Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Management Plan
Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Management Plan
In January 2015 City Council adopted the Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Management Plan to provide a strategic long range plan for management and operation of the historic area and park site. The plan was developed after several years of community engagement with many stakeholder groups, including the Ad Hoc Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Stakeholder Advisory Group and later, the Fort Ward Park Implementation Monitoring Group.
Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Management Plan Goals
- Goal 1 - Management and Funding
The City of Alexandria will support a broad array of users and uses by collaboratively managing the park and equitably investing in the Fort Ward Park and Museum Area as compared with other regional city parks and facilities - Goal 2 - Park Character: Preserve, Protect, Repair and Maintain Resources
The City of Alexandria, working with its boards and commissions, volunteers and park neighbors, will work to protect and maintain the nationally significant historic and cultural resources and locally significant natural resources found within Fort Ward Park. - Goal 3 - Landscape Cultural Practices
The City of Alexandria will adopt appropriate and coordinated landscape management practices - Goal 4 - Educate and Engage Visitors : Share the Stories of Fort Ward Park
The City of Alexandria will increase and broaden the audience in support of the park's preservation and enhancement by providing a high quality interpretive and educational experience. - Goal 5 - Enhance Park Facilities
The City of Alexandria will satisfy the growing need for passive recreational enjoyment of a shady, natural oasis from an increasingly complex urban environment.
What's Happening at Fort Ward

Playground Accessibility Project
In spring of 2023 DRPCA and OHA/Archaeology completed the study and community engagement to improve playground accessibility. Staff are proceeding with design and permitting for Option B, moving the playground to the top of the hill. Community engagement was completed in June 26, 2024. See Implementation Projects for latest project updates.

Fall 2024 Tree Planting
New tree plantings in the forest conservation area were planted in October/November 2024. To support biodiversity, native tree species include mockernut hickory, fringe tree, flowering dogwood, persimmon, post oak, blackhaw viburnum, river birch, black cherry, and sweet crab apple.
Community Engagement
Fort Ward Playground Virtual Community Meeting #7
Fort Ward Playground Virtual Community Meeting #7
Virtual Meeting, June 26, 2024 at 7 p.m.
City of Alexandria community members are invited to attend an upcoming meeting to receive updates on the Fort Ward Park Playground relocation as determined through community and stakeholder engagement that began in 2022. The relocation of the playground supports objectives of the approved Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Management Plan to enhance park accessibility and meet ADA standards. During this meeting, staff will provide updates on the design development process to move the existing playground uphill from its current location, and there will be a portion for Q&A from participants.
Fort Ward Playground Virtual Community Meeting #6 & Community Open House
Fort Ward Playground Virtual Community Meeting #6 & Community Open House
Virtual Meeting, December 6, 2023 at 7 p.m.
Community Open House, December 16, 2023 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.; Chinquapin Park Recreation Center & Aquatics Facility, 3210 King Street
Staff will provide updates on the playground accessibility design process. The last community meeting was held on May 11, 2023, where staff presented the final playground location. To improve access to the playground, the playground will be moving to the top of the hill from its current location. Attendees may attend the virtual meeting or open house to learn more about the playground design process.
Fort Community Cemetery & Burial Sites Virtual Community Meeting
Fort Community Cemetery & Burial Sites Virtual Community Meeting
October 11, 2023 at 7 p.m.
City staff will hold a community informational meeting about the installation of permanent fencing around the Park's Fort community burial sites and cemeteries. During the meeting staff will review the scope of work to be performed, including the selected fencing style, and the layout of fencing that will be used to demarcate the Old Grave Yard, the Adams burial plot, the Clark burial site, and the Jackson Cemetery. The meeting will convene at the Museum parking lot for a walk to each of the four burial sites. The Beitzell Fence Company, based in Gainesville, Virginia, was awarded the project. Staff from the Office of Historic Alexandria, including a City archaeologist, will be on-site to monitor the installation work.
Fort Community Cemetery & Burial Sites Community Meeting
Fort Community Cemetery & Burial Sites Community Meeting
September 16, 2023 at 10 a.m.
4301 West Braddock Road; meet at Museum Parking Lot
City staff will hold a community informational meeting about the installation of permanent fencing around the Park's Fort community burial sites and cemeteries. During the meeting staff will review the scope of work to be performed, including the selected fencing style, and the layout of fencing that will be used to demarcate the Old Grave Yard, the Adams burial plot, the Clark burial site, and the Jackson Cemetery. The meeting will convene at the Museum parking lot for a walk to each of the four burial sites. The Beitzell Fence Company, based in Gainesville, Virginia, was awarded the project. Installation is scheduled to take place the last week of September. Staff from the Office of Historic Alexandria, including a City archaeologist, will be on-site to monitor the installation work. To RSVP, contact Susan Cumbey, Attendees may choose to drive or walk to each location. City provided transportation between burial sites will be available upon request by submitting your request to Susan Cumbey by September 15 at 12 p.m.
Playground Virtual Community Meeting #5
Playground Virtual Community Meeting #5
May 11, 2023 at 7 p.m.
The community is invited to attend a virtual community meeting about two potential locations (Sites B and D) for relocating the existing playground to a more accessible location in the park. The meeting recording will be available the day after the meeting. Persons unable to attend the virtual meeting may provide feedback to the project manager at:
Playground Community Open House
Playground Community Open House
March 4 and 11, 2023 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
St. Stephens and St. Agnes Middle School, 4401 West Braddock Road
The community is invited to attend open houses about two potential locations (Sites B and D) for relocating the existing playground to a more accessible location in the park. Anyone may stop by to view display boards. Handouts and reports will be available. Persons unable to attend the open house may provide feedback to the project manager at: or on the community comment form
- Playground Relocation Concept Study
- Appendix: Preliminary Archaeological Assessment Option B and D
- Community Comment Form ; provide comments by March 31, 2023
Playground Virtual Community Meeting #4
Playground Virtual Community Meeting #4
February 22, 2023 at 7 p.m.
The community is invited to attend a virtual community meeting about two potential locations (Sites B and D) for relocating the existing playground to a more accessible location in the park. The meeting recording will be available the day after the meeting. Persons unable to attend the virtual meeting may provide feedback to the project manager at: or on the community comment form.
Fort Ward Park Meadow Restoration Community Meeting
Fort Ward Park Meadow Restoration Community Meeting
November 19, 2022 at 10 a.m.
Join staff from the Department of Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities and Natural Resources Division to learn about meadow restoration in Fort Ward Park. The meeting will convene at the Braddock Road parking lot and will include a walking tour of the meadow area. Staff will discuss the process to restore the meadow and to re-establish its boundaries. The process will involve identifying vegetation that will be saved including trees which may be significant to the Fort community. Restoration efforts will occur over several seasons.
Playground Virtual Community Meeting
Playground Virtual Community Meeting
June 22, 2022 at 7 p.m.
The community is invited to attend a virtual community meeting to review options for improving accessibility to the Fort Ward Park Playground. The presentation will include options looked at during the May 21 Community Site Walk. Comments about the proposed playground sites will continue to be accepted. Comments may be sent to:
- Fort Ward Playground Options
- Fort Ward Playground Site Matrix
- Meeting Presentation
- Virtual Meeting Recording
- Virtual Meeting Chat Transcript
- Fort Ward Video - Site A
- Fort Ward Video - Site B
- Fort Ward Video - Site C (We are working to fix the video, which is upside down.)
- Fort Ward Video - Site D
- Fort Ward Video - Site E
Playground Community Meeting
Playground Community Meeting
May 21, 2022 at 10 a.m.
Community meeting: The community is invited to attend a site walk with City staff to review options for improving accessibility to the Fort Ward Park playground. The meeting will be held on Saturday, May 21, at 10 a.m. at Fort Ward Park, 4301 West Braddock Road.
Pre-Construction Meeting for the Fort Ward Park Picnic Shelter Accessibility Improvements
Pre-Construction Meeting for the Fort Ward Park Picnic Shelter Accessibility Improvements
Saturday, April 9, 2022 at 10 a.m.
March 31, 2022 Community Announcement
The public is invited to attend a Community Pre-Construction Meeting about upcoming construction of the Fort Ward Park Picnic Shelter Accessibility Improvements. The meeting will be held on Saturday, April 9, at 10 a.m. at Fort Ward Park, 4301 West Braddock Road. The meeting will convene at the picnic shelter parking lot (Area 2). City staff will provide information about the project construction and archaeological monitoring. Construction activities are scheduled from April 26–September 15, 2022.
Online Community Meeting About Fort Ward Park Projects
Online Community Meeting about Fort Ward Park Projects
Monday, January 24, 2022 from 7-9 p.m.
The meeting will provide an opportunity for the community to learn about projects and initiatives recommended in the Fort Ward Park & Museum Area Management Plan and the Fort Ward Interpretative Plan.
Management Plan and Other Documents
Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Management Plan (adopted 2015)
- Section I Summary Report
- Section II - Chapters 1-5
- Section II - Best Practices
- Section II - Implementation
- Section II - Plates (Maps)
- Section II - Earthworks
- Section II - Bibliography
- Appendix - Drainage
- Appendix - OHA
- Appendix - History
- Appendix - MOU
- Approved Ground Disturbance Public Notification Protocol
- Revised Fort Ward Park Drainage Master Plan
Interpretive Plan (final concept design 2019)

The goal of this project is to expand interpretation in Fort Ward Park to include the full range of its history, especially including the African American experience and the post-Civil War Fort community. Fort Ward's Civil War history will remain a core theme, but new elements will explore the legacy of that pivotal era.
The City of Alexandria has retained the firm of Design Minds of Fairfax, Virginia to prepare a Master Interpretive Plan for Fort Ward Park. The public is invited to attend meetings of the Fort Ward Interpretive Committee which are announced on the Calendar of Events for the City and the Office of Historic Alexandria.
- Fort Ward Final Concept Design, April 23, 2019
- Fort Ward Interpretive Text, April 23, 2019
- Fort Ward Interpretive Mobile Web Design, April 23, 2019
- Fort Ward Draft Interpretive Plan, September 13, 2018
- Fort Ward Draft Design Package, September 13, 2018
Finding The Fort: A History of an African American Neighborhood (2017)
Finding The Fort: A History of an African American Neighborhood in Northern Virginia, 1860s-1960s, By Krystyn R. Moon, 2014 (Revised 2017)
Archaeological Investigations of The Fort (2009-2014)
Excavation of Civil War features at Fort Ward took place in 1961 and 1991 (see below). Contemporary interest in the historical significance of Fort Ward Park as a whole and its African American history, as well as a desire to preserve its cultural resources, led to a third archaeological investigation, beginning in 2009. First the City carried out a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey to identify unmarked graves and then fieldwork, completed in January 2011—fifty years after the first study—confirmed the presence of many burials. Additional research and family memories chronicle how the Fort neighborhood was lost in the process of the City’s efforts to purchase the land and create the historical park. The 2011 archaeological study documented 22 graves, 19 of which were unmarked, in the Jackson Cemetery on the west side of the fort, the Old Grave Yard adjoining the Oakland Baptist Cemetery, and in the eastern portion of the Park (Adams’ graves). Also discovered were foundations and artifacts associated with one of the earliest households at The Fort—Burr and Harriet Shorts—and an African American school. A cultural resource inventory is also a part of Stage 1.
The City Council approved funding for 2011–2012 Stage 2 to generate a history report, conduct test excavations across the Park to identify sensitive resource areas, and update the cultural resource inventory in preparation for planning activities. Learn more about the latest excavations below.
- Draft Inventory of Historical Resources: Fort Ward Park, City of Alexandria, September 10, 2009
- Report on Ground-Penetrating Radar Surveys: Possible Cemeteries Within Fort Ward Historical Park, Alexandria, Virginia. Sarah Lowry, October 19-20, 2009
- Fort Ward Processes and Timelines, Letter from City of Alexandria to Ad Hoc Stakeholders Advisory Group, December 22, 2010
- Fort Ward Documentary Study and Archaeological Investigation, Alexandria Archaeology, Status Update, December 8, 2010
- Initial Recommendations for Archaeology and History at Fort Ward Park, Alexandria Archaeology, January 2011
- Recommendations for the Management of Fort Ward Historical Park and Museum Area, Ad Hoc Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Stakeholders Advisory Group for the City of Alexandria, Virginia, January 2011.
- Archaeological Investigations at Fort Ward Historical Park, Alexandria, Virginia, 2010–2011, PowerPoint Presentation, Tom Bodor, The Ottery Group, February 5, 2011
- Archaeological Investigation of Fort Ward/"The Fort" 1961-2011, PowerPoint Presentation, Alexandria Archaeology, October 12, 2011
- Fort Ward Stage 1 Archaeology Survey and Stage 2A Archaeology related to Interim Drainage Project, Alexandria Archaeology, March 2012
- Fort Ward Stage 2 Archaeology Update, Alexandria Archaeology, April 4, 2012
- Update on Stage 2 Archaeological Survey of Fort Ward Park, Alexandria Archaeology, April 24, 2012
- Archaeology Work, Photos, August 24, 2012
- Fort Ward Stage 2 Progress Report, September 11, 2012
- Fort Ward Preliminary Shovel Test Map, September 12, 2012
- Fort Ward Preliminary Civil War Archaeology Resource Map, September 11, 2012
- Fort Ward Stage I and IIA Excavations for Grave Identification, September 12, 2012
- Management Summary for Archaeological Excavations at the Javins Homestead Fort Ward Park, Excavations 2012-203, published 2022
Maps of Cemeteries and Graves (2010-2012)

The following are maps of the archaeological investigations that took place in 2010 and 2012:
Overlay Maps
- Grave Investigation Areas in Fort Ward Park, 2010-2012 (overview map)
- Results of Grave Investigations in Fort Ward Park, 2010-2012 (overview map)
Maps of Grave Investigation Areas (2010-2012)
About Fort Ward
Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Interagency Activity
In accordance with the Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Management Plan and an interdepartmental MOU adopted in 2018, representatives from City departments that are responsible for managing Park operations have met quarterly to discuss issues and coordinate projects related to management of the Park’s grounds, facilities and historic areas. These departments are: Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities (RPCA); the Office of Historic Alexandria (OHA); Department of General Services (DGS); and Transportation and Environmental Services (TES).
Fort Ward Interagency Annual Report for FY 2020
Fort Ward Park Management Plan Implementation Projects
Fort Ward Accessibility Improvements
These projects are intended to improve accessibility throughout the park and provide compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Projects are consistent with the Fort Ward Management Plan recommendations. An overview of these projects was presented at the December 11, 2019 Capital Projects meeting. For additional information, contact the project manager, Judy Lo, Park Planning, 703.746.5490,
Fort Ward Playground Access Improvements
This current playground location in Area 1 is situated at the bottom of a steep hill with poor drainage. Improvements will include new picnic tables and benches, new swings, a water fountain, natural play equipment, and plantings.
Revised Project Schedule:
- Design: 2023
- Regulatory Permitting: 2023 - 2025
- Procurement: 2025
- Construction Start: 2025
Design Documents:
Community Updates
- June 2020: The community is invited to provide feedback on the new playground design. View a recorded presentation to learn more about the design. Submit comments and questions by June 26, 2020. Responses will be posted in July.
- August 2020: Responses to feedback regarding the June 15 recorded presentation are now available. The design team will continue to refine the design in response to comments.
- January 2022-December 2022: In response to community feedback about the 2020 playground proposal, staff are now studying new options for playground accessibility. Community engagement activities are planned in 2022 to solicit community feedback.
- February 2023: Community engagement is scheduled in February and March regarding two potential playground locations.
- April 2023: Community engagement is scheduled in May about the two potential playground locations.
- October 2023: At the May 11 community meeting, staff presented the final playground location as Option B, moving the playground to the top of the hill. The consultant, Lardner/Klein Landscape Architects has been hired and will prepare the playground plans. Site survey, tree inventory, and geotechnical investigation will be scheduled throughout October and November. Any ground disturbing activity will follow ground disturbance protocols. A community meeting and open house are planned for November to provide updates on the design development process.
- November 2023: The site survey and tree inventory were completed and geotechnical investigation will be scheduled in December. Any ground-disturbing activity will follow ground disturbance protocols. Community engagement is planned in December to provide updates on the design development process.
- June 2024: Community engagement is planned for June 26 to provide updates on the playground design development process.
- October 2024: Staff are coordinating work to advance the playground design to 90% construction documents. A new consultant will be hired to complete the construction documents.
- November 2024: A new consultant, Gordon, has been retained to complete the construction documents needed for permit approvals. Geotechnical testing will be scheduled in December/January, following the Fort Ward ground disturbance protocols.
- December 2024: Notice to Proceed was issued to Gordon. Gordon will complete supplemental field and tree surveying in December/January, followed by geotechnical investigations, in accordance with Fort Ward Ground disturbance protocols. The June 2024 schematic design will be further refined based on engineering and additional site data.
Fort Ward Picnic Shelter Accessible Pathway
This project will provide an accessible pedestrian pathway connecting the picnic shelter to accessible parking located in Area 2. The new path will extend to Van Dorn Street and improve access from the north side of the park. As part of the stormwater management requirements, the path will be constructed with permeable pavers. Twenty trees will also be planted in the 'Woodlands Area,' located east of the picnic shelter (shown on Plate 20 of the Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Management Plan) to comply with stormwater management requirements.
Project Schedule:
- Regulatory Permitting: Spring/Summer 2020
- Procurement: Fall 2020-Spring 2021
- Construction: April 2022-December 2022
- Closeout: January 2023-May 2023
- Project is substantially complete. The pathway and picnic area re-opened May 2023.
Design Documents:
Community Updates
- June 2020: Construction is anticipated to begin fall 2020 and will take several weeks to complete. The picnic shelter will be closed during construction.
- August 2020: Permit plans were approved in August and the procurement process has commenced.
- February 2021: Procurement is underway and a construction contract will be awarded this spring.
- April 2022: A Community Pre-Construction meeting was held on April 9. Construction commenced on April 26.
- April 2022: The Management Summary of the Javins site is available here. New South Associates will be monitoring the site to identify, assess and record buried deposits uncovered during construction. A final monitoring report will completed after construction.
- May 2022: The contractor, Sagres Construction, Inc. has mobilized and completed installation of tree protection measures, and erosion and sediment controls. The first segment of the permeable paver drainage system will be constructed starting from Van Dorn Street.
- August 2022: The project is 80% complete. The permeable pathway has been installed. The handrails for the ramp, and parking/road paving will be completed this fall.
- November 2022: Roadwork and paving for the ADA parking spaces will occur November 7–10. Archaeologists from New South Associates will be on-site during construction to monitor excavation of the roadway. The road will be closed to vehicles from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. but will remain open to pedestrians during that time. A report of all archaeological monitoring completed during the construction of the project will be available soon.
- February 2023: Due to temperature constraints, some work has been postponed. Work will continue this winter and early spring to install the handrails at the Van Dorn Street ramp, renovate the stairwell at the picnic shelter, and stripe the ADA parking spaces. A summary of the archaeological monitoring conducted by New South Associates is now complete.
- April 2023: The contractor has completed the ADA parking space striping. Handrails and support footings have also been installed at the Van Dorn St. entrance ramp and the stairwell to the picnic shelter, and will be finished in April. Installation of grills near the picnic shelter will be installed the first week of April, with Alexandria Archaeology monitoring the work. A summary of archaeological monitoring for the accessible pathway is complete.
- October 2023: A forest conservation area will be established south of the picnic shelter area, across the drainage channel. This area is currently marked with conservation signage. In mid-October Dominion Surveyors will stake and flag the perimeters of the conservation area to facilitate the planting of up to 25 native trees within the area. The conservation area fulfills stormwater management requirements for picnic shelter pathway.
- October 2024: The forest conservation planting plan was completed this past summer. Bidding and procurement are completed and trees are scheduled for installation this October/November. A two-year watering contract is included to ensure tree establishment. To support biodiversity, native tree species include mockernut hickory, fringe tree, flowering dogwood, persimmon, post oak, blackhaw viburnum, river birch, black cherry, and sweet crab apple. Ground disturbing activities will be monitored by Alexandria Archaeology.
- December 2024: Trees were planted inside of the Forest Conservation this past November. Alexandria Archaeology monitored the installation. A two-year watering contract is included to ensure tree establishment. Native tree species include mockernut hickory, fringe tree, flowering dogwood, persimmon, post oak, blackhaw viburnum, river birch, black cherry, and sweet crab apple. Cleaning and restoration of the permeable pavers along the accessible pathway will be scheduled in the coming months, weather permitting.
Fort Ward Accessible Parking Improvements
This project will provide ADA parking spaces in each vehicular parking area. Work will include re-paving, re-striping, and signage.
Project Schedule:
- Design: Fall 2022
- Construction: 2025
Design Documents
- This map shows the general locations of the ADA parking spaces.
- Final ADA Parking Design - Museum and Front Entrance
Community Updates
- February 2023: Test pits were taken in early February in the Museum parking lot and front entrance gravel lot, to determine the depth of existing depth of gravel and subbase material.
- April 2023: Consultant are working on the 90% and 100% design plans for the ADA parking spaces
- October 2023: Adtek Engineers submitted 100% design plans for the front gravel parking lot and the museum parking lot. The design includes new asphalt ADA parking spaces for each parking area. The drainage issues occurring at the apron of the gravel parking lot will be addressed with a new swale and small drain pipe. Staff are obtaining cost proposals and work is expected to begin late fall, weather permitting.
- October 2024: Updated cost proposals are being obtained. Work will be phased in 2025. The first phase will address the front gravel parking lot. All ground disturbing activity will be monitored by Alexandria Archaeology.
- December 2024: The purchase order was approved. Work will be scheduled in 2025 weather permitting. All ground disturbing activity will be monitored by Alexandria Archaeology.
Fort Ward Park Management Plan Implementation Activity & Public Notices (2015-2020)
Soil Testing and Surveying scheduled for February
Weather permitting, City contractors will be conducting geotechnical soil borings and land surveying at Fort Ward Park during the month of February. The work will occur in Picnic Area 2 (picnic shelter) and Picnic Area 5, and take 1-2 days to complete. Alexandria Archaeology has reviewed and approved the test areas. For more information contact Judy Lo, Park Planning at 703.746.5490.
City of Alexandria to Host Community Meeting Regarding Upcoming Capital Projects in Fort Ward Park
The Department of Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities and the Office of Historic Alexandria will host a community meeting regarding Fort Ward Park on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the St. Stephens St. Agnes Middle School, 4401 West Braddock Road.
The meeting will be an opportunity for the community to learn about upcoming 2020 capital projects related to implementation of the Fort Ward Park & Museum Area Management Plan and the Fort Ward Interpretative Plan. For more information, contact Judy Lo, Park Planning Division, at or 703.746.5490.
December 11, 2019 Meeting Presentation
December 11, 2019 Meeting Summary
Stump Removal to begin Week of January 25, 2016 - January 14, 2016
Tree pruning and removal work began at the Park in late December. As this work continues, we will begin to grind the stumps left from these maintenance activities, as well as other stumps that remain from trees lost during previous snow and other severe weather events. Stump grinding activities will be governed by the Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Management Plan, which identifies areas where minimal ground disturbing activities, including stump grinding is permitted, and approved by the Office of Historic Alexandria. Where required, OHA archaeological staff will be onsite to observe the stump grinding operations. Approximately one hundred stumps from current and previous tree removal operations have been identified. Stumps located in sensitive historical and archaeological sites will be left in place. The work will proceed as weather and ground conditions permit.
Picnic Furniture & ADA Improvements to begin week of June 13, 2016 - June 9, 2016
The Department of Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities will begin replacement of picnic furniture and the installation of other ADA enhancements consistent with the Fort Ward Park & Museum Area Management Plan recommendations. Picnic areas and other park amenities will remain usable throughout the improvement activities. Weather permitting, improvement activities will be completed during the week of July 4, 2016. For additional information, contact Chris Watson, Park Manager, at
Tree Maintenance Work to begin in Fort Ward Park and Museum Area week of December 26 - December 15, 2015
The City of Alexandria will begin the seasonal tree maintenance in Fort Ward Park and Museum Area beginning the week of December 26, 2015 and will continue through January 2016 subject to the weather conditions. The work includes structural and deadwood pruning of fifty-two trees, removal of forty-two dead or diseased trees throughout the park and grinding of remaining tree stumps.
Fort Ward Park Implementation Monitoring Group Meetings (2015-2017)
In May 2015 City Council passed a resolution to establish an Ad Hoc Fort Ward Management Plan Implementation Monitoring Group (Monitoring Group). The Monitoring Group met from September 2015 to July 2017. City Staff will continue community engagement and encourages input with the Management Plan as well as the Fort Ward Museum & Historic Site Interpretive Planning project. Please visit the Historic Alexandria web page for more information regarding the Fort Ward Interpretive Plan Committee.
September 9, 2015: Beatley Library Meeting Room, 5005 Duke St. at 6:30 p.m.
November 12, 2015: Minnie Howard Library/Media Center, 3801 W. Braddock Rd. at 6:30 a.m.
January 21, 2016: Beatley Library Meeting Room, 5005 Duke St. at 6:30 p.m.
March 30, 2016: St. Stephens & St. Agnes School Library, 4401 West Braddock Rd. at 6:30 p.m.
May 31, 2016: Hummel Learning Center/David H. March Library - Episcopal High School, 1200 N. Quaker Lane at 6:30 p.m.
September 29, 2016: RPCA-Park Operations Training Room, 2900-A Business Center Drive at 6:30 p.m.
March 22, 2017: RPCA-Park Operations Training Room, 2900-A Business Center Drive at 6:30 p.m.
- Agenda
- September 29, 2016 Follow-up Items
- Fort Ward Monitoring Plan Update as of March 1, 2017
- Presentation
July 25, 2017: RPCA-Park Operations Training Room, 2900-A Business Center Drive at 6:30 p.m.
Ad Hoc Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Stakeholder Advisory Group Meetings (2009-2014)
Tuesday, December 8.
The City of Alexandria's Ad Hoc Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Stakeholder Advisory Group will hold its first meeting at the Fort Ward Museum, 4301 W. Braddock Rd. at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, December 8.
Thursday, January 14.
Tuesday, January 26.
Tuesday, February 23.
Note: Presentations by the directors of RPCA and OHA will be at a later date.
Thursday, March 11.
Saturday, March 20.
Tuesday, March 23.
Thursday, April 8
Tuesday, April 27
Ford Ward Park Update - Presentation to City Council
Wednesday, May 13
Tuesday, May 25
Thursday, June 10
Tuesday, June 22
Monday, June 28
The City Arborist and City Horticulturist will be meeting at 2 pm on Monday, June 28 with representatives from the Oakland Baptist Church to discuss trees and vegetation surrounding the cemetery located adjacent to the park and the Marlboro Estates neighborhood. Citizens and neighbors are welcome to attend the meeting which will be held on site at Fort Ward Park and the Oakland Baptist Cemetery.
Tuesday, July 27
Tuesday, August 24
Thursday, September 9
Tuesday, September 28
Thursday, October 14
Tuesday, October 26
Thursday, November 11
Tuesday, November 23
Thursday, December 9
Thursday, January 13.
Wednesday, September 14.
Wednesday, October 12.
Wednesday, November 9.
Wednesday, December 14.
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 11.
Wednesday, February 8.
Wednesday, March 12.
Wednesday, April 11.
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 11. F
Wednesday, May 9.
Wednesday, June 13.
Wednesday, July 11.
Minutes not Provided
Wednesday, September 12.
Wednesday, October 10.
Wednesday, November 14.
Wednesday, December 12.
Minutes not Provided
Wednesday, January 9.
Wednesday, March 13.
Agenda Not Provided
Minutes Not Provided
Wednesday, May 8.
Wednesday, June 12.
Wednesday, July 10.
Wednesday, August 14.
Wednesday, September 11.
Wednesday, October 9.
Wednesday, November 13.
Wednesday, December 11.
Agenda (cancelled)
Wednesday, January 29
Draft Fort Ward Park Management Plan (full version January 2014)
Wednesday, February 24
Agenda Not Provided
Minutes Not Provided
Wednesday, March 8
Agenda Not Provided
Minutes Not Provided
Wednesday, April 9
Wednesday, May 14
Minutes Not Provided
August 13, 2014
September 10, 2014 Public Meeting
Fort Ward Park Studies and Community Findings (2008-2009)
October 16, 2008
This Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities staff report was presented to the Park and Recreation Commission on October 16, 2008. No action on this report by the Commission or any other City body has been taken. Rather, subsequent to this report's issuance, City Council established an Ad Hoc Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Stakeholder Advisory Group to advise City staff on Fort ward Park and Museum use and management.
- Fort Ward Park Facility Study and Recommendations Presentation - October 16, 2008
January 15, 2009
Presentation provided to the Park and Recreation Commission on January 15, 2009 at the Mount Vernon Recreation Center to provide the Commission with an update on issues identified by staff and the public. Staff will be establishing two meetings in February to meet with community and City residents to address issues at Fort Ward Park.
- Fort Ward Park Facility Study and Recommendations - January 15, 2009
City of Alexandria Schedules Community Meetings on Fort Ward Park and Facility Improvements (released February 9, 2009)
The Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities and the Office of Historic Alexandria invite the public to attend community meetings to provide input on the current facilities and operations at Fort Ward Park, located at 4301 West Braddock Rd. The first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 18 at 7 p.m. at St. Stephen's & St. Agnes School, 4401 West Braddock Rd., and the second is scheduled for Wednesday, March 4 at 7 p.m. at the Lee Center, 1108 Jefferson St. Each meeting will follow the same agenda and format. More Information
- Fort Ward Park Community Meeting Presentation (February 18, 2009)
- Fort Ward Park Community Meeting Group Notes (February 18, 2009)
- Fort Ward Park Recreation Information Boards (February 18, 2009)
- Fort Ward Park Historic Information Boards (February 18, 2009)
City of Alexandria Schedules Second Community Meeting On Fort Ward Park and Facility Improvements (released February 25, 2009)
The Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities and the Office of Historic Alexandria invite the public to attend a second community meeting to provide input on the current facilities and operations at Fort Ward Park, located at 4301 W. Braddock Rd. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 4 at 7 p.m. at the Lee Center, 1108 Jefferson St. This meeting will follow the same agenda and format as the first meeting held on Wednesday, February 18. More Information
- Fort Ward Park Community Meeting Presentation (March 4, 2009)
- Fort Ward Park Community Meeting Group Notes (March 4, 2009)
- Fort Ward Park Recreation Information Boards (March 4, 2009)
- Fort Ward Park Historic Information Boards (March 4, 2009)
City of Alexandria Schedules Community Meeting to Present Draft Action Plan on Fort Ward Park (released March 12, 2009)
The Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities and the Office of Historic Alexandria invite the public to attend the third community meeting regarding a draft action plan to address community concerns about current facilities and operations at Fort Ward Park, located at 4301 West Braddock Road. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 18 at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria of T. C. Williams High School, 3330 King St. More information
- Fort Ward Park Community Meeting Presentation (March 18, 2009)
- Fort Ward Park Preliminary Cultural Resource Locations (March 18, 2009)
- Fort Ward Park Priorities and Issues Identified by the Community (March 18, 2009)
- Fort Ward Park Press
- Fort Ward Park – Public Comments Received February 18 – March 13, 2009
- Fort Ward Park – Public Comments Received March 18 – March 27, 2009
Community Information and Update on Fort Ward Park and Creation of Fort Ward Park History Work Group (released May 6, 2009)
The Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities (RPCA) and the Office of Historic Alexandria (OHA) invite the public to attend an informational meeting on Wednesday, May 13, where staff will provide an update on operational and historical issues regarding Fort Ward Park. Staff will offer a tour of the site beginning at 6 p.m., at Fort Ward, 4301 West Braddock Road. Following the tour, the meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m., in the cafeteria of Minnie Howard School, 3801 West Braddock Road. More information
Fort Ward Park Meeting Postponed (released May 8, 2009)
The Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities (RPCA) and the Office of Historic Alexandria (OHA) are postponing an informational meeting regarding Fort Ward Park originally scheduled for Wednesday, May 13. More information
City Council Work Session (May 26, 2009)
Ad Hoc Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting (May 13, 2010)
In lieu of the City of Alexandria's Ad Hoc Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Stakeholder Advisory Group's regular scheduled meeting on May 13, the group and City staff will host a community meeting at 7 p.m. at the Minnie Howard 9th Grade Center, located at 3801 West Braddock Road. City staff and the Advisory Group will update the public on their work at Fort Ward and will seek comments from the community. For more information, call Laura Durham at 703.746.5493 or e-mail
City Contact Information
- Jack Browand, Deputy Director, Park Services, Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities -
- Judy Lo, Principal Planner, Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities -
- Susan Cumbey, Director, Fort Ward Museum & Historic Site -
If you would like to be added to the Fort Ward Park and Museum Area Management Plan stakeholder email group, please email