Circuit Court Judges
(updated 9/9/2024). ALEXANDRIA CIRCUIT COURT JURY QUESTIONNAIRES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2025 were recently mailed. Please complete the questionnaire and respond either (1) by return mail to 520 King Street, Room 307, Alexandria, VA 22314 or (2) by completing the questionnaire on‑line at, which will be accessible starting September 11, 2024.
(updated 1/18/2024). ALEXANDRIA CIRCUIT COURT will be closed when the Alexandria City Government (not the Alexandria City Public Schools) is closed or when the City Government opens at 10:00 a.m. or later due to inclement weather or an emergency. Refer to "Inclement weather and emergency closure policy" section on this website for additional information.
updated 10/9/2024
CIVIL LOCAL PROCEDURES are on this website. Scroll down for detailed instructions on Court procedures and policies.
ALL TRIALS AND HEARINGS are in-person, in a courtroom.
Exception: Motions Day hearings will continue to be held remotely until further notice, unless an exception is permitted by the Court.
CRIMINAL LOCAL PROCEDURES - click on this link and then scroll down for detailed instructions on Court procedures and policies.
Available criminal trial dates, docketing procedures and filing/noticing deadlines are on this website as well.
Updated 4/17/2024
A. JUDGES’ CHAMBERS 520 King Street, 4th Floor Alexandria, VA 22314 703.746.4123
Contact Judges’ Chambers for general questions regarding court policies/procedures; reserve a technology courtroom or to schedule trial dates.
Office hours are 8:00am to 1:00pm, and 2:00pm to 4:00pm (Monday through Friday, except holidays). Judges’ Chambers is closed for lunch from 1:00 to 2:00pm
Judges are elected by a joint vote of both houses of the General Assembly and are commissioned by the Governor for a term of eight years. The Governor can make interim appointments when the General Assembly is in recess. Circuit Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction in Virginia, and the court has authority to try a full range of both civil and criminal cases.
Circuit Court Judges for the City of Alexandria are the following.
Judge Lisa B. Kemler (Chief Judge)
Judge Kathleen M. Uston
Judge Rebecca J. Wade
Please send emails to all 3 court administrators (for times when one court administrator is not available).
520 King Street, 2nd floor Alexandria, VA 22314 703.746.4310
Technology Cart reservations - Contact Courts IT.
Technology Courtroom reservations - Contact Judges' Chambers at 703.746.4123
Training on Court IT equipment - Contact Courts IT. Refer to “Technology in Alexandria Circuit Court” section of this website for information on available technology and walk-in training.
updated 10/9/2024
A. Supreme Court of Virginia information for ADA Accommodations
B. Clerk’s office 520 King Street, Room 307 Alexandria, VA 22314 703.746.4044
(1) Deaf and Hard of Hearing requests
Interpreter for the Deaf Request Form
Accommodations Request Form for People who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Deafblind
(2) Requests for filing documents, viewing case files, etc. - Contact the Clerk's office and ask to speak to the ADA Representative.
ADA Accommodation Request Form
C. Judges’ Chambers 520 King Street, 4th floor Alexandria, VA 22314 703.746.4123
ADA Representative: Jennifer Lazo Torres
Contact Judges’ Chambers if ADA assistance is needed for trials and hearings held in a 4th floor courtroom, remote Motions Day hearings, Term Day and Selection of Trial Date hearings held in the 4th floor lobby, and Status Conference/docket call hearings held by telephone.
Instructions for Judges' Chambers' ADA assistance.
(1) Complete the ADA Accommodation request form in its entirety (do not leave any blanks). The form needs to include (a) the case name and docket number; (b) the date of the court hearing in a 4th floor courtroom; (c) the specific accommodation that is being sought; and (d) the name, telephone number and email address for the person requesting ADA accommodations.
ADA Accommodation Request Form
(2) File the form in the Clerk's office and deliver a mandatory copy to Judges' Chambers' 4th floor drop box.
Filing deadline: At least five (5) business days prior to the court event.
(3) Call the ADA representative at 703.746.4123 to ask if additional information is needed regarding the request.
updated 10/9/2024
1. All JDR Appeals except for Termination and PermanEncy Plan appeals
(1) Date and time of hearing. The Selection of Trial Date hearing date and time are included on the Notice of Appeal that is signed by the Appellant and served on all other parties. The hearing is typically on the 2nd Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m. (or on the next business day if the 2nd Monday of the month is a holiday).
(2) Location of hearing. The hearing is held in‑person in the 4th floor lobby of the courthouse at 520 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.
(3) Counsel and pro se litigants may avoid attending the in-person hearing. Call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) together on the same telephone call in advance of the hearing to schedule a trial date, and then file a fully endorsed Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order with the Clerk’s office within two (2) weeks (there is no need to deliver a copy of the scheduling order to Judges' Chambers). Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order
(4) Attending the scheduling hearing. Counsel and pro se litigants attend the hearing, speak with a court administrator, agree to a trial date, and sign a Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order.
(5) If appellant fails to appear.
(a) At the first selection of trial date hearing. If the appellee appears but the appellant fails to appear, the appellee may either select a trial date or request that the case be continued to a future status conference/docket call. If the case to a status conference/docket call, all counsel and pro se parties will receive a status conference/docket call notice with call-in instructions (status conference/docket call hearings are held by telephone only). Refer to “Status Conference” section of this website for additional information.
(b) If the appellant fails to appear for a total of three (3) selection of trial date and/or status conference/docket call hearings, the Court may dismiss the appeal and remand the case to the lower court for enforcement of all orders. The dismissal order will be mailed to all parties.
2. JDR Appeals for Termination and Permanency Plan
(1) Date and time of hearing. The Selection of Trial Date hearing date and time are included on the Notice of Appeal that is signed by the Appellant and served on all other parties. Selection of trial date hearings are fast-tracked and are typically heard prior to the 2nd Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m.
(2) Location of hearing.
a. If on the 2nd Monday of the month - in the 4th floor lobby of the courthouse at 520 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.
b. All other days - In Judges' Chambers on the 4th floor of the courthouse at 520 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.
(3) Counsel and pro se litigants may avoid attending the in-person hearing. Call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) together on the same telephone call in advance of the hearing to schedule a trial date, and then file a fully endorsed Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order with the Clerk’s office within two (2) weeks (there is no need to deliver a copy of the scheduling order to Judges' Chambers). Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order
(4) Attending the scheduling hearing. Counsel and pro se litigants attend the hearing, speak with a court administrator, agree to a trial date, and sign a Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order.
(5) If appellant fails to appear.
(a) At the first selection of trial date hearing. If the appellee appears but the appellant fails to appear, the appellee may either select a trial date or request that the case be continued to a future status conference/docket call. If the case to a status conference/docket call, all counsel and pro se parties will receive a status conference/docket call notice with call-in instructions (status conference/docket call hearings are held by telephone only). Refer to “Status Conference” section of this website for additional information.
(b) If the appellant fails to appear for a total of three (3) selection of trial date and/or status conference/docket call hearings, the Court may dismiss the appeal and remand the case to the lower court for enforcement of all orders. The dismissal order will be mailed to all parties.
(1) Date and time of hearing. The Selection of Trial Date hearing date and time are included on the Notice of Appeal that is signed by the Appellant and served on all other parties. The hearing is typically on the 2nd Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m. (or on the next business day if the 2nd Monday of the month is a holiday).
(2) Location of hearing. The hearing is held in‑person in the 4th floor lobby of the courthouse at 520 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.
(3) Counsel and pro se litigants may avoid attending the in-person hearing. Call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) together on the same telephone call in advance of the hearing to schedule a trial date, and then file a fully endorsed Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order with the Clerk’s office within two (2) weeks (there is no need to deliver a copy of the scheduling order to Judges' Chambers). Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order
(4) Attending the scheduling hearing. Counsel and pro se litigants attend the hearing, speak with a court administrator, agree to a trial date, and sign a Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order.
(5) If appellant fails to appear.
(a) At the first selection of trial date hearing. If the appellee appears but the appellant fails to appear, the appellee may either select a trial date or request that the case be continued to a future status conference/docket call. If the case to a status conference/docket call, all counsel and pro se parties will receive a status conference/docket call notice with call-in instructions (status conference/docket call hearings are held by telephone only). Refer to “Status Conference” section of this website for additional information.
(b) If the appellant fails to appear for a total of three (3) selection of trial date and/or status conference/docket call hearings, the Court may dismiss the appeal and remand the case to the lower court for enforcement of all orders. The dismissal order will be mailed to all parties.
5. APPEALS FROM CIRCUIT COURT to the Virginia Court of Appeals or Supreme Court of Virginia
updated 10/9/2024
Contact the Clerk's office (Room 307; 703.746.4044) prior to the deadline for instructions on how to appeal a case to the Virginia Court of Appeals or to the Supreme Court of Virginia.
A. AGREED TRANSCRIPTS. If the trial transcript is agreed-to by counsel for all parties, counsel shall file the following with the Clerk’s Office (Room 307): (a) motion; (b) fully-endorsed order; and (c) transcript.
B. OBJECTIONS TO TRANSCRIPTS. Any party may object to a transcript or written statement of facts on the ground that it is erroneous or incomplete by following the guidelines as articulated in the Virginia Rules of Supreme Court. See generally, Va. R. Sup. Ct. 5A:8.
C STATEMENT OF FACTS. In lieu of a trial transcript, a statement of facts may be filed with the Clerk's office. The Statement of Facts will become part of the court record. All procedures as articulated in the Virginia Rules of Supreme Court must be followed.
NO LEGAL ADVICE FROM COURT PERSONNEL. Court personnel, including law clerks, cannot provide legal advice. If you need detailed instructions or additional guidance, you should seek legal counsel.
ATTORNEY REFERRAL. If you need help finding an attorney, contact Alexandria Lawyer Referral Service at 703.548.4077.
updated 10/9/2024
The posted calendar includes holidays and early court closure information.
CIVIL information on the calendar includes specific dates of Motions Day, Status Conferences, Selection of trial date hearings for GDC and JDR appeals, and Term Day. Call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) if you have any questions.
CRIMINAL information on the calendar includes specific dates for Commonwealth Days (both First Thursday and Regular CW Days), Grand Jury dates, and Traffic and Misdemeanor Appeals (“TMAD”).
Criminal Local Procedures for Alexandria Circuit Court includes a list of all available criminal trial slots that are available.
Reserve a trial slot by calling Judges’ Chambers at 703.746.4123 (prior to attending the CW Day hearing).
2024 calendar posted on 5/22/2024.
2025 calendar as of 8/27/2024
Policy as of 9/18/2017
A. Alexandria Courthouse Cell Phone Policy. By order dated 9/18/2017, all cell phones, cameras, video recording devices or similar equipment will be prohibited inside the Alexandria Courthouse without court authorization.
B. Persons exempted from this policy are law enforcement personnel, attorneys with a Bar card, media and courthouse staff.
C. Individuals who need their phones/devices for evidence or any other purpose in court. Prior to entering the courthouse, you must contact the Court in which your case is being heard for judge’s permission to bring your cell phone/device into the courthouse. Permission may be granted by the judge on a case-by-case basis.
D. CELL PHONE LOCKERS. A limited number of lockers are available in the courthouse vestibule to secure your telephone while you are in the courthouse. The small lockers are free of charge, and are designed to hold only a small cell phone (not a laptop or tablet).
updated 4/4/2024
Whenever a church or other religious affiliation seeks confirmation of certain individuals to serve as trustees, the Petitioner shall follow these instructions. Counsel will be contacted by a law clerk if additional information is needed.
File the required documents with the Clerk’s Office and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box.
Required documents include
(1) PETITION with a description of the facts and circumstances surrounding the relief sought. The petition shall be signed by counsel of record (where applicable), or by an individual with authority.
(2) RELEVANT PROVISIONS of the by-laws or governing document pertaining to elections shall be attached to the petition.
(3) NOTARIZED AFFIDAVIT (signed in front of a notary public) stating (a) the affiant is an officer of the church; (b) an election was held pursuant to the applicable by-laws; (c) a quorum was present; (d) a vote was taken; (e) the result of the vote; and, (f) that the following individuals were duly elected or appointed to serve as trustees [insert the names of the individuals].
(4) PROPOSED ORDER containing the names of the appointed trustees, signed by counsel of record (where applicable), or by an individual with authority.
updated 5/28/2024
A. List of Attorneys with Previous Experience of Serving as a Commissioner in Chancery in Alexandria Circuit Court. Alexandria Circuit Court has prepared a list of attorneys who have previously served as a Commissioner in Chancery in Alexandria Circuit Court. This list shall not be construed as a list of recommended Commissioners in Chancery.
(1) Buscemi, Leonard P 703.528.8477 5531 Lee Highway #204 Arlington, VA 22207
(2) Forrester, J Casey 703.549.7510 6035 Burke Centre Pkwy #270 Burke, VA 22015
(3) Friedman, Foster 703.836.9030 500 Montgomery Street #575 Alexandria, VA 22314
(5) Turner, James D 703.836.3400 124 South Royal Street Alexandria, VA 22314
(6) Bushman, Joshua 703.845.9070 675 South Washington Street Alexandria, VA 22314
B. To request to be added to the above list. The attorney shall send a letter to the Chief Judge detailing their experience.
C. To request appointment of an attorney who is not on the list. Counsel shall submit the attorney’s biographical information and experience to the Court, together with the proposed order of appointment.
See top of this page.
Updated 4/18/2024
In civil cases, continuance requests are granted by permission of a Judge upon good cause only. Continuance requests are not granted because discovery has not been completed.
A. AGREED CONTINUANCE PROCEDURE (if the continuance request is AGREED TO by all counsel and pro se litigants)
(1) Contact opposing counsel to ask their position on a continuance of the trial date (do they oppose or agree to the request?).
(2) File a written continuance motion. The moving party files a written motion with the Clerk of Court (Room 307), provides a copy of the motion to opposing counsel, and delivers a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box. The motion shall clearly state the reason for the continuance and that the opposing party agrees to the continuance request.
(3) Call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) together on the same telephone conference call to reschedule trial date.
(4) File a new scheduling order with the new trial date within five (5) business days with the Clerk’s office (Room 307). Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order
B. CONTESTED CONTINUANCE PROCEDURE (if the continuance request is OPPOSED by any counsel or pro se litigant).
Contested continuance requests require a hearing with a judge either on a remote Motions Day or on a pre-scheduled telephone conference call.
(1) Contact opposing counsel to ask their position on a continuance of the trial date (do they oppose or agree to the request?).
(2) File a written continuance motion. The moving party shall file a written motion with the Clerk of Court (Room 307), deliver a copy to opposing counsel or pro se litigant, and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box. The motion shall clearly state the reason for the continuance; and that the opposing party objects to the continuance request.
(3) Opposing counsel files written objection clearly stating the reason for the objection to the continuance request with the Clerk of Court (Room 307), deliver a copy to opposing counsel or pro se litigant, and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box.
(4) Schedule a hearing with a Judge. The moving party (the person asking for the continuance) shall schedule the contested motion for continuance for either a Motions Day hearing or a scheduled conference call with a judge.
(5) Motions Day remote hearing. Follow instructions in the “Motions Day” sections of this website.
(6) Scheduled telephone conference call with a judge on a date prior to the trial date.
a. The moving party calls Judges’ Chambers for available conference call dates and times.
b. Moving party coordinates with non-moving party for an agreed date and time for the conference call to occur.
c. The moving party schedules the conference call by calling Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) and advises the date and time that both counsel and/or pro se litigants are available for the conference call to occur.
d. At the conference call. One attorney gets the other attorney (or pro se litigant) on the same telephone conference call, and then calls Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123).
e. If the continuance is granted, counsel will be transferred to a court administrator to reschedule the trial date.
f. File a new pretrial scheduling order specifying the new trial date with the Clerk’s office within five (5) business days
Updated 4/4/2023
All Chambers’ copies shall be delivered to Judges’ Chambers’ 4th floor drop box. Emailed documents are not accepted without a judge’s permission.
(1) Chambers’ copies of proposed orders are typically not entered.
(2) Mandatory – Chambers’ copies are MANDATORY for Motions Day, when the document (including proposed order) is filed with the Clerk of Circuit Court.
(3) Optional - Chambers’ copies of other pleadings and proposed orders are optional.
COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA provides for intermediate appellate review of all decisions of the Circuit Courts in traffic infractions, in criminal cases (except where a sentence of death has been imposed), and in decisions of the Circuit Court involving domestic relations matters and appeals from administrative agencies. The Court of Appeals also hears appeals from the Industrial Commission. For more information, visit the Court of Appeals of Virginia website.
Updated 4/23/2024
(1) Residency requirements for a divorce in Virginia. One spouse must be a resident of Virginia for at least six months prior to filing the complaint for divorce.
(2) Minimum separation period. The parties must be separated (living separate and apart) for either six or twelve months. The complaint cannot be filed until after the minimum period of separation has passed.
(3) Six month separation. For an uncontested divorce based on a minimum separation period of six (6) months.
A. The parties must have lived separate and apart for at least six (6) months prior to filing the Complaint with the Court.
B. If the parties have minor children born or adopted of the marriage – The parties must wait until after one year of separation before filing a Complaint with the Court.
C. If the parties have property – All property issues have been resolved by the parties and a property settlement agreement has been signed by both parties. If the parties do not have a signed PSA, they must wait until after one year of separation before filing the Complaint with the Court.
(4) Twelve month separation. For an uncontested divorce based on a minimum separation period of twelve months (one year).
A. If the parties have minor children born or adopted of the marriage. All custody, visitation and child support issues have been resolved.
B. If the parties have property – All property issues have been resolved. If an (optional) property settlement agreement is filed with the Court, it must be signed by both parties.
C. The parties must have lived separate and apart for at least twelve months (one year) prior to filing the Complaint with the Court.
D. Optional: A property settlement agreement is not necessary but must be signed by both parties if the parties choose to file one with the Court.
(5) Pro se divorce packet. Refer to Section 14-B.
Updated 4/23/2024
Pro Se Uncontested Divorce Packet is intended to be used by pro se litigants to obtain an uncontested divorce in Alexandria Circuit Court. Uncontested divorces are divorces in which the parties have agreed to all issues; there are no unresolved issues for the Court to consider; and the plaintiff is the only party to actively participate in the divorce proceeding or the defendant is not expected to contest the divorce.
A. The packet was prepared by the Alexandria Circuit Court, and the last update was 4/13/2022.
B. The packet is available for free from the Alexandria Law Library website at > scroll down to “Information Packets” on the lower left side of the webpage.
C. The packet is also available for a fee from the Law Librarian at the courthouse.
Alexandria Law Library 520 King Street, Lower Level Alexandria, VA 22314
703.746.4077 Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
D. The packet includes general instructions and sample documents for uncontested divorces filed in Alexandria Circuit Court.
E. If you choose to represent yourself in your uncontested divorce proceeding, the Court expects you to familiarize yourself with the Virginia laws and rules pertaining to divorces.
F. NO LEGAL ADVICE - You may not ask court personnel, including law clerks, for any guidance or legal advice in completing the documents. If you need additional assistance, you must seek legal counsel. Contact Alexandria Lawyer Referral at 703.548.4077 if you need help finding an attorney.
Updated 4/23/2024
A. Annulments are scheduled on the 10:00 a.m. contested docket.
B. File all required documents with the Clerk’s office (Room 307). Refer to Section 14-D for required documents.
C. Schedule trial date. After proper service has been effected, call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) for available trial dates on the 10:00 a.m. contested docket.
Updated 4/23/2024
A. Contested divorce cases include
(1) Equitable Distribution (involving property)
(2) Child custody, visitation, and child support
B. File initiating documents with the Clerk’s office (Room 307). Samples of most documents are in the Uncontested Divorce Packet. The VS‑4 form must be obtained from the Clerk’s office (Room 307). Initiating documents include
(1) Complaint. The initial document that is filed in a divorce case stating the facts of the case and signed by the plaintiff or plaintiff’s counsel.
(2) COPE Parenting Certificate of Attendance (if applicable). (Local Rule for contested divorce cases in which parties seek a custody ruling)
a. If the parties have minor children born or adopted of the marriage and seek a custody ruling, the Plaintiff is required to attend a COPE parenting seminar and file a certificate of attendance prior to scheduling the divorce hearing. The Defendant is not required to take the parenting seminar.
b. The COPE parenting seminar may be taken in-person, on‑line or by webinar. A list of COPE parenting seminar providers for Circuit Court is available on the Supreme Court of Virginia's website
c. COPE is not required if
(i) the parties have reached an agreement as to custody and ask the Court to incorporate their written agreement into the Final Decree of Divorce;
(ii) custody has already been determined by a separate court order; or
(iii) the parties have minor children but the Final Decree does not make a ruling as to custody.
(3) Name Change Order. If the Complaint for Divorce requests a name change for either party, a name change order must be filed with the Court at the time the Complaint for Divorce is filed.
(4) Privacy Addendum. Form CC-1426 may be printed from the Supreme Court of Virginia's website or from the internet (search for “Privacy Addendum Virginia”).
(5) VS-4 Form. The VS-4 form may be obtained from the Clerk of Court (Room 307). It is a state form and is not available on-li
C. Service Requirement. The Complaint must be served on the Defendant, and the proof of service must be filed in the Clerk’s office (Room 307).
D. Defendant files an Answer to the Complaint with the Clerk’s office (Room 307) and provides a copy to the Answer to the Plaintiff (or plaintiff’s counsel).
E. Schedule trial date. After proper service has been effected, call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) for available trial dates on the 10:00 a.m. contested docket.
F. Pretrial Conferences are required for all Equitable divorce cases and are scheduled at 9:00 a.m. (refer to “Pretrial Conferences” section of this website).
G. Five (5) days prior to the trial date, file the mandatory statements and computations. If the parties cannot agree on one statement, each party shall file his or her own statement. File the original in the Clerk’s office (Room 307), and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box.
(1) Agreed factor statement. Va. Code Sections 20-107.1, 107.3(E), and 108.1(B).
(2) Computations of Guideline Support statement. Va. Code Sections 20‑107.2 and 108.2.
H. Schedule technology courtroom if necessary. Call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) to reserve a technology courtroom. There are two (2) technology courtrooms in Alexandria Circuit Court, which are scheduled on a “first-come, first‑served” basis. Refer to “Technology in the courtroom” section of this website for additional information.
I. Schedule remote witness testimony if necessary. Refer to “Technology in the courtroom” section of this website.
J. Notice of Final Hearing.
(1) Notice of final hearing details. A notice of final hearing advises the defendant of the date, time and location of the final hearing when the final decree will be entered.
(2) Notice of final hearing prepared by. The plaintiff prepares the notice of final hearing. Refer to the “Pro Se Uncontested Divorce Packet” for detailed instructions and a sample Notice of Final Hearing.
(3) Notice of final hearing – service requirements
a. Service requirement. A notice of final hearing is required to be served on the defendant only if the defendant was not personally served with the Complaint for Divorce and Summons by a Sheriff or a Private Process Server.
b. If defendant does not contest divorce. If the defendant has filed an answer and is not contesting the divorce, the notice of final hearing may be mailed or hand-delivered to the Defendant (Virginia Code Sections 8.01-296 and 20-99).
K. Attend the trial. The in-person trial will be held in a courtroom on the 4th floor of the courthouse at 520 King Street, Alexandria VA 22314. Refer to the 4th floor bulletin board for the courtroom assignment.
L. Final Decree (filed after the trial). The final decree is filed in the Clerk’s Office (Room 307), and is prepared by counsel (or pro se plaintiff) and is filed in the Clerk’s office (Room 307). and includes the judge’s ruling from the divorce trial. The divorce is effective on the date the final decree is signed by the judge.
(1) Signatures on final decree. The final decree must be signed by the Plaintiff and the Defendant.
(2) Military status. The military status of both the Plaintiff and the Defendant must be included on the Final Decree.
(3) File the final decree in the Clerk’s office (Room 307).
(held on a Friday once or twice a month) Refer to the “Uncontested Docket” section of this website for specific hearing dates and deadlines.
Updated 4/23/2024
For those persons who wish to appear in-person to provide oral testimony at an uncontested divorce hearing (instead of providing written testimony by an affidavit signed in front of a notary public)
A. File initiating documents with the Clerk’s office (Room 307). Samples of most documents are in the Uncontested Divorce Packet. The VS‑4 form must be obtained from the Clerk’s office (Room 307). Initiating documents include
(1) Complaint. The initial document that is filed in a divorce case stating the facts of the case and signed by the plaintiff or plaintiff’s counsel.
(2) COPE Parenting Certificate of Attendance (if applicable). (Local Rule for contested divorce cases in which parties seek a custody ruling)
a. If the parties have minor children born or adopted of the marriage and seek a custody ruling, the Plaintiff is required to attend a COPE parenting seminar and file a certificate of attendance prior to scheduling the divorce hearing. The Defendant is not required to take the parenting seminar.
b. The COPE parenting seminar may be taken in-person, on‑line or by webinar. A list of COPE parenting seminar providers for Circuit Court is available on the Supreme Court of Virginia's website
c. COPE is not required if
(i) the parties have reached an agreement as to custody and ask the Court to incorporate their written agreement into the Final Decree of Divorce;
(ii) custody has already been determined by a separate court order; or
(iii) the parties have minor children but the Final Decree does not make a ruling as to custody.
(3) Final Decree. The final decree is prepared by counsel or pro se plaintiff (the person asking for the divorce) and is signed by the judge when the divorce is granted.
a. Signatures on final decree. The final decree must be signed by the Plaintiff (the person who filed for the divorce). The final decree must also be signed by the defendant if the defendant signed the acceptance and waiver. (The acceptance and waiver must be signed in front of a notary public; but the final decree does not).
b. Military status. The military status of both the Plaintiff and the Defendant must be included on the Final Decree.
(4) Name Change Order. If the Complaint for Divorce requests a name change for either party, a name change order must be filed with the Court at the time the Complaint for Divorce is filed.
(5) Notice of Final Hearing.
a. Notice of final hearing details. A notice of final hearing advises the defendant of the date, time and location of the final hearing when the final decree will be entered.
b. Notice of final hearing prepared by. The plaintiff prepares the notice of final hearing. Refer to the “Pro Se Uncontested Divorce Packet” for detailed instructions and a sample Notice of Final Hearing.
c. Notice of final hearing – service requirements
(i) Service requirement. A notice of final hearing is required to be served on the defendant only if the defendant was not personally served with the Complaint for Divorce and Summons by a Sheriff or a Private Process Server.
(ii) If defendant does not contest divorce. If the defendant has filed an answer and is not contesting the divorce, the notice of final hearing may be mailed or hand-delivered to the Defendant (Virginia Code Sections 8.01-296 and 20-99).
(6) Privacy Addendum. Form CC-1426 may be printed from the Supreme Court of Virginia's website or from the internet (search for “Privacy Addendum Virginia”).
(7) Property Settlement Agreement. A PSA is required for all divorces based on a six (6) month separation. The PSA must be signed by both parties but does not need to be signed in front of a notary public.
(8) Service – Proof of Service. Service of the complaint on the defendant must be by one of the following acceptable methods. Other methods are not acceptable as proper service.
a. Acceptance/waiver. Form CC 1406 may be printed from the Supreme Court of Virginia's website or from the internet (search for “Acceptance waiver Virginia”).
(i) Defendant reads the form in its entirety and checks all boxes in Section 3 to which the defendant agrees.
(ii) Defendant signs in front of a notary public. The form must be signed by the Defendant in front of a notary public.
(iii) File the signed and notarized form in the Clerk’s office (Room 307), and keep a copy of the form for yourself.
b. Service by Sheriff. Refer to the instructions in the Pro Se Divorce Packet. Service is not complete until the proof of service has been filed in the Clerk’s office (Room 307).
c. Service by Private Process Server. Refer to the instructions in the Pro Se Divorce Packet. Service is not complete until the proof of service has been filed in the Clerk’s office (Room 307).
d. Service by Publication. Refer to the instructions in the Pro Se Divorce Packet. Service is not complete until the proof of publication has been filed in the Clerk’s office (Room 307).
(i) (Local Rule) If service is by publication in a divorce case, the plaintiff must arrange and pay for a court reporter to attend the ore tenus hearing with the plaintiff and prepare a hearing transcript.
(ii) The Judge will not enter the final decree until after the hearing transcript is filed with the Clerk of Circuit Court.
(iii) The divorce is not final until the Final Decree is entered by a Judge.
(iv) Court reporters cannot be recommended by the Court. Perform an internet search for “court reporter Alexandria” to locate a court reporter.
(9) VS-4 Form. The VS-4 form may be obtained from the Clerk of Court (Room 307). It is a state form and is not available on-line.
B. Schedule the uncontested hearing.
(1) Wait approximately four to five days after all documents have been filed (for the Clerk’s office to scan the documents).
(2) Refer to the “Uncontested Docket” section of this website for specific hearing dates and deadlines.
(3) Call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) to schedule an uncontested hearing at 9:00 a.m.
C. Law Clerk’s document review. The law clerks will review all of your documents prior to the ore tenus hearing.
a. If documents are missing or incorrect. A law clerk will contact the plaintiff (or plaintiff’s counsel).
b. Deadline for corrections. To stay on the docket, the corrected or missing documents will need to be filed in the Clerk’s office (Room 307) and a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy delivered to the 4th floor drop box prior to the deadline as stated by the law clerk.
D. Attend the uncontested divorce hearing in a courtroom on the 4th floor of the courthouse at 520 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314.
a. Attendance. The plaintiff, plaintiff’s counsel (if any), and the court reporter (if service was by publication in a newspaper) attend the in‑person hearing. Refer to the 4th floor bulletin board for the courtroom assignment. The defendant may attend and observe the hearing but is not required to be present at the hearing.
b. Sworn testimony. The plaintiff provides sworn oral testimony regarding the facts of the case to the judge.
c. Final Decree entered.
(i) The Final Decree (granting the divorce) is signed at the hearing unless service was by publication.
(i) For all cases in which service was by publication, Local Rules require that a court reporter be present at the hearing, and that a transcript is filed in the Clerk’s office prior to the Judge signing the Final Decree. The divorce is not final until the final decree is signed by a judge.
Updated 4/23/2024
For those persons who wish to provide written testimony in an uncontested divorce proceeding to the Court by signing an affidavit in front of a notary public (instead of appearing in-person to provide oral testimony at an uncontested divorce hearing)
A. Initiating documents filed. An affidavit divorce requires the same documents required for an ore tenus hearing, with the following additional documents.
(1) Final Decree. The final decree in an affidavit divorce must include an additional statement regarding pregnancy status. For those divorces in which testimony is provided by written affidavit, the final decree must contain a statement that neither party is pregnant from the marriage.
(2) Affidavit. The plaintiff provides written testimony to the Court by signing a sworn affidavit in front of a notary public.
a. Signed in front of a Notary. The affidavit or deposition must be signed and sworn to in front of a notary public.
b. Pregnancy Statement. The affidavit must include a statement that neither party is pregnant from the marriage.
B. Documents are forwarded to Judges’ Chambers from the Clerk’s office.
C. Check status. Call the Clerk’s office (703.746.4044) after four to six weeks to check the status of the Final Decree.
D. Four to six weeks to review documents. A judicial law clerk will review the documents within four to six weeks after all of the documents have been filed.
(1) If documents are missing or incorrect. A law clerk will contact the plaintiff (or plaintiff’s counsel).
(2) File corrected documents (if necessary). File the corrected documents in the Clerk’s office (Room 307) and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box (to alert the law clerk that the corrections have been filed).
E. When documents are correct
(1) Final decree entered. The final decree (granting the divorce) will be signed by a judge and sent to the Clerk’s office for processing. Copies of the final decree can be obtained from the Clerk’s office (703.746.4044).
(2) Name change order entered (if requested in the complaint) will signed by the judge and sent to the Clerk’s office for processing. Copies of the name change order can be obtained from the Clerk’s office (703.746.4044).
Updated 11/28/2023
In Alexandria, the following procedures must be followed for an emergency hearing in a civil case. Emergency hearings require the express approval of a judge.
A. Written motion. Prepare a written emergency motion.
B. File the emergency motion with the Clerk’s Office (Room 307), deliver a copy to opposing counsel or pro se litigant and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box.
C. Call a judicial law clerk (703.746.4123) to request an emergency hearing. The law clerk will ask additional questions before going to a judge to determine if an emergency hearing is necessary. The law clerk will contact counsel (or pro se litigant) with the judge’s decision.
D. Schedule the hearing. If granted, counsel shall call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) together on the same telephone call to schedule a hearing date.
E. Notice the hearing. File a notice or praecipe with the Clerk’s office (Room 307), deliver a copy to opposing counsel and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box.
F. Attend the hearing. The hearing will be in-person, in a courtroom on the 4th floor of the courthouse at 520 King Street, Alexandria VA 22314. Refer to the 4th floor bulletin board for the courtroom assignment.
Updated 8/27/2024
JUDICIAL LAW CLERKS (attorneys who work in Judges' chambers)
(1) term of employment: august 2025 to august 2027
For Law School students graduating in Spring 2025: Positions have been filled.
(2) term of employment: august 2026 to august 2028 (apply, interviewed and hired in spring 2025)
For Law School students graduating in Spring 2026: One position will be available. Employment start date is August 2026 after the applicant graduates law school and sits for the Virginia Bar Examination. The term of employment is for 2 years, ending in August 2028.
Application packages are accepted on a rolling basis from April 2025 through June 30, 2025. Application package shall include a cover letter, resume, most recent law school transcript (to be updated if you wish when that information becomes available), and a list of references with telephone numbers. Optional: Writing samples (less than 10 pages) may be included in the application package.
Applicants shall email their application packages directly to the Court Administrator at the email address below. No telephone calls please. Application packages will be reviewed as they are received and those candidates to be interviewed will be contacted by email.
(3) General information
Alexandria Circuit Court has a total of three (3) judicial law clerks, who are hired on a rotational basis. Law clerks are not assigned to a specific judge, and all three law clerks work for all three Circuit Court judges.
BENEFITS – Eligibility for most of the standard benefits offered to City of Alexandria employees, including health care, but excluding retirement benefits. Additional benefits to Circuit Court law clerks include paid parking and reimbursement of CLE expenses.
Updated 4/18/2024
(1) Plaintiff’s exhibits shall be labeled P-1, P-2, etc.
(2) Defendant's exhibits shall be labeled D-1, D-2, etc.
(1) Bring the exhibits to the courtroom on the day of trial.
(2) If the exhibits are admitted at an in‑person trial or hearing, the courtroom clerk will take the exhibits to the Clerk’s office.
C. REMOTE HEARINGS. Deliver the exhibits to Judges’ Chambers’ 4th floor drop box. The exhibits may be addressed to the Court Administrator, 520 King Street, 4th Floor, Alexandria, VA 22314.
(1) Motions Day Hearings. Effective with the June 26, 2024 Motions Day and thereafter, the filing deadline is 4:00 p.m. on the Friday prior to the Motions Day hearing.
(2) Remote hearings on a non-Motions Day. The filing deadline is 9:00 a.m. three (3) days prior to the non-Motions Day hearing.
(3) If the exhibits are admitted at a remote hearing, the exhibit will be forwarded to the Clerk’s office.
updated 4/4/2024
A. The pro se Expungement Packet (prepared by Alexandria Circuit Court) is intended to be used by pro se litigants to obtain an expungement in Alexandria Circuit Court. It is free to download the packet, or you may obtain a copy for a fee from the Alexandria Law Library, located in the Courthouse at 520 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.
B. Free download. The packet is available for free from the Alexandria Law Library website at > scroll down to “Information Packets” on the lower left side of the webpage.
C. Hard copy (for a fee). The packet is also available for a fee from the Law Librarian at the courthouse.
Alexandria Law Library 520 King Street, Lower Level Alexandria, VA 22314 703.746.4077 Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
D. What’s included in the packet? General instructions and sample documents for expungements filed in Alexandria Circuit Court. IMPORTANT: The final order of expungement must be signed by both the petitioner (or petitioner’s counsel) and the Commonwealth’s Attorney (Room 301; 703.746.4100).
E. No legal advice.
(1) If you choose to represent yourself in your expungement proceeding, the Court expects you to familiarize yourself with the Virginia laws and rules pertaining to expungements.
(2) Court personnel (including the Clerk of Circuit Court and the judicial law clerks) cannot provide any legal advice on how to complete the expungement documents. If you need additional assistance, you must seek legal counsel. Contact Alexandria Lawyer Referral at 703.548.4077 if you need help finding an attorney.
Updated 4/18/4024
A. Filing documents. All documents (including proposed orders) shall be filed with the Clerk of Circuit Court in Room 307 (703.746.4044).
B. Chambers’ copies (mandatory for all Motions Day hearings) shall be delivered to the 4th floor drop box.
C. Emailed documents are not accepted by Judges’ Chambers without a judge’s permission.
D Exhibits for remote hearings. Refer to “Exhibits” section of this website.
E. Orders. Refer to “Orders” section of this website.
F. Signatures. Refer to “Signatures” section of this website.
Updated 4/4/4024
(1) Acceptance of Service and Waiver of Notice of Future Hearings. The Defendant must sign the document in front of a notary public. If the Defendant signs the acceptance of service and waiver of notice of future hearings, the Defendant must also sign the Final Decree. The Final Decree does not have to be notarized.
(2) VS-4 form - The VS-4 form cannot be downloaded, and is available in the Clerk’s office (Room 307).
B. MOTIONS DAY Praecipe for Remote Motions Day hearings. Until further notice, motions day hearings will continue to be heard remotely. The praecipe for remote hearings includes the mandatory remote hearing notice and provides space for counsel to include the email addresses for the moving party (or counsel), non-moving party (or counsel), and other interested parties.
Motions Day Praecipe for Remote Hearings (posted 5-13-2024).
C. TERM DAY(to set a trial date in a civil case). Refer to "Term Day" section of this website for instructions.
Term Day Praecipe updated March 2022
D. SCHEDULING ORDER. Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order – To be filed with the Clerk’s office (Room 307) after a trial date has been scheduled with Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123). A Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order is required for all civil cases and shall be in the form prescribed by Rule 1:18 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia. After selecting a trial date, a Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order shall be completed and signed by counsel and/or pro se litigants. If the trial date is selected by telephone, the Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order shall be filed with the Clerk of Circuit Court (Room 307) within two weeks.
Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order
updated 5/7/2024
A. Clerk of Circuit Court’s garnishment instruction sheet. Garnishment instructions
The Court’s preference is that Garnishments be scheduled on a remote Motions Day hearing. The judgment debtor’s email address and/or telephone number must be available and verifiable, and that information must be included on the remote Motions Day praecipe.
All motions day hearings are held remotely until further notice. The Court strongly encourages use of the Remote Motions Day Praecipe which includes the MANDATORY remote hearing language and space for the moving party to include the required email addresses of the moving party, the non‑moving party and all interested parties. Remote Motions Day Praecipe
Step 1 (Clerk of Circuit Court’s garnishment instructions) Follow the instructions on the Clerk of Circuit Court’s garnishment instruction sheet above. File the required forms and include an envelope addressed to the Judgment Debtor(s), with the proper postage attached.
Step 2 (File documents) Prior to the Motions Day deadline (see “Motions Day” section for deadline information), file the required documents with the Clerk of Circuit Court and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers' copy to Judges’ Chambers’ 4th floor drop box. Required documents include Remote Motions Day Praecipe (which must include the debtor’s email address and/or telephone number) and proposed garnishment order.
Step 3 (Attend Motions Day hearing) Attend the Motions Day hearing by using the Microsoft Teams meeting link and telephone number that are emailed by the Court two (2) business days prior to the Motions Day and posted to this website (see “Motions Day” sections below). The garnishment order may be entered at the hearing. Copies of the entered order are available from the Clerk of Circuit Court.
If the judgment debtor’s email address and/or telephone number are not available and verifiable, the garnishment hearing shall be scheduled for a 9:00 a.m. in‑person hearing on a non-Motions Day.
Step 1 (Clerk of Circuit Court’s garnishment instructions) Follow the instructions on the Clerk of Circuit Court’s garnishment instruction sheet above. File the required forms and include an envelope addressed to the Judgment Debtor(s), with the proper postage attached.
Step 2 (Schedule the hearing) Call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) to schedule an in-person hearing. Refer to “Uncontested Docket at 9:00 a.m.” section of this website for available dates and deadlines.
Step 3 (File the required documents) File the required documents with the Clerk of Circuit Court and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers' copy to Judges’ Chambers’ 4th floor drop box. Required documents include Remote Motions Day Praecipe (which must include the debtor’s email address and/or telephone number) and proposed garnishment order.
Step 4 (attend hearing) The judge will hear oral argument and may enter the garnishment order. Copies of the entered order are available from the Clerk of Circuit Court.
updated 5/7/2024
An affidavit from the General Receiver is required to be filed prior to the entry of the order. The affidavit shall provide the beneficiary's name, date of birth, and social security number, as well as the proposed dates of final and periodic disbursements.
Such affidavits shall be maintained under seal by the clerk unless otherwise ordered by the court, and the information therein shall be used solely for the purposes of financial management and reporting.
(1) General Receiver Deposits. Any orders providing for funds to be deposited with the General Receiver shall comply with Va. Code § 8.01-582 and “shall include information necessary to make prudent investment and disbursement decisions”.
(2) Dates of Periodic and Final Disbursements. The orders shall include the proposed dates of periodic and final disbursements, except when it is unreasonable.
(updated 10/9/2024)
22-A. CONTESTED APPOINTMENTS at 10:00 a.m. In-Person Hearing
10:00 a.m. hearing - Contested appointment of guardian or conservator hearings shall be scheduled for an in-person hearing at 10:00 a.m. Contested appointments may not be scheduled on a remote Motions Day.
- File the initiating documents prior to the deadline. All documents shall be filed with the Clerk’s office and a mandatory copy shall be delivered to Judges’ Chambers’ 4th floor drop box.
2. Filing deadline. None.
3. Initiating documents include
(a) Petition to Appoint a Guardian and Conservator;
(b) Motion to Appoint a Guardian ad Litem; and
(c) Order Appointing Guardian ad Litem (see notes below).
(1) Order of Appointment. All orders appointing a guardian, conservator, or both shall include the current mailing address, email address, and physical address of the court issuing the order and to which such informal written communication shall be directed. The Alexandria Clerk of Court’s email address is
(2) Guardians ad Litem. The name of the proposed Guardian ad Litem shall be included on the order of appointment and the proposed Guardian ad Litem shall be contacted prior to the order of appointment being filed with the Court. The Guardian ad Litem shall be from either (a) the Supreme Court of Virginia’s list of approved Guardians ad Litem or from the list of attorneys who have previously served as Guardians ad Litem in Alexandria (refer to “Guardians ad Litem Appointment Order” section of this website).
4. Schedule the hearing (only after the order appointing the Guardian ad Litem has been entered). Call Judges’ Chambers at 703.746.4123 to schedule a 10:00 a.m. in-person contested hearing.
5. File remaining documents with the Clerk’s office and deliver a mandatory copy to Judges’ Chambers’ 4th floor drop box.
(a) Filing deadline: 7 days prior to the hearing date. Remaining documents include
(b) Notice of hearing
(c) Final order
(d) Guardian ad Litem report (filing deadline: three days prior to the hearing).
6. Attend the hearing. Petitioner, Respondent and GAL appear in‑person for the contested hearing. The proposed Order of Appointment of Guardian ad Litem may be entered at the hearing, based on clear and convincing evidence, in consideration of the factors listed in Virginia Code 64.2‑2007(c).
22-B: UNCONTESTED APPOINTMENT at 9:00 a.m. In-Person Hearing (Petitioner, Respondent and GAL’s presence may be waived upon request)
9:00 a.m. hearing - Uncontested appointment of guardian or conservator hearings may be scheduled for an in-person hearing on the 9:00 a.m. uncontested docket (the Petitioner, Respondent and GAL may waive their presence at the hearing).
File the initiating documents prior to the filing deadline. All documents shall be filed with the Clerk’s office and a mandatory copy shall be delivered to Judges’ Chambers’ 4th floor drop box.
1. Filing deadline. The deadline for each Uncontested 9:00 a.m. docket is posted to this website (scroll to “Uncontested Docket at 9:00 a.m.” section).
2. Initiating documents include
(a) Petition to Appoint a Guardian and Conservator;
(b) Motion to Appoint a Guardian ad Litem; and
(c) Order Appointing Guardian ad Litem (see notes below).
(1) Order of Appointment. All orders appointing a guardian, conservator, or both shall include the current mailing address, email address, and physical address of the court issuing the order and to which such informal written communication shall be directed. The Alexandria Clerk of Court’s email address is
(2) Guardians ad Litem. The name of the proposed Guardian ad Litem shall be included on the order of appointment and the proposed Guardian ad Litem shall be contacted prior to the order of appointment being filed with the Court. The Guardian ad Litem shall be from either (a) the Supreme Court of Virginia’s list of approved Guardians ad Litem or from the list of attorneys who have previously served as Guardians ad Litem in Alexandria (refer to “Guardians ad Litem Appointment Order” section of this website).
3. Schedule the hearing (only after the order appointing the Guardian ad Litem has been entered).
(a) Refer to the list of hearing dates that is posted to this website (scroll to “Uncontested Docket at 9:00 a.m.” section).
(b) Call Judges’ Chambers at 703.746.4123 to schedule a 9:00 a.m. hearing.
(c) Advise if the Petitioner, Respondent and GAL will be attending the in-person hearing. (Refer to “Attend the Hearing” below for additional information.)
4. File remaining documents with the Clerk’s office and deliver a mandatory copy to Judges’ Chambers’ 4th floor drop box prior to the filing deadline.
(a) Filing deadline: 7 days prior to the hearing date.
(b) Remaining documents include
(1) Notice of hearing
(2) Final order
(3) Guardian ad Litem report (filing deadline: three days prior to the hearing).
5. Attend the hearing. Petitioner, Respondent and GAL appear in‑person for the 9:00 a.m. uncontested hearing. The proposed Order of Appointment of Guardian ad Litem may be entered at the hearing, based on clear and convincing evidence, in consideration of the factors listed in Virginia Code 64.2‑2007(c).
If Petitioner, Respondent and GAL have waived their presence at the hearing. The case will be docketed for 9:00 a.m. and the case will be called in the courtroom. The order will not be entered if the Respondent or any other entity whose name is included in the petition appears at the uncontested in-person hearing and objects to the entry of the order. A court administrator will contact counsel to advise that a contested hearing be scheduled on a 10:00 a.m. docket.
22-C: UNCONTESTED APPOINTMENT at a 10:00 a.m. Remote Motions Day Hearing
10:00 a.m. remote Motions Day hearing - Uncontested appointment of guardian or conservator hearings may be scheduled for a remote 10:00 a.m. Motions Day hearing. The Petitioner, Respondent and GAL attend the hearing remotely.
1. File the initiating documents prior to the deadline. All documents shall be filed with the Clerk’s office and a mandatory copy shall be delivered to Judges’ Chambers’ 4th floor drop box.
2. Filing deadline for remote Motions Day. The deadline for each Motions Day is on the Friday two and one-half (2.5) weeks prior to the Motions Day. Specific dates of each Motions Day (and filing deadlines) is posted to this website (scroll to “Motions Day” sections).
3. Initiating documents include
(a) Petition to Appoint a Guardian and Conservator;
(b) Motion to Appoint a Guardian ad Litem; and
(c) Order Appointing Guardian ad Litem (see notes below).
(1) Order of appointment. All orders appointing a guardian, conservator, or both shall include the current mailing address, email address, and physical address of the court issuing the order and to which such informal written communication shall be directed. The Alexandria Clerk of Court’s email address is
(2) Guardian ad Litem. The name of the proposed Guardian ad Litem shall be included on the order of appointment and the proposed Guardian ad Litem shall be contacted prior to the order of appointment being filed with the Court. The Guardian ad Litem shall be from either (a) the Supreme Court of Virginia’s list of approved Guardians ad Litem or from the list of attorneys who have previously served as Guardians ad Litem in Alexandria (refer to “Guardians ad Litem Appointment Order” section of this website).
(3) Final order shall be filed when the initiating documents are filed, or no later than one week prior to the Motions Day.
4. Schedule the hearing. To schedule a remote Motions Day hearing, file a remote Motions Day praecipe with the Clerk’s office and deliver a mandatory copy to Judges’ Chambers’ 4th floor drop box (no need to wait until after the order appointing the Guardian ad Litem has been entered).
(a) Filing deadline for remote Motions Day. The deadline for each Motions Day is posted to this website (scroll to “Motions Day” sections).
(b) Court's remote motions day praecipe. The Court strongly encourages use of the Remote Motions Day praecipe which includes the mandatory remote hearing language and space for the moving party to include the required email addresses of the moving party, the non-moving party and all interested parties. The Remote Motions Day praecipe is posted to this website (scroll to the “Forms” section).
5. File the GAL report with the Clerk’s office and deliver a mandatory copy to Judges’ Chambers’ 4th floor drop box prior to the filing deadline
(a) Filing deadline: 3 days prior to the hearing date.
6. Attend the hearing. Petitioner, Respondent and GAL appear remotely at the remote Motions Day hearing by using the meeting links and call-in telephone numbers that are emailed by the Court two days prior to the hearing. If a meeting link is not received, please refer to the docket and meeting links that are posted to this website (scroll to “Motions Day” sections).
The proposed Order of Appointment of Guardian ad Litem may be entered at the hearing, based on clear and convincing evidence, in consideration of the factors listed in Virginia Code 64.2‑2007(c).
23. GUARDIAN AD LITEM (APPOINTMENT ORDER)list for infant settlements and wrongful death hearings
updated 8/15/2024
The Court requires that the proposed Guardian ad Litem be contacted prior to the order of appointment being filed with the Clerk of Court.
All orders for appointment of a GAL shall include the name of the proposed GAL.
(1) The GAL shall be from the Alexandria Circuit Court’s list of attorneys who previously served as GALs (paragraph C of this section) or from the Supreme Court of Virginia’s list (paragraph D of this section).
(2) If you are seeking to add a GAL to Alexandria's GAL list, the moving party shall include the name of the proposed GAL (who must be an attorney) on a cover letter to the Court and include the proposed GAL’s experience as a GAL in infant settlements and wrongful death hearings.
C. Alexandria Circuit Court’s list of GAL attorneys
The following attorneys have previously served as a GAL in Alexandria Circuit Court for infant settlements and wrongful death hearings. This list SHOULD NOT be construed as a list of recommended GALs. Attorneys may request their name be added to the list by sending a letter to the Chief Judge detailing their experience as a GAL.
Alexandria Circuit Court’s List (list updated 6/14/2024)
(1) Aschmann, Frank G 703.683.1142 209 South Alfred Street Alexandria, VA 22314
(2) Bayne, Jr., David L 703.931.5500 4900 Seminary Road, Suite 650 Alexandria, VA 22311
(3) Becker, James R 703.281.2614 10619 Jones Street, Suite 201B Fairfax, VA 22030
(4) Bradley, Amy 703.359.7111 10505 Judicial Drive, Suite 203 Fairfax, VA 22030
(5) Bradley, Peter 703.220.8126 3682 King Street #3313 Alexandria, VA 22302
(6) Bronley, Jonathan R 703.229.0335 10387 Main Street, Suite 201 Fairfax, VA 22030
(7) Brown, IV, Medford J 540.373.3500 910 Princess Anne Street, 2nd Floor Fredericksburg, VA 22404
(8) Carroll, III, F. Andrew 703.836.1000 524 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314
(9) Carter, Thomas C 703.836.2000 526 King Street #213 Alexandria, VA 22314
(10) Chinchilla, Luis E 703.535.5456 307 N. Washington Street Alexandria, VA 22314
(11) Coffey, John E 703.684.2000 510 King Street, Suite 301 Alexandria, VA 22314
(12) Colton, Donne L 703.836.8989 510 King Street, Suite 400 Alexandria, VA 22314
(13) Conn, Alexander J 703.772.7867 P.O. Box 171 Annandale, VA 22003
(14) Deane, David 703.224.4403 1106 N. Glebe Road, Suite 1010 Arlington, VA 22201
(15) Dunn, Robert C 703.836.9000 P. O. Box 117 Alexandria, VA 22313
(16) Estevez, Adriana 703.829.5179 10615 Judicial Drive #102 Fairfax, VA 22030
(17) Findlater, Christopher G 703.539.2857 11654 Plaza America Drive, Suite 607 Reston, VA 20190
(18) Forrester, J Casey 703.549.7510 122 South Royal Street Alexandria, VA 22314
(19) Friedman, Foster S.B. 703.836.9030 616 N. Washington Street Alexandria, VA 22314
(20) Glass, Brian M 703.352.6400 4011 Chain Bridge Road Fairfax, VA 22030
(21) Gupta, Roopal 703.352.8833 9401 Lee Highway, Suite 206 Fairfax, VA 22031
(22) Ho, Anthony 571.429.3408 2800 Eisenhower Avenue #220 Alexandria, VA 22314
(23) Johnston, Saben Nicole 703.507.7033 600 Cameron Street Alexandria, VA 22314
(24) Kerby, III, Elias M 703.591.9829 3998 Fair Ridge Drive, Suite 250 Fairfax, VA 22033
(25) Levine, Bruce A 703.385.2080 10615 Judicial Drive, Suite 403 Fairfax, VA 22030
(26) Macaluso, Adam V 703.246.9494 10825 Cross School Road Reston, VA 20191
(27) Malek, Azsadeh 703.361.9531 9300 West Courthouse Road, Suite 203 Manassas, VA 20110
(28) McConville, James 703.642.5353 7010 Little River Turnpike, Suite 220 Annandale, VA 22003
(29) Peace, Christopher K 804.214.3033 7308 Hanover Green Drive, Suite 201 Mechanicsville, VA 23111
(30) Persian, Eric 703.392.9215 9842 Business Way Manassas, VA 20110
(31) Pickard, Adrien C 703.836.3505 100 N. Pitt Street, Suite 206 Alexandria, VA 22314
(32) Poretz, Daniel 703.683.7070 108 N. Alfred Street Alexandria, VA 22314
(33) Rochkind, Jonathan 703.361.0776 9300 West Courthouse Road, Suite 203 Manassas, VA 20110
(34) Rosenblum, Alan 703.548.9002 228 S. Washington Street, Suite 300 Alexandria, VA 22314
(35) Silek, David W 703.564.4600 8500 Leesburg Pike, Suite 400 Vienna, VA 22182
(36) Tighe, Tara L 703.828.0051 13895 Hedgewood Drive, Suite 341 Woodbridge, VA 22193
(37) Trapeni, Jr., Joseph T 703.273.1133 3930 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Fairfax, VA 22030
(38) Vogelman, Jeffrey A 703.836.3400 124 S. Royal Street Alexandria, VA 22314
(39) Watkins, Inga A 703.549.6111 2121 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 200 Alexandria, VA 22314
(40) Yao, Matthew J 703.828.5299 10615 Judicial Drive, Suite 102 Fairfax, VA 22030
(41) Yeager, Martin A 703.836.1000 524 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314
D The Supreme Court of Virginia’s List
The Supreme Court of Virginia's List of Approved GAL can be accessed on-line at > Programs > Guardians ad Litem > Programs > Guardians ad Litem for Incapacitated Persons.
(updated 1/18/2024)
ALEXANDRIA COURTS will be closed when the Alexandria City Government (not the Alexandria City Public Schools) is closed or when the City Government opens at 10:00 a.m. or later due to inclement weather or other emergency. Exceptions to this procedure may be made by the judge on a case by case basis. The Alexandria City Employee Hotline (703.746.4636) is updated with the information as well.
ALEXANDRIA COURTS includes Circuit Court, Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, General District Court, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, and Court Service Unit.
AJIS/COURTS IT STAFF follows the City’s inclement weather policy and shall report to work if the City is open or on delayed arrival. Contact your supervisor if you have questions.
updated 5/7/2024
A. Scheduled on the 10:00 a.m. contested docket (and not on a Motions Day docket).
The hearing will be held in-person in a courtroom on the 4th floor of the courthouse at 520 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314. Refer to the 4th floor bulletin board for courtroom assignment.
B. Procedure
(1) File the initiating documents with the Clerk’s office (Room 307), deliver a copy to opposing counsel and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box (to alert Chambers’ staff that the case has been filed). Initiating documents include
a. Petition seeking approval of an Infant Settlement.
b. Order appointing Guardian ad Litem. Refer to “Guardian ad Litem” section of this website for guidance, including Lists of Approved Guardians ad Litem for Infant Settlements from the Alexandria Circuit Court and the Supreme Court of Virginia, as well as instructions to appoint a GAL whose name is not on either list.
(2) Schedule the contested hearing. Wait approximately four to five days (for the order appointing GAL to be entered), and then call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) to schedule a contested hearing at 10:00 a.m. The contested hearing will be scheduled at least 10 to 14 days after Judges’ Chambers is contacted.
(3) File all remaining documents. At least seven (7) days prior to the hearing date, file all remaining documents with the Clerk’s office and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box. Remaining documents include
a. Notice of hearing
b. Guardian ad Litem report. (Effective 6/1/2024) At least three (3) business days prior to the trial date, the GAL report shall be filed with the Clerk’s Office. A MANDATORY Chambers’ copy shall be delivered to the 4th floor drop box.
c. Final order. Refer to “General Receiver Deposits” section for additional instructions.
(4) Attend the in-person hearing. The parties-in-interest shall attend the hearing in-person in a courtroom on the 4th floor of the courthouse at 520 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 (refer to the 4th floor bulletin board for the courtroom assignment).
25-B, 25-C and 25-D UNCONTESTED Infant settlement hearings
UNCONTESTED Infant Settlement Hearings (3 options). In Alexandria Circuit Court, a final order may be entered
without a hearing (section 25-B instructions),
at a remote Motions Day hearing at 10:00 a.m. (section 25-C instructions), or
at an in-person hearing at 9:00 a.m. (section 25-D instructions).
25-B. ENTRY OF FINAL ORDER WITHOUT A HEARING for uncontested infant settlements
Updated 5/7/2024
(1) File the initiating documents
File the initiating documents with the Clerk’s office (Room 307) and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box (to alert Chambers’ staff that the case has been initiated). Initiating documents include
a. Petition seeking approval of an Infant Settlement.
b. Order appointing Guardian ad Litem. Refer to “Guardian ad Litem” section of this website for guidance, including Lists of Approved Guardians ad Litem for Infant Settlements from the Alexandria Circuit Court and the Supreme Court of Virginia, as well as instructions to appoint a GAL whose name is not on either list.
c. Waiver of attendance at hearing from all parties consenting to waive their appearance at a court hearing.
d. Guardian ad Litem report.
e. Final order. Refer to “General Receiver Deposits” section for additional instructions.
(2) Entry of Order.
The proposed order will be entered without a hearing within two (2) to three (3) weeks. If the order cannot be entered, a law clerk will contact counsel.
(3) Check status of entered order. Counsel may call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) to check the status of the order after two (2) to three (3) weeks.
for uncontested infant settlements (Motions Days are the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month)
updated 5/7/2024
Refer to the “Motions Day” sections of this website for Motions Day instructions and filing deadlines.
for uncontested infant settlements (the 9:00 a.m. uncontested docket is held on a Friday once or twice a month)
updated 5/7/2024
Refer to the “Uncontested Docket” section of this website for specific hearing dates and deadlines.
(1) Filing the initiating documents
with the Clerk’s office (Room 307) and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box (to alert Chambers’ staff that the case has been initiated). Initiating documents include
a. Petition seeking approval of an Infant Settlement.
b. Order appointing Guardian ad Litem. Refer to “Guardian ad Litem” section of this website for guidance, including Lists of Approved Guardians ad Litem for Infant Settlements from the Alexandria Circuit Court and the Supreme Court of Virginia, as well as instructions to appoint a GAL whose name is not on either list.
(2) Schedule the uncontested hearing.
Wait approximately four to five days (for the order appointing GAL to be entered), and then call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) to schedule an uncontested hearing at 9:00 a.m.
(3) File remaining documents.
At least seven (7) days prior to the hearing date, file all remaining documents with the Clerk’s office and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box. Remaining documents include
a. Notice of hearing
b. Guardian ad Litem report.
NEW: Effective 6/1/2024, the filing deadline for the GAL report is by 4:00 p.m. at least three (3) business days prior to the hearing date. File the GAL report in the Clerk’s office (Room 307), and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box.
c. Final order. Refer to “General Receiver Deposits” section for additional instructions.
(4) Attend the in-person hearing.
The parties-in-interest shall attend the hearing in-person in a courtroom on the 4th floor of the courthouse at 520 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 (refer to the 4th floor bulletin board for the courtroom assignment).
Updated 4/18/2024
A. INTERPRETER SHORTAGE. Due to the statewide shortage of interpreters, an interpreter may not be available for all cases. For civil cases, counsel and pro se litigants are encouraged to bring their own qualified interpreter to the court trial/hearing.
B. INTERPRETERS FOR SPANISH. (no telephone number)
Hassan Abdi 571.435.1786
(1) Request as soon as possible. Counsel or pro se litigant must request interpreter services when the trial date is scheduled. Any delay in contacting Interpreter Services may result in your trial or hearing not going forward. Follow the instructions below to schedule a foreign language interpreter.
(2) Do not call Judges’ Chambers to schedule an interpreter. You must follow the instructions below and send an email to request a foreign language interpreter.
(3) Instructions.
a. Email your request to
b. The subject line of your email must include the date, court, language needed and in person or remote. For example,
(i) 4/13/2023 Alexandria JDR Spanish
(ii) 4/25/2023 Alexandria GDC LOTS
(iii) 5/10/2023 Alexandria Circuit Spanish remote
c. The body of your email must include the following information. All fields must be completed (do not leave any information blank).
(1) Location (where the interpreter should report)________________
(2) Date/Time: ______________________
(3) Case Number: ______________________
(4) Case Name: ______________________
(5) Is this a criminal case? If so, what is the charge (include the Virginia Code section) ______________
(6) Is this a civil case? Please give a short description of the case ______________________________________
(7) What is the type of hearing? _____________________
(8) Estimated length (how many hours)? _______________
(9) Language needed? ______________________
(10) Who needs the interpreter? _____________________
(11) Who is completing this form? _________________
(12) Phone number of person completing this form _____________
(13) Other necessary information __________________
Do not become a scam victim.
Do not give out your personal information by telephone or email.
Will not be called by anyone (either the jury coordinator or the Sheriff’s office).
Will not be asked for payment, a credit card, gift card, etc.
Will receive a failure to appear letter from the jury coordinator.
Report all suspicious phone calls to the Alexandria Police Department (703.746.4444).
updated 4/18/2024
A. IF YOU ARE A SUMMONSED JUROR. If you have received a Juror Summons (with a specific date for your term of jury duty service) and need additional information, please click on the link below. You may also call the jury coordinator (703.746.4119). If the jury coordinator is not available, call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.123) for assistance.
B. JURY TRIALS – Information for counsel and pro se litigants
(1) JURY INSTRUCTIONS. Jury instructions are prepared by counsel or a pro se litigant in advance of the trial date. The jury instructions are filed with the Clerk of Circuit Court and exchanged with opposing counsel in accordance with the Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order that was entered in the case.
(2) WEEKLY LIST OF JURORS SUMMONSED FOR A PARTICULAR WEEK. The jury panel weekly list is available from the Clerk’s office (Room 307) no earlier than three (3) days prior to the scheduled trial date.
a. The list includes all jurors who have been mailed a summons to serve as a juror for a specific week.
b. Do not contact the Jury Coordinator for the Jury Panel List.
a. The jury panel trial list is available at 9:45 a.m. on the day of trial, and is delivered to counsel in the courtroom by the jury coordinator.
b. The list includes all jurors who reported to the jury assembly room on that specific day.
(4) IF A SCHEDULED JURY TRIAL SETTLES OR IS NONSUITED PRIOR TO TRIAL. Counsel are strongly encouraged to notify the Court immediately if
a. The case settles;
b. In a civil case, counsel agree to remove the jury and proceed with a bench trial; or
c. In a civil case, a continuance of the trial date is being requested (judge's permission required).
During business hours, counsel shall call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123). After business hours, counsel shall email the court administrators and leave a voicemail for the jury coordinator (703.746.4347) to avoid sanctions and to allow the Court to cancel jurors reporting for the trial.
Court personnel* may not be asked for any guidance or legal advice. If you need legal assistance, you must seek legal counsel. Contact Alexandria Lawyer Referral at 703.548.4077 if you need help finding an attorney.
*Court personnel include the Clerk’s office, Chambers’ staff and Judicial Law Clerks.
Updated 5/7/2024
A. Someone to perform a marriage ceremony (besides clergy).
Alexandria Circuit Court’s list of local attorneys who have been authorized to perform a civil marriage ceremony (in addition to clergy), is on the Clerk of Circuit Court's website at
B. To become a one-time civil marriage celebrant A resident of Alexandria may petition the Alexandria Circuit Court to become a marriage celebrant to perform a one-time civil marriage ceremony (Virginia Code § 20‑25).
(1) The petitioner is the person performing the marriage ceremony.
(2) The petitioner must live in the City of Alexandria. Fairfax County residents shall petition the Fairfax County Circuit Court at 4110 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030 (703.691.7320).
(3) At least thirty (30) days prior to the wedding date, the petitioner shall file all required documents with the Clerk’s office (Room 307) and pay the filing fee. The order of appointment may take seven (7) to ten (10) days to be entered by a judge. Contact the Clerk of Court (703.746.4044) to check the status of the order. Required documents include
a. Petition to Perform One‑Time Civil Marriage Ceremony that is signed by the Petitioner (the marriage celebrant);
b. Proposed Order of Authorization Pursuant to Virginia Code Section 20-25; and
c. (Local Rule) In Alexandria, the judges require that the petitioner (the marriage celebrant) file a letter stating the following:
(i) the petitioner (the marriage celebrant) lives in the City of Alexandria;
(ii) describing the petitioner’s relationship with the couple getting married; and
(iii) why the petitioner wants to perform the civil marriage ceremony.
(4) After the order has been entered, the petitioner is required to post a bond with the Clerk of Circuit Court.
Mediation is recommended by the Court in all disputed custody cases. The Court cannot recommend a specific mediator service.
32. Motions Day - GENERAL
(updated 5/13/2023)
Alexandria Circuit Court's Motions Day hearings will continue to be heard remotely via Microsoft Teams until further notice, unless an exception is permitted by the Court. Do not come to court. There are no in-person hearings on Motions Day.
Motions Day hearings are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, except in May, when the schedule may change due to the Judicial Conference.
REMOTE HEARINGS ONLY. All Motions Day Hearings will continue to be heard remotely by Microsoft Teams until further notice, unless an exception is permitted by the Court. The virtual motions day hearings are open to everyone (court reporters, observers, etc.) by either clicking on the meeting link, or calling the telephone number on the meeting link.
QUESTIONS?? Call Judges' Chambers at 703.746.4123 if you have any questions (telephones are answered from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
32-A. DOCKET for the next Motions Day (posted 2 days prior to the Motions Day)
- If a motion is already scheduled and you want to see which Judge has been assigned the case.
- The Motions Day docket is posted to this website two (2) business days prior to the Motions Day hearing.
- For detailed instructions please see the Motions Day Guidance (Scroll to the "32-D Motions Day Instructions" section).
32-B. MEETING LINKS and CALL-IN TELEPHONE NUMBERS for the next Motions Day (posted 2 days prior to the Motions Day)
- If a motion is already scheduled
- Look at the docket (posted in 32-A) to determine which judge has been assigned to the case.
- Use the Meeting Link or telephone number (posted in 32-B) to access the Motions Day hearing.
- There is a separate meeting link for each judge's docket (refer to the posted Motions Day docket for case assignments).
- For detailed instructions, please see the Motions Day Guidance (refer to "32-D Motions Day Instructions" section).
- Motions Day dates from June through December 2024.
- Motions Days filing deadlines from June through December 2024.
- For detailed instructions, please see the Motions Day Guidance (refer to "32-D Motions Day Instructions" section).
- How to file a motion; how to notice a motion for the Remote Motions Day hearings; etc.
- For detailed instructions, please see the Motions Day Guidance.
- Remote Praecipe for Motions Day (refer to "20. Forms and Praecipes" section).
32-A. DOCKET for the next Motions Day (posted 2 days prior to the Motions Day)
Motions Day Docket for FEBRUARY 12, 2025 Motions Day (posted 2/7/2025 at 1:30 p.m.)
Refer to Section 32-B below for each judge's meeting link (for either than 10:00 a.m. or the 2:00 p.m. docket)
-- 10:00 a.m. docket - each judge has a separate docket
Judge Lisa B. Kemler
Judge Kathleen M. Uston
Judge Rebecca J. Wade
-- 2:00 p.m. docket
Judge Rebecca J. Wade
MEETING LINK: Each case has been assigned to a specific judge. Use the meeting links posted in Section 32-B below to access the remote Motions Day hearing.
DOCKET: The remote Motions Day docket will be posted to this website two (2) business days prior to the Motions Day. The moving party is encouraged to check the docket when it is posted to confirm their case has been scheduled. If you have any questions, call Judges' Chambers (703.746.4123).
Each judge will have a separate docket, and will include all cases assigned to that judge, for both the 10:00am docket and the 2:00 p.m. docket (if there is a 2:00 p.m. docket).
32-B. MEETING LINKS and CALL-IN TELEPHONE NUMBERS for the next Motions Day (posted 2 days prior to the Motions Day)
Due to Inclement weather the courts are closed therefore all motions day hearings are canceled.
MEETING LINKS for FEBRUARY 12, 2025 Motions Day (posted on 2/7/2025 at 1:30 p.m.)
MOTIONS DAY DOCKET is posted in Section 32-A (refer to the docket to determine which judge will hear each specific case)
A. 10:00 a.m. docket
(1) JUDGE Lisa b. kemler - 10:00 A.M. DOCKET on FEBRUARY 12, 2025
(a) Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 258 595 375 477
Passcode: cJ9hk9Qf
(b) Dial in by phone
+1 703-719-4698,,809308875# United States, Alexandria
Phone conference ID: 809 308 875#
(a) Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 267 993 941 533
Passcode: uQ2vt3GZ
(b) Dial in by phone
+1 703-719-4698,,18851572# United States, Alexandria
Phone conference ID: 188 515 72#
(a) Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 257 546 012 666
Passcode: yw9aC6U6
(b) Dial in by phone
+1 703-719-4698,,490942734# United States, Alexandria
Phone conference ID: 490 942 734#
(4) JUDGE Lisa b. kemler - 2:00 p.M. DOCKET on FEBRUARY 12, 2025
(a) Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 275 687 081 920
Passcode: tE7st23Y
(b) Dial in by phone
+1 703-719-4698,,778775136# United States, Alexandria
Phone conference ID: 778 775 136#
32-C. FILING DEADLINES for upcoming Motions Days.
(updated 9/25/2024)
The Court has strict filing deadlines for all Motions Day documents. Late-filed documents may not be considered.
Motions Days are on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month.
10:00 a.m. docket.
An unlimited number of Motions Day cases will be heard at 10:00 a.m. by the complete and timely filing of all required documents (a mandatory copy of all documents shall be delivered to Judges' Chambers' 4th floor drop box when the document is filed in the Clerk's office).
2:00 P.M. DOCKET
There is also a 2:00 p.m. docket for motions anticipated to last over 25 minutes. Call a law clerk at 703.746.4123 to reserve a spot on the 2:00pm docket prior to filing the remote Motions Day praecipe.
B. Upcoming Motions Day dates
Refer to the following Paragraph for specific filing deadlines for each Motions Day.
- January 8 and 22, 2025
- February 12 and 26, 2025
- March 12 and 26, 2025
- April 9 and 23, 2025
- May 7 and 28, 2025 (May 7 is the first Wednesday of the month)
- June 11 and 25, 2025
- July 9 and 23, 2025
- August 13 and 27, 2025
- September 10 and 24, 2025
- October 8 and 22, 2025
- November 12 and 26, 2025 (no 2pm docket on 11/26/2025)
- December 10, 2025 (no Motions Day docket on 12/24/2025)
C. FILING DEADLINES for upcoming remote motions days
Deadlines for Motions Day dockets: January 8, 2025 through June 25, 2025 (posted on 12-30-2024).
D. Filing deadlines - GENERAL INFORMATION
(1) All filing deadlines are at 4:00 p.m.
(2) All originals (except exhibits) shall be filed in the Clerk's office (Room 307), with a mandatory copy delivered to Judges' Chambers' 4th floor drop box. Exhibits and evidence binders shall be delivered to Judges' Chambers' 4th floor drop box.
(3) If a deadline falls on a holiday, the deadline shall be the next business day.
Type of document and filing deadlines:
(4) Continue a motion to another Motions Day): The deadline to call and notify Judges' Chambers and opposing counsel is Tuesday on the day prior to the Motions Day hearing.
(5) Evidence/exhibits: Filing deadline is on the Friday one-half (0.5) week prior to the Motions Day hearing. Evidence/exhibits shall be delivered to Judges' Chambers' 4th floor drop box (and not filed in Room 307).
(6) GAL Report: Filing deadline is on the Friday one-half (0.5) week prior to the Motions Day hearing.
(7) Memoranda/briefs: Filing deadline is on the Wednesday one (1) week prior to the Motions Day hearing.
(8) Motions
(a) Initiating motions: Filing deadline is on the Friday 2.5 weeks prior to the Motions Day.
(b) Additional motions: Filing deadline is on the Friday 1.5 weeks prior to the Motions Day.
(9) Oppositions/responses: Filing deadline is on the Wednesday one (1) week prior to the Motions Day hearing. (Responses by the moving party to non-moving party's opposition/response will not be considered by the Court.)
(10) Orders. Court's preference is that proposed orders shall be filed when the scheduling praecipe is filed.
Otherwise, the final filing deadline for proposed orders is on the Wednesday one (1) week prior to the Motions Day hearing.
(11) Praecipes
(a) To docket an initial motion: Filing deadline is on the Friday 2.5 weeks prior to the Motions Day.
(b) To docket an additional motion: Filing deadline is on the Friday 1.5 weeks prior to the Motions Day.
(12) Removal of e a motion from the motions day docket: The deadline to call and notify Judges' Chambers and opposing counsel is Tuesday on the day prior to the Motions Day hearing, and then follow-up by filing a removal praecipe with the clerk's office.
(13) Removal of motions to compel. Additional instructions apply (refer to page 5 of the Motions Day Guidance posted in Section 32-D).
32-D. MOTIONS DAY INSTRUCTIONS (How to file a motion, etc.)
The remote Motions Day instructions, including filing a Remote Motions Day Praecipe with mandatory remote hearing language, must be followed.
- Motions Day Guidance- Updated 5/13/2024. Includes detailed instructions for all required procedures, filing deadlines, documents required, and filing of proposed orders. Please call Judges’ Chambers at 703.746.4123 to speak with a Judicial Law Clerk if you do not understand a procedure.
- CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT dockets the case for Motions Days when the notice/praecipe is filed in Room 307. (Remember to deliver a Chambers' copy to Judges’ Chambers’ 4th floor drop box.)
33. NAME CHANGE PETITION AND ORDER (City of Alexandria residents only)
Updated 4/16/2024
A. Alexandria residents only. You must live in the City of Alexandria to have your name changed in Alexandria Circuit Court.
B. Adult Name Change Packet (last update: July 2014).
(1) Available from the Alexandria Law Library
a. For purchase in-person at 520 King Street, Lower Level 703.746.4077 Business Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; or
b. A free download from the Alexandria Law Library’s website. Scroll down to “Information Packets” on the lower left side of the webpage.
(2) Contains
a. General information regarding procedures in Alexandria Circuit Court
b. Fill‑in‑the‑blank name change petition
c. Fill‑in‑the‑blank name change order
C. Minor Child Name Change Packet (last update: November 2018)
(1) Both parents must sign the petition for a minor child’s name change.
(2) The name change packet is available from the Alexandria Law Library (refer to above information).
D. No legal advice from Court personnel (including the Clerk’s office, Judges’ Chambers’ staff or the judicial law clerks). If you need detailed instructions or additional guidance, you should seek legal counsel. If you need help finding an attorney, contact Alexandria Lawyer Referral Service (703.548.4077).
34. ORDERS (Proposed orders)
updated 4/16/2024
A. AGREED ORDERS OR FINAL DECREES. All agreed orders or Final Decrees require the signature of opposing counsel (or pro se litigant).
B. COMPETING ORDERS. After the hearing or trial has concluded, if counsel are unable to agree on the language of a proposed order regarding the judge's ruling, counsel shall submit opposing orders. Each counsel files their order with their signature, and the judge will enter the appropriate order.
C. EMAILED ORDERS. Emailed orders are not accepted without a judge’s permission.
D. GENERAL RECEIVER DEPOSITS. Refer to “General Receiver Deposits” section of this website. E. JUDGMENT ORDERS. All Judgment Orders shall specifically name the defendant(s) upon which the judgment is granted in the last paragraph of the order.
F. ORIGINAL ORDERS. The original of any proposed order shall be filed with the Clerk’s office (Room 307). Chambers’ copies (mandatory or optional) shall not be entered.
G. MOTIONS DAY - PROPOSED ORDERS. The Court prefers that all proposed orders to be entered at a Motions Day hearing be filed with the remote Motions Day praecipe or Notice. The filing deadline is 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the Motions Day (effective with the 6/12/2024 Motions Day). To allow time for the proposed order to be placed in the Judge’s file. The previous deadline was 4:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to the Motions Day. File the original with the Clerk’s office (Room 307), and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box (emails are not accepted).
(1) Responsive pleading filed. If a responsive pleading has been filed
(a) The nonsuit order shall state that this is the first nonsuit and that no counterclaims, crossclaims, or third-party claims by an adverse party have been filed; and
(b) Opposing counsel’s signature is required.
(2) Complaint not served or responsive pleading not filed. If the complaint has not been served, or a responsive pleading has not been filed
(a) The nonsuit order shall state that this is the first nonsuit and that no counterclaims, crossclaims, or third-party claims by an adverse party have been filed, and that a responsive pleading has not been filed, and
(b) Plaintiff’s signature is the only signature required on the nonsuit order.
(1) Signatures.
a. Original, handwritten signatures. As required by Virginia Rule of Supreme Court 5:1B(f), documents must be signed with original, handwritten signatures (signed in pen) of all counsel and/or pro se parties.
b. Electronic signatures. Orders with electronic signatures will not be entered unless the electronic signature contains the date and time the document was electronically signed.
(2) Signature Block. The signature block on an order shall include
a. Counsel or pro se party's contact information, including
b. Name
c. Mailing address
d. Telephone number
e. Email address (if any)
f. Counsel's bar number (if applicable)
updated 4/18/2024
All funds paid into the Circuit Court will be deposited in the Clerk of Circuit Courts account, which is non-interest bearing.
If counsel or parties desire funds to be deposited into an interest‑bearing account, they may do so by court order that directs the funds be paid directly to the General Receiver of the Court (not the Clerk of Circuit Court). The General Receiver shall deposit the funds in an interest bearing account until further order of the court. The General Receiver will not accept any funds until he has received a copy of the court’s order.
updated 4/18/2024
A. Mandatory for all ED trials and trials lasting more than two days. A pretrial conference is mandatory for all civil trials scheduled for more than two (2) days and all Equitable Distribution trials.
B. Four to six weeks prior to trial date. The pretrial conference is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on a date certain four (4) to six (6) weeks prior to the trial date.
C. At the pretrial conference. The judge will ask about outstanding issues, estimated length of trial, and the possibility of settlement.
D. Motions cannot be heard at the pretrial conference. Motions, including motions to continue, cannot be heard at a pretrial conference and shall be scheduled separately from the pretrial conference.
E. Location of pretrial conference
(1) In a courtroom. Pretrial conferences involving pro litigants are typically held in a courtroom on the 4th floor of the courthouse at 520 King Street, Alexandria VA 22314. Refer to the 4th floor bulletin board for the courtroom assignment. All counsel and pro se litigants attend the hearing in-person.
(2) By telephone conference call. At the court’s discretion, the pretrial conference may be conducted by telephone conference call. If so, the Court will notify counsel and pro se litigants by email of the specific time and instructions for the conference call. All counsel and pro se litigants shall coordinate one telephone call, and then call Judges' Chambers (703.746.4123).
updated 4/18/2024
Select one of the following three (3) options to schedule a trial date. In addition, the Court may schedule a status conference (refer to “Status Conference” section) or a selection of trial date hearing (refer to “Appeals from JDR and GDC” section).
A. Telephone conference call with opposing counsel and Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123)
(1) Service has been completed. Defendant shall have been served and the proof of service has been filed with the Clerk’s office (Room 307).
(2) Schedule trial date. All counsel and pro se litigants call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) together on the same telephone conference call to select a trial date.
(3) File scheduling order. After selecting a trial date, a fully-endorsed Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order shall be filed with the Clerk’s office (Room 307). A Chambers’ copy of the scheduling order is not necessary.
B. Set-Date Motion on a Remote Motions Day hearing at 10:00 a.m. on the 2nd or 4th Wednesdays of the month.
(1) File the motion. The moving party shall file a motion to set a trial date for a remote Motions Day hearing with the Clerk’s office (Room 307), deliver a copy to opposing counsel, and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box. Emails are not accepted.
(2) Praecipe or Notice the motion. Prior to the filing deadline, file the Remote Motions Day Praecipe (with mandatory remote hearing language and the email addresses of opposing counsel and all interested parties) with the Clerk’s Office (Room 307), deliver a copy to opposing counsel, and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box.
(3) Attend the remote Motions Day hearing
a. Counsel and interested parties shall use the remote Microsoft Teams meeting link or telephone number (posted on the “Motions Day” sections of this website) to access the remote Motions Day hearing.
b. After the case is called in the virtual courtroom, counsel and/or pro se litigants will be directed to call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) together on the same telephone call to schedule a trial date.
c. After selecting a trial date, a fully-endorsed Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order shall be filed with the Clerk’s office (Room 307). A Chambers’ copy of the scheduling order is not necessary.
C. Term Day. Refer to the “Term Day” section of this website.
updated 4/18/2024
Settlement conferences are held at 9:00 a.m. for up to one (1) hour. To the extent possible, the Judge presiding over the settlement conference will not hear the case.
A. Agree to schedule. All Counsel or pro se litigants must agree that a settlement conference may be scheduled.
B. Call to schedule. Upon agreement to request a settlement conference, the parties may call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) to schedule a settlement conference.
C. Brief factual statements. Not less than five (5) business days prior to the settlement conference, both parties shall deliver to Judges' Chambers a brief factual statement of the case from their viewpoint and a statement of the amount or conditions of demands or offers.
D. Attorneys only. Only counsel and pro se litigants attend the settlement conference. The client or authorized representative must be available by phone during the conference.
E. Decision-making and settlement authority. All attorneys should come to the settlement conference with decision-making and settlement authority.
updated 4/22/2024
As required by Virginia Rule of Supreme Court 5:1B(f), documents must be signed with original, handwritten signatures of all counsel and/or pro se parties.
Electronic signatures. Orders with electronic signatures will not be entered unless the electronic signature contains the date and time the document was electronically signed.
Signature Block Requirements. The signature block shall include counsel or pro se party's contact information, to include name, counsel's bar number (if applicable), mailing address, telephone number, and email address (if any).
updated 4/23/2024
A. Selection of Trial Date hearing
(1) Location of Hearing. 4th floor lobby at 9:00 a.m. on the date printed on the Notice of Appeal.
(2) Two options to schedule a trial date for the appeal. Telephone calls are not accepted on the day of the selection of trial date hearing.
a. Call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) prior to selection of trial date hearing. This option is available only if opposing counsel or another interested party is not expected to appear at the selection of trial date hearing.
b. Appear in‑person in the 4th floor lobby at 9:00 a.m. to select a trial date.
B. Available Trial Dates. SIJS appeals are heard on the uncontested 9:00 a.m. docket, which is held on a Friday once or twice a month. Refer to the "Uncontested docket at 9:00 a.m." section of this website for available dates and filing deadlines.
C. Proof of Service. The trial date shall be scheduled far enough in advance to allow service required by § 16.1-296. Service required by § 16.1-296 will be reviewed by the Court in advance of the trial date. If service cannot be completed or waived by the trial date, the case will be removed from the docket, and counsel will be contacted regarding effectuating service.
D. Proof of publication. The proof of publication (if needed) shall be filed in the Clerk’s office (Room 307) at least seven (7) days prior to the trial date, with a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy delivered to the 4th floor drop box.
E. Interpreters are scheduled by counsel (not the Court). Contact "Interpreter Services" immediately upon scheduling the trial date. Refer to “Interpreter Services” section of this website for detailed instructions.
F. At least seven (7) days prior to the trial date. All SIJS appeal cases require proof of service, signed waiver of service, or proof of publication to be filed with the Clerk’s office (Room 307) and a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy delivered to the 4th floor drop box at least seven (7) days prior to the trial date.
G. Attend the appeal trial. The in-person hearing (to be attended by counsel, all interested parties and an interpreter (if needed) shall be held in a courtroom on the 4th floor of the courthouse at 520 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Refer to the 4th floor bulletin board for the courtroom assignment.
Refer to “Appeals” section.
Status Conference notice for February 10, 2025.
A. Why is a status conference scheduled by the Court? For docket management. All civil cases that are four (4) months old without proper service or a trial date will be scheduled for a status conference. The status conference notice will be mailed to all counsel and pro se litigants.
(1) One Year Rule. Alexandria Circuit Court’s goal is to have all civil cases resolved within one year of the filing date. The case is ended when the final order is entered by a judge.
B. Responding to a status conference notice. DO NOT COME TO COURT. STATUS CONFERENCES ARE BY TELEPHONE CALLS ONLY TO 703.746.4123.
If you are represented by counsel, your attorney will call the Court on your behalf, and you do not need to participate in the telephone conference call.
(1) Call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) immediately to speak to a court administrator (you do not need to wait until the date of the status conference).
Telephone hours. Telephones are open from 8:30am to 1:00pm and again from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Telephones are not answered during lunch (1:00pm to 2:00pm). Keep trying to call if the telephones are busy.
a. (No service in the case). If there has been no service requested in the case, the Plaintiff may call Judges’ Chambers’ without opposing counsel to discuss service.
b. (The complaint has been served and an answer has been filed) All counsel or pro se litigants shall call Judges’ Chambers together on the same telephone conference call to schedule a trial date; and
After the trial date has been selected, all counsel and pro se litigants shall complete and sign a Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order. File the Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order within two (2) weeks with the Clerk of Court (Room 307). Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order
C. Failure to respond to a status conference notice may result in the case being dismissed and removed from the Court’s active docket.
If plaintiff’s counsel or pro se plaintiff does not contact Judges’ Chambers by 1:00 p.m. on the date of the status conference, the Court may enter an Order of Dismissal dismissing the case from the active case docket.
updated 4/18/2024
Structured settlements may be scheduled on a Motions Day docket (held remotely until further notice), or on a 9:00 a.m. uncontested docket.
A. Initiating Documents. File all initiating documents with the Clerk’s office (Room 307). Initiating documents include
(1) Application for approval of structured settlement
(2) Notice of proposed transfer
(3) Final order containing the statutory requirements. Refer to “General Receiver Deposits” for General Receive information.
B. Schedule a hearing on a Remote Motions Day docket at 10:00 a.m. on on an uncontested 9:00 a.m. docket on a Friday once or twice a month (see below).
(1) On a Remote Motions Day docket at 10:00 a.m. on the 2nd or 4th Wednesday of the month
a. File initiating documents (see above) and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box.
b. Schedule the hearing by filing a Remote Motions Day Praecipe (with mandatory remote hearing language and the email addresses of opposing counsel and all interested parties) prior to the deadline with the Clerk’s Office (Room 307), deliver a copy to opposing counsel, and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box.
(i) Refer to “Motions Day” sections of this website for filing deadline information.
c. Attend the remote Motions Day hearing. Counsel, interested parties, and the payee shall use the remote Microsoft Teams meeting link or telephone number (posted on the “Motions Day” sections of this website) to access the remote Motions Day hearing.
d. Mandatory attendance. Counsel and the payee must attend the final hearing, unless good cause exists and a fully-endorsed waiver is filed with the Court.
e. The order is entered (if appropriate) at the remote hearing. Counsel may obtain a copy of the entered order by contacting the Clerk’s office (703.746.4044).
(2) On a 9:00 a.m. uncontested docket.
a. File initiating documents (see above) and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box.
b. Schedule the hearing. Prior to the deadline, call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) to schedule hearing on the 9:00 a.m. uncontested docket.
(i) Refer to “Uncontested 9:00 a.m. docket” section of this website for hearing dates and deadlines.
c. Attend the hearing. Counsel, interested parties, and the payee shall shall attend the hearing, which will be held in a courtroom on the 4th floor of the courthouse at 520 King Street, Alexandria VA 22314. Refer to the 4th floor bulletin board for courtroom assignment.
d. Mandatory attendance. Counsel and the payee must attend the final hearing, unless good cause exists and a fully-endorsed waiver is filed with the Court.
e. The order is entered (if appropriate) in the courtroom. Counsel may obtain a copy of the entered order by contacting the Clerk’s office (703.746.4044).
The Supreme Court of Virginia's primary purpose is to review the decisions of lower courts in which appeals have been allowed. The Court, which is located in Richmond, also has the power to issue writs of mandamus, habeas corpus, and prohibition; it has original jurisdiction in cases of judicial censure and removal. The Court has seven justices who are elected by joint vote of both houses of the General Assembly and are commissioned by the Governor to serve 12-year terms. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is the administrative head of the state judicial system. For more information, visit the Supreme Court of Virginia web site.
Updated 4/17/2024
A. Questions regarding courtroom technology shall be directed to Courts IT (703.746.4310).
B. TECHNOLOGY COURTROOMS / ELECTRONIC EVIDENCE PRESENTATION. Alexandria Circuit Court currently has two (2) technology courtrooms to be used for presentation of electronic evidence (i.e., video depositions) by connecting your laptop and digital media to the Court’s display monitors.
(1) Advance reservations are required by calling Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123). Tech courtrooms are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.
(2) Mandatory training must be taken on a Thursday prior to the trial date (see instructions below).
(3) On the day of trial
(a) Bring your laptop and electronic evidence (the same equipment you used for training) to the courtroom.
(b) Bring a hard copy of your electronic evidence for the Court to keep after trial (otherwise the court will keep the device you used to display the electronic evidence).
(c) Operate equipment without assistance. Counsel or pro se litigant is expected to operate the Court’s equipment without assistance. Courts IT staff may not be available for assistance.
C. TECH CART / REMOTE WITNESS TESTIMONY. Alexandria Circuit Court has one (1) tech cart to be used for remote witness testimony (“hybrid trial”).
(1) Permission Required. Upon written request and for good cause only, a judge may grant permission for remote witness testimony.
(a) Contact opposing counsel to ask if they agree or object to the remote witness testimony.
(b) File a written motion or letter with the Clerk’s office (Room 307) and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers copy to the 4th floor drop box. The motion or letter shall clearly state if opposing counsel agrees or objects to the remote witness testimony. If opposing counsel objects, opposing counsel shall file a written response clearly stating their reasons for the objection with the Clerk’s Office (Room 307) and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers copy to the 4th floor drop box.
(c) Call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) to ask if a judge has granted the request for remote testimony.
(2) Reserve Tech Cart. Call Courts IT (703.746.4310). Advance reservations are required.
(3) Mandatory training must be taken on a Thursday prior to the trial date (see instructions below).
(4) Issue MS Teams Meeting Invitation at least two (2) business days prior to the trial date. Counsel for the party with the witness testifying remote shall issue the Microsoft Teams meeting invitation.
(a) The Court uses only Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams is a free download available at
(b) The MS Teams meeting links shall be received by opposing counsel, the testifying witness and the court administrators at least two (2) business days prior to the trial date.
Court administrators’ emails are
(c) The meeting invitation must include
(i) the name of the case and docket number
(ii) date and time of the trial
(iii) reminder for recipients to download the Microsoft Teams application to their device prior to the meeting if needed (MS Teams is a free download available at
(5) Agreed order must be presented at the start of the trial granting permission for the witness to testify by audiovisual means under Rule 1:27.
(6) Testimony by witness outside the Commonwealth. If applicable, an affidavit for testimony outside the Commonwealth of Virginia must be presented.
(7) On the day of trial
(a) Bring your laptop with MS Teams downloaded (the same laptop you used for training) to the courtroom.
(b) Start the remote testimony at the appropriate time.
(c) Operate equipment without assistance. Counsel or pro se litigant is expected to operate the Court’s equipment without assistance. Courts IT staff may not be available for assistance.
F. TRAINING INFORMATION for both tech courtrooms and tech cart.
(1) Walk‑in training is available every Thursday from 8:00am to 9:00am in Courtroom #2 on the 4th floor.
(2) Bring your laptop, cables and digital media device to the training to confirm compatibility. The laptop (the same laptop to be used at trial) should have Windows OS or Mac OS and a native HDMI port (or bring a HDMI dongle/converter).
(3) On the day of trial, bring a hard copy of your electronic evidence for the Court to retain (otherwise, the Court will keep your device and digital evidence).
updated 4/222024
A. Term Day Dates. Term Day is at 9:00 a.m. on the second Monday of the month in January,, March, May, July, September and November of each year. If a Term Day falls on a holiday, the Term Day will be held the next day Court is open. Refer to the Court’s calendar for the specific Term Days in the year.
B. To schedule a case on the Term Day docket, counsel (or pro se litigant) shall follow the following instructions.
(1) File a Term Day Praecipe with the Clerk’s office (Room 307) prior to the deadline (see below).
(2) Serve opposing counsel (or pro se litigant) with the Term Day praecipe.
(3) Schedule the trial date. Either
a. Call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) together on the same telephone conference call prior to the Term Day date; or
b. Appear at the Term Day hearing at 9:00 a.m. in the 4th floor lobby at 520 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314
(4) After scheduling a trial date, a Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order shall be completed and signed by all counsel and pro se litigants. The Court may prepare a scheduling order if one is not filed within three (3) weeks after scheduling the trial date.
TERM DAY DEADLINES (1) All originals shall be filed in the Clerk’s office (Room 307). (2) Filing deadline is 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the Term Day (unless that day is a holiday (in which case the deadline will be the next business day) |
January 8, 2024 Term Day - Filing deadline: Wednesday, 1/3/2024 |
March 11, 2024 Term Day - Filing deadline: Wednesday, 3/6/2024 |
May 13, 2024 Term Day - Filing deadline: Wednesday, 5/8/2024 |
July 8, 2024 Term Day - Filing deadline: Wednesday, 7/3/2024 |
Sept. 9, 2024 Term Day - Filing deadline: Wednesday, 9/4/2024 |
Nov. 12, 2024 Term Day (Tuesday) - Filing deadline: Wednesday, 11/6/2024 |
C. Other options to set a trial date are
(1) All counsel or pro se litigants call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) together on the same telephone call; and
(2) Schedule a Set-date motion the remote Motions Day docket (refer to “Motions Day” sections for instructions).
updated 4/22/2024
Refer to individual sections of this website for additional guidance. Call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) if you need additional instruction.
A. COVID JUDICIAL EMERGENCY ended on June 22, 2022. Therefore, all trials and hearings (except Motions Day and Status Conference hearings) are held in-person, in a courtroom on the 4th floor of the courthouse at 520 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Selection of trial date and Term Day hearings are held in the 4th floor lobby. Call Judges' Chambers at 703.746.4123 if you have any questions.
B. NONSUIT PRIOR TO TRIAL DATE. Counsel shall notify Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) if a case is nonsuited prior to the trial date.
(1) All pretrial motions exceeding 5 minutes, including motions in limine, shall be duly noticed for and argued on a Civil Motions Day prior to the trial date. Refer to the "Motions Day” sections on this website for guidance.
(2) For last-minute motions on the day of trial (time limit: 5 minutes total)
(a) The motion shall be heard for good cause only; and
(b) the motion shall be filed no later than two (2) business days prior to the trial date, with a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy delivered to the 4th floor drop box and counsel shall call Judges' Chambers (703.746.4123) to advise that the motion in limine has been filed and a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy has been delivered to Judges’ Chambers’ 4th floor drop box.
D. REMOTE WITNESS TESTIMONY. Refer to “Technology in Alexandria Circuit Court” section.
E. SETTLEMENT PRIOR TO TRIAL DATE. Counsel shall notify Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) if a case is settled prior to the trial date. If a jury trial is scheduled for the next business day, counsel shall also notify the jury coordinator (see below).
(1) During business hours, call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123).
(2) After business hours, email the court administrators at;;
(3) JURY TRIALS. After business hours. Leave a message for the jury coordinator (703.746.4347); and email the court administrators (email addresses above).
F. START TIMES FOR CONTESTED TRIALS AND HEARINGS. Contact Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) for additional information regarding a specific trial.
(1) Contested trials start at 10:00 a.m. unless otherwise approved by the Court.
(2) Multiple day trials
(a) Trial may start at 9:00 a.m. on subsequent days of the trial at the judge’s discretion. Counsel and experts shall arrange their schedules accordingly.
(b) Witness and expert availability. To avoid Court having to recess early or start late, counsel shall make every effort to have their witnesses and experts available and ready to testify.
(i) Requests to stagger witnesses and/or experts shall be made at least two (2) business days prior to the start of the trial and will be granted for good cause.
(ii) To request staggered witnesses and/or experts, counsel shall deliver a written letter to Judges' Chambers’ 4th floor drop box and include the proposed schedule of witnesses/experts. The Judges will either approve, disapprove or schedule a conference call with counsel to discuss the request.
G. TRIALS (in-person only). All trials and hearings are held in‑person in a courtroom at 520 King Street, 4th floor, Alexandria, VA 22314. Refer to the docket that is posted on the 4th floor bulletin board for courtroom assignment. Totally remote trials are not allowed in Alexandria Circuit Court, except for the following.
(1) Motions Day hearings will continue to be held remotely until further notice. Refer to “Motions Day” sections of this website.
(2) Status Conferences. Will be held by telephone only. Refer to “Status Conference’ section of this website.
Updated 6/18/2024
Alexandria Circuit Court holds an uncontested 9:00 a.m. docket once or twice a month for an unlimited number of the following types of cases (see section B below for the types of cases heard on the uncontested 9:00 a.m. docket).
FRIDAYS - The uncontested docket is on FRIDAYS, typically the same week as Motions Day (Motions Days are generally the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month). See below for specific hearing dates and scheduling/filing deadlines.
The scheduling and filing deadline is 4:00 p.m. on the Thursday three (3) weeks prior to the hearing date (unless that date is a holiday, in which case the deadline is extended to the next business day). Counsel shall call Judges' Chambers at 703.746.4123 and file all required documents prior to the deadline.
Hearings at 9:00 a.m. - Scheduling and filing deadline
- September 27, 2024 Deadline: Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024
- October 11, 2024 Deadline: Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024
- November 15, 2024 Deadline: Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024
- (Court is closed on November 29, 2024)
- December 13, 2024 Deadline: Thursday, Nov. 21, 2024
- (No 9:00am docket on December 27, 2024)
- January 10, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, Dec. 19, 2024
- January 24, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, January 2, 2025
- February 14, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, January 23, 2025
- February 28, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, February 6, 2025
- March 14, 2025 Deadline:: Thursday, February 20, 2025
- March 28, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, March 6, 2025
- April 11, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, March 20, 2025
- April 25, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, April 3, 2025
- May 9, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, April 17, 2025
- May 30, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, May 8, 2025
- June 13, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, May 22, 2025
- June 27, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, June 5, 2025
- July 11, 2025 Deadline: FRIDAY, June 20, 2025 (6/19 is a holiday)
- July 25, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, July 3, 2025
- August 15, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, July 24, 2025
- August 29, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, August 7, 2025
- September 12, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, August 21, 2025
- September 26, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, September 4, 2025
- October 10, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, September 18, 2025
- October 24, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, October 2, 2025
- November 14, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, October 23, 2025
- (Court is closed on November 28, 2025)
- December 12, 2025 Deadline: Thursday, November 20, 2025
- (No 9:00am docket on December 26, 2025)
(1) APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN (UNCONTESTED). Refer to “Appointment of Guardians” section of this website for additional guidance.
(2) DIVORCES (UNCONTESTED ORE TENUS HEARING). Refer to “Divorces” section of this website for additional guidance.
(3) GARNISHMENTS (UNCONTESTED). An in-person garnishment return hearing may be scheduled on the 9:00 a.m. uncontested docket only if the judgment debtor’s email address and/or telephone number are not available and verifiable. Otherwise, the garnishment hearing shall be scheduled on a remote Motions Day (refer to “Motions Day” sections for guidance).
(4) INFANT SETTLEMENT HEARING (UNCONTESTED). Refer to “Infant Settlement” section of this website.
(5) SPECIAL IMMIGRANT JUVENILE STATUS APPEALS. Refer to “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Appeals” and "Interpreter Services" section of this website. Counsel or the pro se litigant must arrange for an interpreter if necessary (Circuit Court does not arrange for an interpreter).
(6) WRONGFUL DEATH HEARINGS. Refer to “Wrongful Death Hearings” section of this website.
(1) All cases except for garnishments
(a) Confirm that the initiating paperwork has been filed in the Clerk’s office (Room 307) or the Special Immigrant Juvenile Status appeal has been noticed for a selection of trial date hearing.
(b) Call Judges' Chambers (703.746.4123) prior to the scheduling deadline (see Section A above) to schedule an uncontested hearing.
(c) File all remaining documents in the Clerk's office (Room 307) prior to the filing deadline listed in Section A above. Remaining documents include praecipe regarding the hearing date, final order, etc.
(d) File the GAL report (if required) at least three (3) business days prior to the hearing date. The original GAL report is filed in the Clerk's office (Room 307) and a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy shall be delivered to the 4th floor drop box (emails are not accepted).
(2) For garnishment cases (in-person return hearings)
(a) Call Judges’ Chambers (703.746.4123) to schedule the garnishment return hearing prior to the scheduling deadline (see Section A above).
(b) File the request for garnishment with the Clerk's office (Room 307) and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers' copy to the 4th floor drop box.
(c) File all remaining documents in the Clerk's office (Room 307) prior to the filing deadline listed in Section A above. Remaining documents include praecipe regarding the hearing date, final order, etc.
Updated 4/17/2024
A. A Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order is required for all civil cases and shall be in the form prescribed by Rule 1:18 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia.
B. After selecting a trial date, a Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order shall be completed and signed by counsel and/or pro se litigants.
C. If the trial date is selected by telephone, the Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order shall be filed with the Clerk of Circuit Court (Room 307) within two (2) weeks.
Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order (updated Nov 2019)
Updated 4/17/2024
Wrongful death settlement orders may be entered with or without a hearing, by selecting one of the following options.
A. WITHOUT A HEARING "ON THE PAPERS”. Call a Judicial Law Clerk (703.746.4123) if you do not understand a procedure.
(1) File all required documents in the Clerk’s office (Room 307) and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box. Required documents include
(a) Petition seeking approval of a wrongful death settlement
(b) Proposed order appointing Guardian ad Litem. Refer to “Guardian ad Litem Appointment Order” section of this website for additional guidance.
(c) Signed statement from all parties consenting to waiver their appearance at the court hearing.
(d) Guardian ad Litem report. (effective 6/1/2024) At least three (3) business days prior to the hearing, file the GAL report in the Clerk's office (Room 307) and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box.
(e) Proposed final order. Refer to “General Receiver Deposits” section for additional instructions.
(2) A judicial law clerk reviews the documents.
(a) If corrections are necessary, counsel will be contacted.
(b) If corrections are not necessary, the order will be entered in Judges’ Chambers and sent to the Clerk’s office for processing.
B. MOTIONS DAY REMOTE HEARING AT 10:00 a.m. (on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month). Refer to “Motions Day” section of this website for additional guidance. Call a Judicial Law Clerk (703.746.4123) if you do not understand a Motions Day procedure.
(1) File all required documents in the Clerk’s office (Room 307) and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box. Required documents include
(a) Petition seeking approval of a wrongful death settlement
(b) Proposed order appointing Guardian ad Litem. Refer to “Guardian ad Litem Appointment Order” section of this website for additional guidance.
(c) Guardian ad Litem report. (Effective with the 6/12/2024 Motions Day) 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the Motions Day hearing is the deadline for the GAL report to be filed in the Clerk’s office (Room 307) and a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to be delivered to the 4th floor drop box (the previous deadline was 9:00 a.m. on the day prior to the Motions Day).
(d) Proposed final order. Refer to “General Receiver Deposits” section for additional instructions.
(e) Remote Motions Day Praecipe or Notice with mandatory remote hearing language and email addresses for all interested parties. Refer to “Motions Day” sections of this website for instructions and the Remote Motions Day Praecipe.
(2) On the day of the remote Motions Day hearing.
(a) All interested parties shall first download the MS Teams meeting application to their device (if not already done so), and attend the hearing remotely by using the MS Teams meeting link that is emailed to counsel and posted to this website. Refer to “Motions Day” sections to determine the judge to whom the case has been assigned (Docket), and the meeting link and telephone call-in number for the assigned judge.
(b) If appropriate, the judge will enter the final order at the Motions Day hearing.
C. IN-PERSON HEARING AT 9:00 a.m. ON THE UNCONTESTED DOCKET on a Friday, typically once or twice a month. Refer to “Uncontested Docket” section of this website for specific hearing dates and deadline. Call a Judicial Law Clerk (703.746.4123) if you do not understand a procedure.
(1) File all required documents in the Clerk’s office (Room 307) and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers’ copy to the 4th floor drop box. Required documents include
(a) Petition seeking approval of a wrongful death settlement
(b) Proposed order appointing Guardian ad Litem. Refer to “Guardian ad Litem Appointment Order” section of this website for additional guidance.
(c) Guardian ad Litem report. (Effective 6/1/2024), at least three (3) business days prior to the in‑person hearing, file the GAL report in the Clerk's office (Room 307) and deliver a MANDATORY Chambers' copy to the 4th floor drop box.
(d) Proposed final order. Refer to “General Receiver Deposits” section for additional instructions.
(e) Remote Motions Day Praecipe or Notice with mandatory remote hearing language and email addresses for all interested parties. Refer to “Motions Day” sections of this website for instructions and the Remote Motions Day Praecipe.
(2) On the day of the in-person hearing
(a) All interested parties attend the in-person hearing. The hearing will be held in a courtroom on the 4th floor of the courthouse at 520 King Street Alexandria VA 22314. Please check the 4th floor bulletin board for the courtroom assignment.
(b) If appropriate, the judge will enter the final order at the in-person hearing.