Taylor Run Stream Restoration
Project Overview
The Taylor Run Stream Restoration project is part of the stormwater infrastructure system and involves approximately 1,900 linear feet section of stream near the Chinquapin Recreation Center, along the walking path in Chinquapin Park and Forest Park. The project limits are from the culvert on the Chinquapin Recreation Center property downstream to behind the First Baptist Church property. See the approximate location of the restoration activity in relation to the forest; the remainder of the forest remains undisturbed. The stream corridor is highly disturbed with severe bank erosion, stream downcutting and widening at various locations. Significant amounts of fallen trees, riprap, and debris can be found in the channel. Ongoing erosion along the stream banks is deteriorating water quality and threatening existing infrastructure. In keeping with its dedication to improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay, the City is proposing to use environmentally conscious engineering practices that mimic nature to reconstruct stream banks, encourage native plant growth, and moderate/diminish the impact of streamflow during high-precipitation events. The project's main goals include protecting the stormwater pipe outfalls, stabilizing the stream banks, protecting exposed sanitary sewer system and managing the hydraulic stream flow regime. Whenever possible, on-site materials will be used in the construction of the project. The project stakeholder team for the City’s stream restoration projects include Transportation and Environmental Services (T&ES), Department of Project Implementation (DPI), Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Activities (RPCA) Natural Resources, the consulting team, and the community. A series of community collaboration is took place in Fall 2022/Spring 2023, you can review information from experts about the Taylor Run stream restoration design process.
In June 2023, City Council directed staff to move forward with consensus recommendations to stabilize the infrastructure and not complete the stream restoration as planned. City staff is moving forward with a minimal intervention approach to stabilize the infrastructure.
Existing Conditions
Project Updates
Stream Restoration Identified as a Potential Strategy
In 2015, urban stream restoration was identified as a potential strategy for the City to achieve compliance with the Chesapeake Bay TMDL ("pollution reduction diet"). This pollution reduction diet is a regulatory requirement passed down from the federal U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to the Commonwealth of Virginia and to Alexandria through the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. Taylor Run was identified as a top-ranking stream restoration project based on the Phase III Stream Assessment completed early 2019 by a contractor in consultation with the City’s Department of Transportation & Environmental Services (TES), Department of Project Implementation (DPI), and Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Activities (RPCA). Phase III refers to the third assessment with the first assessment completed in 2004 and the second completed in 2008. In total, 2,786 linear feet of streams were assessed throughout the City. TES presented the results of this assessment to the Park and Recreation Commission September 20, 2018 (click here for the presentation) and also hosted a public meeting on December 5, 2018. More information on the stream assessment is available on the City’s Stream Restoration web page.
The Taylor Run stream restoration will help the City comply with the Chesapeake Bay TMDL and is identified in 2019 Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan. The Taylor Run stream restoration is identified as a mid-term action item in the City’s Environmental Action Plan 2040, adopted by Council in 2018, which stemmed from the Eco City Alexandria initiative which launched with the Eco City Charter in 2008.
City Council Directs to Pause Taylor Run Project and Collaborate with Community
At the April 2021 Legislative meeting, City Council directed staff to pause the Taylor Run and Strawberry Run proposed stream restoration projects and collaborate with the Environmental Policy Commission on alternatives to natural channel design stabilization and restoration techniques used in the proposed design. Council directed staff to continue work on delivering the Lucky Run project. Finally, City Council directed staff to perform on-site soil sampling for all three projects to determine nutrient concentrations for use in pollutant reduction calculations for comparison with the default values in the expert panel report that have been used to calculate pollution reduction for the proposed projects.
Comparing the results of the pollutant reduction calculations based on the on-site soil sampling analyses versus those based on the default values from the earlier state guidance highlights the variability that can occur based on the data sets. This also highlights inexactness of the watershed modeling and stream restoration approach and the evolving nature of the science, which is being discussed by work groups and committees at the state and regional levels. While the City has confirmation that the use of the default rates for calculating pollutant reductions is consistent with the state guidance and applicable to these projects, the decreased results using the on-site soil sampling results raise some questions. Staff's collaboration with the EPC is aimed at discussing these results, along with other related topics.
While pollutant reduction credits are an important factor, they are not the sole driver for pursuing these projects. The objectives of stabilizing the stream corridor - including protecting at-risk sanitary and storm infrastructure and nearby private property - are part of the broader issues in this collaboration.
City Authorizes Consultant to Perform Soil Collection, Sampling, and Analysis Tests
City of Alexandria has authorized its consultant to perform soil collection, sampling, and analysis tests for Taylor Run, Strawberry Run, and Lucky Run. The field work for all three steams took place the week of July 25, 2021. Additionally, a consultant will be inspecting the previous stream project completed on the downstream portion of Strawberry Run during the Taft Avenue development to document issues that have occurred.
On April 27, 2021 during a City Council legislative work session, City Council instructed staff to perform soil analysis tests on all three streams (Taylor Run, Strawberry Run, and Lucky Run) using the updated Expert Panel protocol. Council also instructed staff to pause the planned stream restoration projects at Taylor Run and Strawberry Run for further evaluation, but proceed with Lucky Run while the soil analysis occurs. Council also directed staff to evaluate alternatives to natural channel design in coordination with the Environmental Policy Commission (EPC). Finally, Council instructed staff to return as soon as possible with a planned schedule and summary of impacts.
- December 28, 2021 Memo to City Council -- Stream Restoration Update: Soil Sampling Results and Environmental Policy Commission Collaboration
- May 26, 2021 Memo to City Council regarding stream restoration work
- April 27, 2021 work session stream restoration presentation
WSSI Response to Dr. Field’s Analysis (April 16, 2021)
Response to the report entitled An Analysis of the Stream “Restoration” Design for Taylor Run in Alexandria, VA, dated March 2021 prepared by Field Geology Services of Portland, ME. The report provides an incomplete picture of design considerations and is inconsistent in the use of natural channel design (NCD) application and understanding. This memorandum highlights a number of these inconsistencies, in addition to explaining the disadvantages of attempting to apply a restoration approach using only large woody debris.
WSSI Taylor Run Alternatives (February 2, 2021)
Information on existing conditions, site constraints, alternatives analysis, and other planning-level factors that were considered when developing restoration efforts for the Taylor Run stream restoration project. Prior to and during design development, the project team evaluated a wide range of options and approaches. This analysis led to the development of the proposed restoration plans as the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative to reestablishing a stable, ecologically functioning stream and riparian corridor.
Update on Stream Collaboration, 2021
In April 2021, at the direction of City Council, the project was paused to review alternative designs, seek soil sampling, and engage further with the community. This December 28, 2021 memo serves as an update on staff collaboration with EPC based on City Council direction during the April 27, 2021 Legislative Meeting.
City to Host a Community Consensus-Building Community Collaboration on Future of Taylor Run
The City of Alexandria has partnered with the Institute for Engagement & Negotiation (IEN) at the University of Virginia for community engagement pertaining to stream health improvements in Taylor Run and Strawberry Run. Via interviews and small group conversations, IEN has been learning from community members and City staff about their views on possible improvements in these areas. This information will inform a consensus building process spanning August to October, during which time a consensus-built path forward for the two streams will be developed by a stakeholder group and submitted for consideration to City Council. Members of the public, not included in the Consensus Building Group, will have an opportunity to provide input during the process. Please RSVP to the first workshop on Saturday, September 10th to engage with experts and learn more about stream restoration. Final stakeholder recommendations will be captured in a report by IEN.
Update on Community Collaboration, January 2023
The City is continuing the community collaboration on Taylor Run into 2023. A memo was sent to City Council on January 5th, 2023 about the progress of the community collaboration including information on the SLAF grant.
City Council Directs Staff to Move Forward with Consensus Recommendations to Stabilize the Infrastructure and Not Complete the Stream Restoration as Planned
During the June 13, 2023, City Council Legislative Session, Council endorsed the consensus recommendations in of the stakeholder group to stabilize the at-risk critical infrastructure using minimal intervention approach. This approach only targets the critical infrastructure for stabilization and is no longer a stream restoration project.
City Staff Moving Forward with Minimal Intervention Approach to Stabilize Infrastructure
City Staff is beginning the design of the minimal invention approach to stabilize the critical infrastructure as directed by City Council, in lieu of implementing the stream restoration design. The minimal intervention approach endorsed by City Council is the consensus recommendation of the stakeholder group.
Project Resources
- Virtual Site Tour
- NoVA stream restoration projects: Examples of completed stream restoration projects in the northern Virginia area.
- Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. Case Study
- Natural Channel Design Video: Watch Elbow Creek: a Case Study in Natural Channel Design to learn more about natural channel design.
Project Funding
The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) awarded the City a competitive $2,255,000 Stormwater Local Assistance Fund (SLAF) grant for partial funding of this project. Currently, the total estimated project cost is $4.5 million. The SLAF grant program was initiated by the Commonwealth of Virginia to provide financial support to municipalities implementing projects to reduce stormwater pollution as the new Chesapeake Bay TMDL requirements were being passed down through the MS4 permits. In 2022, the City informed VDEQ that there would no longer be a project that would meet requirements of the SLAF grant.
Community Collaboration Series on Stream Health Improvements
The City of Alexandria has partnered with the Institute for Engagement & Negotiation (IEN) at the University of Virginia for community engagement pertaining to stream health improvements in Taylor Run and Strawberry Run. Via interviews and small group conversations, IEN has been learning from community members and City staff about their views on possible improvements in these areas. This information will inform a consensus building process spanning August to December, during which time a consensus-built path forward for the two streams will be developed by a stakeholder group and submitted for consideration to City Council. Members of the public, not included in the Consensus Building Group, will have an opportunity to provide input during the process. Please join to engage with experts and learn more about stream restoration. Final stakeholder recommendations will be captured in a report by IEN.
Past Community Meetings
Taylor Run Stream Restoration Project Onsite Walkthrough - April 12, 2021
T&ES, RPCA, DPI and Wetlands Studies and Solutions, Inc. (the design consultant) hosted an onsite walkthrough of the proposed project to provide community members the opportunity to tour the site in person. Project staff were available to answer questions and discuss restoration goals and efforts in specific areas of interest. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing and face masks were required to help ensure the safety and health of individuals who attend.
Environmental Policy Commission - March 15, 2021
Discussion on alternative methods to accrue required pollution reduction credits.
Public Community Meeting - January 28, 2021
Environmental Policy Commission - December 14, 2020
Park and Recreation Commission - November 19, 2020
Cameron Station Civic Association - November 10, 2020
Public Community Meeting - September 29, 2020
Clover Community College Civic Association - August 13, 2020
Participation in the association meeting in response to invitation that included verbal discussion and highlight of website and upcoming public community meeting.
Seminary Hill Association (Invitation) - February 13, 2020
Response to invitation from the association to discuss early design elements available at the time and continue gathering input from community members.
Public Community Meeting - January 16, 2020
Public meeting to continue discussion design elements based on project team, field work, and community input.
Environmental Policy Commission Meeting (Stormwater Management Program, Including Stream Restorations) - September 30, 2019
Meeting included an update on stream restoration projects, including Taylor Run.
Public Meeting – Phase III Stream Assessment and Potential Stream Restoration Projects - December 5, 2018
Meeting to share outcome of the Phase III Stream Restoration study, prioritization of top two projects (Taylor Run and Strawberry Run) discuss concept ideas and receive input.
Parks and Recreation Commission Meetings (Stream Restorations and Assessment Results) - Sep 2018 and Sep 2019
Meeting to share outcome of the Phase III Stream Restoration study, prioritization of top two projects (Taylor Run and Strawberry Run) discuss concept ideas and receive input from the Commission prior to application for grant funding.
Past Community Feedback
The City welcomes all feedback concerning stream restorations and ways to reduce water pollution and achieve the Chesapeake Bay goals. Due to the great interest in this project, the City created a feedback form for the community to provide their comments which closed Friday, October 23, 2020. Comments received from the public meeting, the feedback form, and received via email will be reviewed and answered by the Taylor Run Stream Restoration Team which includes several City departments (TES, DPI, and RPCA) and Consultants.
Comments and responses are available here and here and a summary of five things you should know about the restoration based on the feedback is here. Based on community feedback, the City works with the Consultants to adjust project plans accordingly. The draft engineering plans are included on this webpage in response to community feedback.
Impact on Trees
The project survey located over 750 trees in the stream corridor within 50-100’ of the proposed project that were noted for size and health. It is estimated that 1,110 – 1,200 trees (6” or greater) are present in the 7.8 acre forested area. Restoration efforts are expected to impact part of the surveyed trees along the stream corridor. The purpose of removing trees is to restore the stream bed and stabilize the banks and for new plantings to take root without disturbance; to remove threats to existing sanitary infrastructure; and to support access and grading activities with the goal to re-use as much timber as possible within the restoration footprint. Of the total trees surveyed, 269 trees are identified in the current plans to be removed. Approximately 22% of the estimated 269 trees to be removed are dead. Of the 269 trees, the vast majority (77%) are small trees (6 - 17"); 20% are medium size (18 - 30"); and 6 trees are considered large (>30"). Furthermore, bulldozing the trees slated for removal is not an option. Most of the trees will be removed by climbing the tree and removing individual branches by a tree removal expert in order to avoid damaging adjacent trees.
Re-planting of healthy native vegetation such as trees and shrubs is a critical component to the success of a stream restoration. The City anticipates re-planting 2,280 trees for this stream restoration including oaks, maples, dogwoods, and sycamores. An additional 7,200 shrubs are expected to be planted which include buttonbush, winterberry, and spicebush. Along with a warranty period for the re-planting material, as part of the project team, RPCA Natural Resources Division will be the main staff to ensure that invasive species are kept at bay during the establishment period for the new plantings.
Preventing Impact on Wetlands
The City is committed to avoiding impacts on nearby environmentally sensitive wetlands during construction activities. The process of planning a stream restoration includes several environmental field surveys of the site. Of note, the City is required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to identify, delineate, and classify both wetlands and waters of the U.S. that could be either regulated or non-regulated. Nine natural resources were delineated within the study area, consisting of one palustrine emergent wetland, two palustrine forested wetlands, six ephemeral channels, two intermittent channels, and one perennial stream. This delineation process identified two regulated wetland areas and the City is committed to avoiding impacts to environmentally sensitive and ecologically important resources, such as the acid seepage wetland. A major finding from the environmental field survey for Taylor Run was the existence of this "regionally significant" acid seepage wetland which is the only known example within the city limits. Earlier iterations of the draft natural channel design plan showed a ‘trail bypass’ through the wetlands in an effort to meet comments to keep the heritage trail open during construction. However, the 2021 draft natural channel design plan was revised to remove the ‘trail bypass’ out of the wetlands. The 2021 draft natural channel design plan set linked below reflect this change that alters the project area boundary away from all wetlands, leaving the wetlands undisturbed by this project.
2021 Draft Natural Channel Design Planset
Note: All plans included on this webpage are not for construction purposes and should be considered as a "draft".
Redesigned Plans: In early 2021, in response to community feedback received (including feedback from the 'small expert group'), the City, in coordination with its consulting team, redesigned the original plans (95.9 MB) to preserve a stand of mature trees and avoid impacts to the 44" co-champion maple tree identified by the 'small expert group'. The redesigned plans also show the work occurring further from the acidic seepage swamp. Please note these plans include the updated portion of the Original Plans. The complete draft engineering plans are available below.
- Cover Sheet and General Notes
- Overall Site Plan
- Existing Conditions Plan
- Grading Plans
- Long Profiles
- Manhole Relocation
- Cross Sections
- Tree Save Plan (with Updated Tree List)
- Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
- Planting Plans
Original Plans: In response to community feedback, the City provided the draft engineering plans for the Taylor Run stream restoration project. Files are broken out below, but some information might seem compressed.
- Cover Sheet and General Notes (G-01 and G-02)
- Overall Site Plan (O-01)
- Existing Conditions Plan (EX-01 through EX-05)
- Grading Plan (GP-01 through GP-05)
- Longitudinal Profile (LP-01 through LP-04)
- Manhole Relocation Plan (MHP-01)
- Cross Sections (CS-01 through CS-06)
- Tree Save Plan (TS-01 through TS-05)
- Tree List (TL-01 through TL-04)
- Grading Notes (GN-01)
- Planting Plan (PP-01 through PP-05)
- Vegetation Schedule (VS-01 and VS-02)
- Planting Notes and Details (PN-01)
- Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Phase I and Phase II, Details, and Narrative (ESC-01 through ESC-13)
- Sediment Sizing (SS-01)
- Construction Details (DET-01 through DET-04)
- Manhole Relocation Details (MHD-01 and MHD-02)
- Geometry Plan (GEO-01 through GEO-04)
- Structure Stakeout (STR-01)
- Historic Maps and Aerials (H-01 and H-02)
- Watershed Data (WD-01)
- Hydrologic Model Data (HD-01)
- Design Narrative (DN-01)
- Design Curves (DC-01)
- Reference Reach (RR-01)
- 100 Year Floodplain Analysis (FPL-01 through FPL-08)
- Water Quality Impact Assessment (WQA-01)
- General Correspondence (GEN-01)
The Stormwater Management Team