Recreation Program Registration Information
Registration Options
- Payment by credit card (Visa/MasterCard) or eCheck
- If you have previously registered in an activity, program, class or camp, you can register online by using your Recreation Department Household ID number (user name). If you do not know your Household ID number, call 703.746.5414 or email If an email is on file, you can recover your username and password by selecting "forgot your password".
- New customers can create a new account by selecting the "New User, Create an Account" link on the Online Registration web page.
- Complete all information on the registration form including signature and bring to the Registration and Reservation Office, Lee Center, 1108 Jefferson St., Alexandria, VA 22314
- Payment by credit card (Visa/MasterCard), cash, money order,or check payable to "City of Alexandria."
- Mail completed registration forms to the Registration and Reservation Office, Lee Center, 1108 Jefferson St., Alexandria, VA 22314
- Payment by check payable to "City of Alexandria."
- Mail-in registration takes at least 5 days to process. Mail In registration DOES NOT guarantee placement in a class.
All registrants receive a confirmation receipt by email. If you do not receive a confirmation, please call to confirm receipt of registration.
If a camp or class is full, a wait list is generated and individuals on the wait list will be contacted if space becomes available.
Programs that have not met the minimum number of enrollees are cancelled approximately one week before the start date. Participants are notified of cancelled classes by phone or email.
All fees must be paid in full and are due at the time of registration. Partial payment does not reserve enrollment. One form and payment may be used for family registrations.
A nonresident fee of $35 per person, in addition to the activity fee, is required for all activity sections. This fee is non-refundable except when class/activity is canceled by the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities. To determine if you are a City resident, refer to the City Residency Verification Guide.
Credit/Refund Policy
Registrants may request a refund or household credit in writing to Lee Center, Registration and Reservation Office, 1108 Jefferson St., Alexandria, VA 22314 or by email to based on the following criteria:
- Credits are processed for activities cancelled by the department. If a refund is preferred, please let us know.
- Registrants dissatisfied with a class/program are encouraged to contact RPCA as soon as possible so that we can make it right. If we are unable to correct the issue, a credit or refund may be issued.
- Registrants unable to attend a program due to relocation from the City of Alexandria may request a refund.
- Credits will remain on a household account for 90 days. Credits older than 90 days will be processed as a refund back to the customer.
- Credits are not issued for personal convenience or schedule conflicts.
Staff are not permitted to administer medication. If your child needs medication during the time that they attend the program, the parent must arrange with an administrator to bring the medication for their child. If the child is required to have medication with them in case of emergencies (i.e., inhalers, epi-pen), the child may have it at the recreation program. Medication must be labeled and in its original packaging. No expired medication will be accepted. The medication will be stored in a clear Ziploc bag and labeled with the child’s name. The medication will accompany the Medication Authorization Form and Medication Log. All medications will be secured in a red Medical Bag and accessible by any staff member in an emergency.
City of Alexandria programs, services, and facilities are available to all. The City of Alexandria complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for qualified individuals.
To request ADA accommodation, call 703.746.5422 or VA Relay 711 two weeks prior to an event, activity, or registration deadline. The Department of Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Activities will attempt to meet requests for written material in alternative formats, including braille, within ten days of request.
Fee Assistance Program for City Residents
The Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities encourages participation in City programs from all City residents. If you, a member of your family, or a friend would like to participate in programs or activities sponsored by this Department and are in need of fee assistance in order to participate, please view the Financial Assistance Policy or contact the sponsoring program office for more detailed information. Financial Assistance Requests must be received at least two weeks prior to the start of a class. For fee assistance information, call 703.746.5414 or (TTY) 703.838.4902.
Multilingual Fee Assistance Forms
How to Access Your Childcare Statement
Steps 1 & 2
Step 3
3. Under the "Reports" section, Click on Childcare Statement

Step 4
4. Run Statement by Tax Year and Select All Information Needed

Step 5
5. The report will be sent to the email on file, so please make sure your email address is still accurate!
Inclement Weather
For the safety of recreation services participants and employees, it is sometimes necessary to cancel programs and close centers. Examples of weather that may interrupt indoor or outdoor recreation services include winter weather, severe storms, excessive rain, and extreme heat. Follow this link for more information about weather-related cancellations and notifications.
Photo Release: Participants in activities sponsored or co-sponsored by the Department of Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities consent to the City's use of any photograph or film of the activity in any marketing or promotional material.
Hold Harmless Agreement: In consideration of the City of Alexandria, Department of Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities, conducting or hosting various programs, events or activities and allowing the individuals participating in such facility usage, the registrant realizing the risk of injury attendant to such activities and programs, does hereby and forever discharge the City of Alexandria, Department of Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities and its officers, agents, and employees from any and all action, claims or liability resulting from or arising out of or based upon any bodily injury or property damage or loss which may be sustained by the registrant or the registrant's child while participating in such events at a City of Alexandria facility.