New Construction Inspection Unit
**Inspections should be scheduled through the City's new land use management system customer service portal, APEX. Click on the icon below to get started.**

Multiple project specific inspection programs are available to assist customers: Traditional, Third-party and Special-inspections.
Scheduling Inspections
- Check the status of a permit (application and inspections) - Please have either the project address or permit number available to view a permit plan review status or an issued permit's inspection history.
- How To Schedule An Inspection Through APEX
Have a question or concern regarding any New Construction related inspection? Contact one of the new construction managers.
- For building or electrical questions please email
- For mechanical, gas, or plumbing inspections please email
- For special inspections or third-party inspections please email
- Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Minimum Required Inspections (per USBC):
- Inspection of footing excavations and reinforcement material (steel reinforcement) for concrete footings prior to placement of concrete
- Inspection of foundation systems during phases of construction necessary to assure compliance with the Virginia USBC
- Inspection of preparatory work prior to placement of concrete
- Inspection of structural members and fasteners prior to concealment
- Inspection of electrical, mechanical (HVAC) and plumbing materials, equipment and systems prior to concealment
- Inspection of energy conservation materials (insulation) prior to concealment
- Final inspection (once all work is complete)
- The permit holder/property owner is responsible for requesting all required inspections
- Each issued permit must receive an approved final inspection
- Third-party inspections are not permitted, unless approved by the building official prior to permit issuance
- Photographs taken prior to concealing the work will not be an accepted alternative to the above required inspections
Procedures for a Successful Inspection
1. Verify your scheduled inspection
- Daily Inspection Viewer
- Verify the inspection type and date scheduled
- Name and phone number of the assigned inspector
- Inspection results
- Permit Tracker
- View permit history, including scheduled inspections
Note: this is not 'real-time' and some information may not be indicated
2. Coordinate scheduled inspection time-frames
3. Provide the required minimum inspection documents at the project location:
- Approved plans
- Posted construction address
- Posted permits
Obtaining Inspection Results
Third-Party Inspection Program
Third-party inspections are minimum inspections required by the USBC, Refer to Minimum Required Inspections (per USBC), but as an alternative to city inspectors conducted by an approved third-party inspector(s) acting as the building official's agent. Qualified third-party agent(s) must submit sufficient documentation, prior to permit issuance, demonstrating each inspector's competence and qualifications in each intended construction discipline. The building official reviews and approves agents on a discretionary basis.
Special Inspection Program
Special Inspections are inspections required by the current edition of the VCC, sec. 1704 "Special Inspections". These inspections require special competence, qualifications and expertise in a specific construction discipline (examples: steel welded connections, post-tensioned concrete, approved proprietary systems). Prior to permit issuance, Qualified special inspector(s) must submit sufficient documentation (Statement of Special Inspections and Inspector(s) qualification resume(s), demonstrating each inspector's competence and qualifications in each intended construction or operation discipline. The building official reviews and approves agents on a discretionary basis.