Alexandria Council of Human Service Organizations
Alexandria Council of Human Service Organizations

Created in 2006, ACHSO brings together high-level City and nonprofit organizations and their leaders for benefit of the larger Alexandria community. ACHSO provides a forum to network, share best practices, build relationships and leverage resources. From assessing the community needs to present-day collaborative efforts to strengthen the human services network in the city, ACHSO has been a leading force in creating an innovative and integrated human services approach for our community.
The Council meets on a quarterly basis around a topic of mutual interest and important for the organizations and agencies in membership. Working together, ACHSO seeks to expand existing resources and develop new services for those most in need in the city. Working to deliver a “one vision and one voice” approach, ACHSO has, in relatively short time, made a difference in the delivery of services to others in the community.
Statement of Purpose
To improve human services through cross sector collaboration to benefit the entire Alexandria Community resulting in an innovative and integrated human services model.
Upcoming Meetings
Coming soon!
Contact Marion Brunken at for information.
Become an ACHSO member today!
- Join ACHSO along with a network of more than 60 human-service agencies. Download and fill out the ACHSO Membership Form.
Presentations & Other Resources
Finance 101 Workshop- An overview of non-profit financial operations including accountability, liability, non-compliance penalties, audits vs. reviews vs. compilations.
- Finance 101: Alexandria Fund For Human Service, Debra Collins
- Finance 101: Audits at a Glance, Lindsay Sollers
- Preserving Your Tax-Exempt Status, Robert Weil
Other Presentations
Reports & Publications
2021 - Alexandria Children and Youth Community Plan
This Plan establishes long-term, community-wide priorities for youth as well as the specific action steps necessary to realize those priorities. The goals of the Plan are to ensure that all children and youth are healthy and safe, academically and vocationally prepared, and socially and civically connected.
A National Imperative - Joining Forces to Strengthen Human Services in America
The Financial Health of the US Nonprofit Sector
2016 – Member Survey Quarterly Report/Fundraising
With the goal to strengthen Alexandria nonprofits through shared knowledge, four times yearly ACHSO surveys its members regarding issues of interest to nonprofit organizations, their staffs, clients, and stakeholders. This is a summary report on the fundraising.
2015 – Needs Assessment of the Alexandria Human Services System – Volume 2
The Alexandria Council of Human Services Organizations (ACHSO) commissioned a follow-up report to the 2008 needs assessment of Alexandria's human service system.
2014 – Return on Investment: Alexandria Nonprofit Impact Report
The Alexandria Council of Human Services Organizations (ACHSO) commissioned a study of the social and economic impact of nonprofits in the City of Alexandria.