their real estate tax bills, half due in June and half in November. Properties who do not pay tax receive a bill for just the stormwater utility fee.
The stormwater utility fee has increased to accelerate capital stormwater projects and maintenance to mitigate flooding impacts from more intense rainfall events that have occurred over the last two years. The stormwater utility fee is billed twice a year in May and October and each billing is based on half the billing rate. For current stormwater utility fee rates, visit the Tax Rates page.
More information about the fee can be found at
Updating a Billing or Mailing Address
Any property owner who wishes to update the address to which real estate tax bills and any real estate tax-related correspondence are mailed must update the mailing address on file with the Real Estate Assessment Division .
Requests for address changes for assessment notices and tax bills must be made in writing by the property owner(s) or an authorized agent. These requests may be submitted by email, mail, or in person. The mailing/billing address cannot be updated over the phone. All requests should include the property address and the new mailing address.
Requests may be emailed to:
Address change forms may also be mailed or delivered in person during regular office hours to:
Real Estate Assessment Division
301 King Street, Room 2600
Alexandria VA 22314
If you are an authorized agent, please review the requirements for valid Letters of Authorization prior to submitting a change of address request.
The mailing/billing address cannot be updated over the phone or by any other office. The Finance Department is required by law to mail the biannual real estate tax bills and related correspondence to either the owner's mailing address on file with the Real Estate Division or to the owner's mortgage company (whichever is applicable).
Payment Methods
Real estate tax payments (by check or money order), if not made by the taxpayer’s bank or mortgage company, may be mailed with the bill stub to:
Treasurer's Office
P.O. Box 34750
Alexandria, VA 22334-0750
Any property owner paying by check or money order should write the account number in the memo field. Returned checks are subject to a $35 fee in accordance with state law.
Information on all other payment methods, including eCheck and debit/credit card payments, is available at
Automatic Bank Debit Program
Through the Automatic Bank Debit Program, taxpayers may register to make real estate tax payments monthly or have the lump sum of the tax amount due automatically debited on each of the two tax due dates. This program has proven to be popular with those who prefer making monthly payments and with those who may travel a great deal and may either forget the bill or be out of town when the tax payment falls due. (Example: preauthorized monthly payment schedule).
Disabled Veterans' Exemption
The City offers a full real estate tax exemption to any veteran who has been rated by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or its successor agency pursuant to federal law to have a 100 percent service-connected, permanent and total disability, and who occupies the real property as his/her primary place of residence. The surviving spouse of a veteran eligible for the exemption may also qualify.
Tax Relief for Elderly and/or Disabled Persons
Residents of the City of Alexandria who are either 65 years of age or older or permanently and totally disabled by November 15 of the current tax year, may be eligible for the City's Real Estate Tax Relief Program for Elderly and Disabled Persons. This program offers full or partial exemption from real estate taxes and/or deferral of real estate taxes to qualified applicants. Tax relief may be prorated for persons who turn 65 or who become disabled between January 1 and November 15 of the current tax year.
Contact Information
Billing and Payments:
Treasury Division
301 King Street, Room 1510
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703.746.4800, select the option for "Tax Payments"