Dental, Vision and Hearing Aid Program
Program Flyer
View and print a flyer about the Dental, Vision and Hearing Aid Program.
PLEASE NOTE- This flyer is has been updated to reflect that effective July 1, 2023, the Dental Services Program no longer pays the $50 fee for the first visit. The client is responsible for payment.
| Spanish
| Amharic
| Arabic
Dental Services
DCHS accepts applications from City of Alexandria residents who need dental care and do not have dental insurance. Eligible individuals will obtain an intake appointment with the Northern Virginia Dental Clinic located in Fairfax. All clients are required to pay $50 (cash or money order only) for each visit to the dental clinic, including the first visit.
PLEASE NOTE- Patients of the Alexandria Health Department or clients of the Alexandria Community Services Board (CSB) should apply through their contact at the AHD or CSB.
Glasses Services
This program assists city residents who need eyeglasses. Before applying for assistance, all individuals must have an eye exam and submit the prescription for eyeglasses with the application.
Hearing Aid Services
This program assists city residents who need assistive hearing devices. Before a referral is made for a hearing aid, a hearing test is required along with a prescription for the hearing device which must be submitted with the application.
Eligibility Requirements
Requirements to participate in the Dental, Vision and Hearing Aid Program:
- Be a resident of the City of Alexandria
- Meet income and resource guidelines for low-income households (50% of Virginia median income guidelines)
- Provide additional documentation as requested
- Provide proof of residency – lease, utility bill or other bill with name and address
- Provide proof of income – pay stubs, award letter, bank statement, self-employment record, tax return or employer letter
- Provide proof of resources – bank statements or a statement letter
Note: Immigration status is not requested for these programs.
How to Apply
Apply online in English, Amharic, Arabic, Farsi or Spanish, call DCHS Customer Relations at 703.746.5700 or walk-in to the DCHS office located at 4850 Mark Center Drive. For questions, call 703.746.5700 and a Human Services Associate will assist with accessing the programs.