Lucky Run Stream Restoration
Project Overview
Lucky Run is a tributary to Four Mile Run and part of the larger Potomac River watershed. The Lucky Run watershed consists of approximately 225 acres of densely developed urban land and as a result, the stream currently exhibits instability along with several unfavorable characteristics. The project section of the Lucky Run begins where the stream emerges from the culvert under West Braddock Road near I-395 and continues downstream to the wet pond near Ford Avenue and Park Center Drive. Natural channel design techniques will be applied to approximately 950 linear feet of stream to restore Lucky Run to a stable condition and improve stream function, water quality, and habitat.
The restored stream will be reconnected to the floodplain which will help filter pollutants such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and sediment. In addition, banks will be stabilized using native vegetation and other natural sustainable techniques which will mitigate the bank erosion, preventing large amounts of sediment from washing downstream. Whenever possible, on-site materials will be used in the construction of the project.
The main goals of the project are to:
- Restore the stream to a stable condition to improve water quality and help meet the Chesapeake Bay cleanup mandate
- Improve the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of the stream
- Enhance aesthetics and further establish the area as an amenity
- Use native plants to provide habitat for riparian birds and animals
- Protect the walking trail and utilities including the sanitary sewer and storm drain outfalls

Project Updates
June 2023 Construction Update
The Lucky Run project received Notice to Proceed on May 15th, 2023. During this first month of construction activities, orange safety fencing was installed around the limit of disturbance (LOD) and clearing activities started. These activities are crucial for contractors to be able to safely access the site. Work begins on stabilizing the sanitary sewer line too.
Next month, construction in the stream will begin installing cross vanes and other habitat enhancements. To ensure safety, please stay back from the orange fence.
A contract was awarded for the construction of Lucky Run Stream Restoration and Pond Rehabilitation Project
On March 23, 2023, Avon Corporation, Alexandria, Virginia, was awarded a unit price contract for construction services required to complete the Lucky Run Stream Restoration and Pond Rehabilitation project. Construction bids were solicited via the internet from July 26, 2022 to September 22, 2022. Contract work will be performed from May 2023 until the estimated completion occurring in January 2024.
The US Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permits 27 and 43
The US Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permits 27 and 43 were updated and issued February 21, 2023. The permits will expire March 14, 2026.
On-site soil sampling results
At the April 2021 Legislative meeting, Council directed staff to continue work on delivering the Lucky Run project. City Council directed staff to perform on-site soil sampling for the project to determine nutrient concentrations for use in pollutant reduction calculations for comparison with the default values in the expert panel report that have been used to calculate pollution reduction for the proposed project.
Comparing the results of the pollutant reduction calculations based on the on-site soil sampling analyses versus those based on the default values from the earlier state guidance highlights the variability that can occur based on the data sets. This also highlights inexactness of the watershed modeling and stream restoration approach and the evolving nature of the science, which is being discussed by work groups and committees at the state and regional levels. While the City has confirmation that the use of the default rates for calculating pollutant reductions is consistent with the state guidance and applicable to these projects, the decreased results using the on-site soil sampling results raise some questions. Staff's collaboration with the EPC is aimed at discussing these results, along with other related topics.
While pollutant reduction credits are an important factor, they are not the sole driver for pursuing the project. The objectives of stabilizing the stream corridor - including protecting at-risk sanitary and storm infrastructure and nearby private property - are part of the broader issues in this collaboration.
City authorizes its consultant to perform soil collection, sampling, and analysis tests for Lucky Run
The City of Alexandria has authorized its consultant to perform soil collection, sampling, and analysis tests for Lucky Run. The field work for the steam took place the week of July 25, 2021.
On April 27, 2021 during a City Council legislative work session, City Council instructed staff to perform soil analysis tests on all three streams (Taylor Run, Strawberry Run, and Lucky Run) using the updated Expert Panel protocol. Council also instructed staff to pause the planned stream restoration projects at Taylor Run and Strawberry Run for further evaluation, but proceed with Lucky Run while the soil analysis occurs. Council also directed staff to evaluate alternatives to natural channel design in coordination with the Environmental Policy Commission (EPC). Finally, Council instructed staff to return as soon as possible with a planned schedule and summary of impacts.
Consultants providing construction management and inspection services
The scope of work for consulting firms AECOM/URS and Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. was expanded to include construction management and inspection services on the Lucky Run project. A task order was issued under the firm's existing Comprehensive Environmental Support Contract with the City on October 20, 2020.
The General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities
The General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities was issued on August 20, 2020 by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. The general permit will expire on June 30, 2024.
Completion of the design phase
The final design was completed when contract plans for construction were approved on April 11, 2022. Easements required for construction were acquired by the City on February 8, 2022.
Urban stream restoration identified as a potential strategy
In 2015, urban stream restoration was identified as a potential strategy for the City to achieve compliance with the Chesapeake Bay TMDL ("pollution reduction diet"). This pollution reduction diet is a regulatory requirement passed down from the federal U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to the Commonwealth of Virginia and to Alexandria through the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. Lucky Run was identified as a top-ranking stream restoration project based on the Phase III Stream Assessment completed early 2019 by a contractor in consultation with the City’s Department of Transportation & Environmental Services (TES), Department of Project Implementation (DPI), and Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Activities (RPCA). Phase III refers to the third assessment with the first assessment completed in 2004 and the second completed in 2008. In total, 2,786 linear feet of streams were assessed throughout the City. TES presented the results of this assessment to the Park and Recreation Commission September 20, 2018 (click here for the presentation) and also hosted a public meeting on December 5, 2018. More information on the stream assessment is available on the City’s Stream Restoration web page.
The Lucky Run stream restoration will help the City comply with the Chesapeake Bay TMDL and is identified in the 2019 Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan. The Lucky Run stream restoration is identified as a mid-term action item in the City’s Environmental Action Plan 2040, adopted by Council in 2018, which stemmed from the Eco City Alexandria initiative which launched with the Eco City Charter in 2008.

Community Outreach
Project Update Meeting - April 27, 2023 - Hamptons at Stonegate HOA
Project Update Meeting - April 27, 2023, at Lucky Run project site. The meeting's purpose was to update the Stonegate HOA on the project's construction details and scheduling. Meeting attendees included Stonegate's HOA President, Treasurer, and City project team members.
Project Update Meeting - April 27, 2023 - Arrive 2801 Property Representatives
Project Update Meeting - April 27, 2023, at Lucky Run project site. The meeting's purpose was to update the Arrive 2801 community on the project's construction details and scheduling. Meeting attendees included Arrive 2801 owner representatives and City project team members.
Project Update Meeting - July 22, 2022 - Hamptons at Stonegate HOA
Project Update Meeting - July 22, 2022, via Zoom Webinar. The meeting's purpose was to update the Hamptons at Stonegate community on the project's design features, construction details, and scheduling. Meeting attendees included Hamptons at Stonegate HOA and City project team members.
Project Update/Easement Meeting - June 23, 2021 - Parkstone Alexandria
Project Update/Easement Meeting - June 23, 2021, via Microsoft Teams. The meeting's purpose was to update the Parkstone Alexandria community on the project's design features, construction details, scheduling, and required easements. Meeting attendees included Parkstone Alexandria owner representatives and City project team members.
Project Update Meeting - February 24, 2021 - Palazzo at Park Center
Project Update Meeting - February 24, 2021, via Zoom Webinar. The meeting's purpose was to update the Palazzo at Park Center community on the project's design features, construction details, and scheduling. Meeting attendees included Palazzo representatives, and City project team members.
Project Update Meeting - February 17, 2021 - Arrive 2801
Project Update Meeting - February 17, 2021, via Microsoft Teams. The meeting's purpose was to update the Arrive 2801 community on the project's design features, construction details, and scheduling. Meeting attendees included Arrive 2801 owner representatives and City project team members.
Project Update Meeting - February 9, 2021 - Hamptons at Stonegate HOA
Project Update Meeting - February 9, 2021, via Zoom Webinar. The meeting's purpose was to update the Hamptons at Stonegate community on the project's design features, construction details, and scheduling. Meeting attendees included Hamptons at Stonegate HOA and City project team members.
Public Community Meeting - April 11, 2019
Public Community Meeting - April 11, 2019, at William Ramsay Elementary School library. The meeting's purpose was to inform the community of the project's design features, construction details, and scheduling. Meeting attendees included community members and City project team members.
View the presentation
Project Funding
The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) awarded the City a $668,000 Stormwater Local Assistance Fund (SLAF) grant for partial funding of this project.
Demond Frazier
Project Manager
Department of Project Implementation
Camille Liebnitzky
Project Sponsor
Transportation and Environmental Services