Maintenance Code Division

The Maintenance Code Division assist in maintaining a safe, healthy and livable quality of life by maintaining the City's housing stock through the administration of the Virginia Maintenance Code and local ordinances. These regulations and ordinances regulate structural soundness, minimum facilities, building maintenance, heating and cooling requirements, life safety, trash and debris, inoperable vehicles, tall grass and weeds, rodents, insect infestation and structural deficiencies. Inspections are conducted by staff throughout the City on a pro-active and complaint basis. Refer to the Nuisance Complaint Matrix for city departments responsible for specific type of complaints.
- Address: 301 King Street, Room 4200; Alexandria, VA 22314 (Alexandria City Hall, 4th floor)
- Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. (except holidays).
- To file a complaint, call 311 or 703.746.4311
- Contact the Maintenance Code Team online.
- 24-Hour Nuisance Abatement Hotline: 703.746.4311 (Report nuisance concerns, such as illegal dumping, hoarding, overcrowding, rodent problems, and fire safety violations.)
- Report Graffiti here.
The Maintenance Code Division Programs
Proactive Inspection Program: Code Administration strives to enhance the quality of life for the citizens of the city of Alexandria through proactive inspections, surveys, and comprehensive investigations of possible code violations. These inspections are performed to ensure that properties meet the minimum standards of the Virginia Maintenance Code and the Code of Ordinances of the City. Inspectors combine enhanced customer service skills, education and outreach to assist citizens with code compliance solutions.
- Hoarding Task Force: An interagency team whose mission is to coordinate all City actions related to severe hoarding cases in the City of Alexandria .The Task Force must balance the rights of the individuals against the safety of the community in developing strategies to deal with hoarding cases and ensure consistency in approaches among all entities involved in each individual case.
- Vacant Building Registration Program: This program tracks structures that have been unoccupied for a period in excess of a year that are not in violation of Code. Data is collected about the property owners and vacant properties must meet minimum exterior structural standards to avoid nuisance issues. Staff conducts inspections throughout the year to ensure that the buildings are maintain in a safe condition.
- Vacant Building Registration Application
- Residential Rental Inspection Program: The Maintenance Code Team conducts annual inspections of rental properties. The inspection identifies possible violations of the Virginia Maintenance Code for exterior and interior conditions of rental structures. The goal of the program is to ensure that property managers maintain rental units to the minimum standards of Code as defined in the Virginia Maintenance Code and City Code Article G-1 Residential Rental Inspection Districts and Section 8-1-110.
- Residential Rental Inspections FAQ Sheet
- Unfit Property Program: The Maintenance Code Team tracks properties that have been declared unfit for human habitation. These properties are monitored for progress in correcting cited conditions to return the housing stock to the minimum standards established by Code.
- Uniform StateWide Building Code Part III: The Maintenance Code Team enforces the Uniform State Wide Building Code which provides minimum standards that all buildings and structures are to be maintained.
- Alexandria City Code Nuisance Provisions: The Maintenance Code Team, in conjunction with the Department of Transportation and Environmental Service, Planning and Zoning, Alexandria Police Department, Alexandria Health Department, and Alexandria Fire Department - Fire Prevention and Life Safety Section enforce various provisions of the Code of the City of Alexandria relating to general nuisances.
- These can be reported online.
- Improper waste disposal requirements
- Solid waste collection requirements
- Solid waste containers requirements
- Solid waste collection requirements
- Private solid waste removal requirements
- General Nuisance
- Garbage
- Tall Grass and Weeds
- Noise
- General Nuisance
- Rats
- Derelict Buildings
- Spot Blight
- Rental Inspection Program
- Vacant Building Registration
- Inoperable motor vehicles on private property
- Trees
- Virginia Health Department Lead Programs
- Bed Bug Information
- The Virginia Landlord and Tenant Act is not enforced by Code Administration. However, click here for information about this important Virginia law.
- Virginia Maintenance Code Appeals
- Appeal Instructions