Dockless Mobility
2025 Micromobility Permit Application
The 2025 Micromobility Permit Application is currently open for micromobility providers with an interest in operating in the City. The permit term is from April 1, 2025 - March 31, 2026. Questions, requests for pre-application meetings, and completed applications may be directed to Sean.Martin@alexandriava.gov.
What's New
The City released the FY 2025 Dockless Mobility Annual Work Plan. Take a look at what happened during the previous fiscal year and what's in store for FY 2024.

In November 2021, the City Council approved a permanent Dockless Mobility program. Pursuant to City Code, the City has established an overall cap for the number of dockless mobility devices in the City of 1,200 scooters and 800 e-bikes. This cap on devices can be modified in the future as needed. The program requirements for the current permit year may be found here. The following companies have been approved for permits to operate in Alexandria through March 31, 2025:
- Bird - 600 Scooters
- Lime - 600 Scooters, 100 E-bikes
Public Routes Dashboard

A Citywide heatmap and ridership data for shared mobility devices, including total trips, average number of trips per day, average trip distance, and average trip duration, may be found on the Public Routes Dashboard.

Dockless Vehicle Slow Zones
In 2023, the City ran a Slow Zone pilot in the Robinson Landing neighborhood. When a dockless vehicle GPS detected that it was was within the slow zone, the top speed was restricted to 8 miles-per-hour. With community feedback, the slow zone was made permanent and expanded through the Old Town waterfront, the pedestrian blocks of King St, and Founders Park.
Slow zones are designed to reduce potential conflicts between dockless scooter and e-bike riders and pedestrians in high-activity areas and specifically do not impact roadways with automotive traffic.
Ad Hoc Scooter Task Force
In July 2021, staff shared a written update to City Council on the status of the Phase II Pilot Program, including input from the community collected through focus groups, the Ad Hoc Scooter Task Force, and meetings with key stakeholder boards, commissions, etc. The written update to Council can be found here. More information about the Task Force can be found here.

Phase II Pilot Program
During the 2019 Phase I Dockless Pilot Program, the City worked through challenges and made some adjustments to better manage the program. From January to December 2019, there were around 286,000 scooter trips made in Alexandria. However, issues such as improper parking, unsafe riding, and reporting are challenges that require additional regulation and oversight. In order for the City to continue to (and more strictly) regulate scooter companies and riders, a Phase II Pilot Program with additional recommendations was approved and completed. Key changes from the first pilot included:
- More equitable distribution of scooters across the City
- A ban on riding scooters on any sidewalk in the City
- Establishment of an Ad-Hoc Scooter Task-Force
- Stricter requirements of scooter companies including data sharing requirements and increased permit fees
- Installation of additional parking corrals
Materials from the City Council meeting that provide more details on the Staff-proposed changes can be viewed here. The Dockless Mobility Pilot Evaluation Report summarizes key findings and draft recommendations from the 2019 Pilot findings and data.
The purpose of the Phase II Pilot was to evaluate changes made from Phase I, engage with the community, determine whether the City should have a permanent program, and identify the most appropriate permitting or procurement process for such a program.
City Council approved a resolution to extend the Phase II Pilot through 2021 to allow for more outreach and community engagement. The 2020 MOU was amended to authorize the extension of the pilot and required operators to meet the requirements of the terms of the 2020 MOU in 2021.
Permits for operation in 2021 were issued to Lime, Bird, Helbiz, and Link. The permitting process for 2022 is underway. All operators are required to sign the 2020 Memorandum of Understanding, which described the City's requirements and expectations.
Phase I Pilot Program
Information about the Phase I Pilot Program can be found here. The Dockless Mobility Pilot Evaluation Report summarizes key findings and draft recommendations from the 2019 Pilot findings and data.
Providing Feedback and Asking Questions
If you have a question about the permanent dockless mobility program, please submit your comment via Alex311 (keyword: scooters), and staff will respond to you within the designated timeframe. If you need to provide immediate feedback on an improperly parked scooter, please see Question #4 in the FAQs below.
Equity and Access
Bird and Lime provide low cost plans for riders who qualify:
- Bird https://help.bird.co/hc/en-us/articles/360051003951-Community-Pricing-
- Lime https://www.li.me/why/community/lime-access
Each company also provides non-smartphone access (SMS or call to unlock devices) and non-credit card payment options.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Which companies are allowed to operate in Alexandria?
Bird and Lime are currently permitted to operate in Alexandria through March 31, 2025.
Where can I ride a scooter or e-bike?
Scooter and e-bike riding is not permitted on sidewalks per City Code, but is allowed on streets, in bike lanes, and certain trails. Riders must follow all applicable traffic laws and should always ride safely, considerately.
Who is in charge of the shared mobility devices?
Individual private companies operate and maintain the shared mobility devices.
How do I report bikes or scooters that are left on my property or in another inappropriate location?
You should report the device through Alex311 with the location of the device, the company it belongs to, the device ID number (if possible), and why you are reporting it. You may also upload a picture. The more information that can be provided in the report, the faster the device can be recovered. Your report will be sent to the operator specified in the report. Additionally, contact information for each company is provided on the devices, and below.
2024 Operators
- Bird e-scooters (black and white): 866.205.2442 or hello@bird.co
- Lime e-scooters (green and white): 888.546.3345 or support@li.me
Operators no longer permitted in Alexandria
- Bolt e-scooters (black and yellow): 866.265.8143 or support@micromobility.com
- JUMP e-scooters (black and red): 888.546.3345 or online request form
- Lyft e-scooters (pink and black): 877.452.6699 or online request form
- Razor e-scooters (red and black): 833.5278.6453, Sharesupport@razorusa.com
- Helbiz e-scooters (black and white) and Skip by Helbiz e-scooters (blue and white): 888.974.9074 or support@helbiz.com
- Link e-scooters (grey and yellow): 844.701.8163 or support@superpedestrian.com
- Spin e-scooters (black and orange): 888.249.9698 or support@spin.pm
Where should e-bikes or scooters be parked?
Devices should be parked in a way that does not impede pedestrian or ADA access with a minimum of three feet of travel space. Do not park on private property or anywhere that cannot be accessed by other users. Additionally, devices should not block access to sidewalks, ramps, entrances to buildings, fire hydrants, bus stops, parked cars, travel lanes, and driveways.
Follow these videos on how to appropriately park scooters or e-bikes:
What do I do if a bike or scooter is parked inappropriately?
If they are parked on your private property, or somewhere that impedes access, please report the device through Alex311. Additionally, you may move the device to a more appropriate location yourself, if possible.
Is dockless bikeshare part of Capital Bikeshare?
No. Capital Bikeshare is jointly owned and operated by the City of Alexandria, District of Columbia, Arlington County, City of Fairfax, Fairfax County, City of Falls Church, Montgomery County, and Prince George's County. These shared mobility devices are not affiliated with Capital Bikeshare.
How do I sign up to use a shared mobility device?
Visit the website/mobile app of the company. You will need a separate account from Capital Bikeshare as there is no affiliation between the two.
How many devices can each company deploy?
Each company is permitted to deploy a certain number of device based on each permit agreement. The City-wide cap is 1200 scooters and 800 e-bikes. Through March 31, 2025, the permitted devices for each company is as follows:
- Bird - 600 Scooters
- Lime - 600 Scooters, 100 E-bikes