Traffic Controls and Signs
The Transportation Engineering Division reviews requests for new traffic controls as well as regulatory and warning signs and makes recommendations for the installation of new or modified controls at intersections. Community requests for these changes are reviewed by staff and many must be recommended for approval by the Traffic and Parking Board.
To report an issue (such as damage) related to an existing traffic sign or control, please use Alex311. For other questions or concerns related to existing signs, contact the Traffic Operations Division at 703.746.4006.
Traffic Controls and Regulatory Signs
All-way stop signs are a useful safety measure at many intersections and can benefit pedestrians, bicyclists, and other road users. All-way stop control is used where the volume of traffic on the intersecting roads is approximately equal. The decision to install all-way stop signs is based on an engineering study which typically considers safety, traffic volume and sight distance.
It's important to note that stop signs are intended to safely manage traffic operations, not as a traffic calming device. Stop signs placed in certain locations can result in unintended consequences, such as poor stop compliance. Therefore, engineering judgment is required to determine appropriate locations for this treatment.
If you have a concern about intersection safety or operations, please submit it through Alex311. Staff will evaluate the request and determine what, if any, treatments may be appropriate to mitigate the concern. Note: an engineering analysis for a given location will not be completed more than once per five year period for a stop sign request unless major roadway or land use changes have occurred.
No Turn on Red signs are an effective tool to address pedestrian safety concerns as well as other safety issues, such as visibility constraints. However, installation of these signs includes balancing a number of factors and a thorough engineering review determines where these are appropriate. No Turn on Red signs are often deployed to support the City's Vision Zero efforts to reduce traffic relate fatalities and severe injuries in Alexandria.
The City is authorized by the Commonwealth of Virginia to implement red light photo enforcement at signalized intersections in Alexandria. According to current law, the City is limited to a certain number of these locations based on our population. This automated enforcement tool follows a data-driven process for determining locations which includes analyzing crash history and risk at the potential locations as well as data collection to observe infractions before the photo enforcement is implemented. Red light photo enforcement improves safety at intersections for all road users by reducing crashes.
Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) are signs that flash when pedestrians push a button to warn drivers that pedestrians is trying to cross the street. RRFBs are typically installed at midblock crossings and have showed to increase driver compliance in stopping for a person crossing by up to 85%. RRFB are most appropriately used on roadways with crosswalks crossing no more than one lane in each direction.
Speed Management
A driver's speed at the moment of a traffic crash is the biggest factor that determines the severity of the crash for all people involved. The signs and infrastructure below are installed to increase driver compliance to the posted speed limits and to increase safety for all street users.
Flashing school zone signs are used to alert drivers that there is an active school zone and the speed limit has been temporarily lowered. Alexandria has installed flashing school zone signs at all public schools and at many private schools as part of the City's Safe Routes to Schools program. Flashing school zone signs are an important safety enhancement because many students in Alexandria walk to school.
Speed indicator signs show drivers how fast they are driving and often provide some indication if the speed limit is being exceeded. Speed indicators are used to help increase drivers' compliance to the posted speed limit where data has shown that drivers often exceed the maximum posted speed limit. This technology works best on streets with one or two travel lanes in each direction with moderate traffic volumes because of the limit of the speed indicator's radar range. The City has increased the number of speed indicator signs over the past few years as part of Vision Zero efforts to reducing speeding as a means of eliminating traffic-related deaths and serious injuries.
As part of the 2020 General Assembly session, new legislation passed and was signed by the governor that authorizes local jurisdictions to use Photo Speed Monitoring in school zones to increase the safety of school children traveling to and from school. The City has implemented speed safety cameras in four school zones. More information is available on the program webpage.