King & Commonwealth Streetscape Improvements
Project Renderings

Project Overview
The King & Commonwealth Streetscape Improvements Project proposes new and wider sidewalks and protected bicycle lanes at the intersection of King Street and Commonwealth Avenue to create a safer and more accessible City for all users.
To learn more about the proposed project, please watch the recorded presentation which introduces the King & Commonwealth Streetscape Project Concept. The presentation will walk you through the the project need and opportunity, an overview of the project and next steps. For those interested, you can also review or download a PDF copy of the concept plan separately at the link below.
- Recorded project overview
- King & Commonwealth Project Draft Concept Plan
- Feedback form: The City has a new feedback form related to the King & Commonwealth Streetscape Project and is seeking input on design elements. Complete the feedback form and share your thoughts with staff. Feedback form closes on Friday, March 7, 2025.
Project Purpose
The City of Alexandria seeks to leverage the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority's (VPRA) Alexandria Fourth Track and the King and Commonwealth Railroad Bridges Projects, to improve the streetscape for pedestrians and cyclists near the King Street Metro Station. VPRA is replacing the existing open deck bridges which span King Street and Commonwealth Avenue. The new bridges will have closed decks, and will have a wider span. This wider span will increase the horizontal clearances on King Street and Commonwealth Avenue, offering ground-level opportunities to improve the space under the bridge for pedestrians and cyclists. The King and Commonwealth Streetscape Improvement Project seeks community feedback to help prioritize design interventions that will improve the safety, access, and mobility through this gateway area of the City.
Project Boundaries

Project Goals
Streetscape improvements will seek to implement goals of City plans and policies, including the Alexandria Mobility Plan, the Environmental Action Plan, Complete Streets Policy and Design Guidelines, Vision Zero Action Plan and the Age-Friendly Plan for a Livable Community. Enhancements to the streetscape to promote a safer and more accessible community will seek to:
- Create a safer and more navigable streetscape that supports users of all ages and abilities;
- Address gaps in the City's bicycle and sidewalk network;
- Prioritize safety for all modes of transportation;
- Encourage sustainable modes of transportation by making it safer and easier to walk and bike in the City and access public transportation; and
- Improve air quality and reduce green house gas emissions by encouraging walking, biking and use of public transportation.
Project Updates
January 22, 2025: Transportation Commission Meeting
Staff presented a project overview to the Transportation Commission, including project location and need. Materials from the evening are linked below.
Winter 2024: Streetscape Feedback Engagement Summary
Thank you to everyone who participated in our feedback form and shared their thoughts and experiences navigating the roads and sidewalks near the King Street Metro Station! The feedback form was open from October 2023 through January 2024 and received a number of comments from those who completed the form.
Interested in the results of the feedback form? Here's a summary of the responses we received and information, compiled by our consultant, Hello Lamp Post.
Project Timeline
A number of critical infrastructure projects are proposed in proximity to the King Street Metro Station which may impact portions of King Street and Commonwealth Avenue. Please see the King & Commonwealth Infrastructure Investments website for an overview of the various projects.
To minimize impacts on the community and maximize City resources, streetscape improvements will be closely coordinated with other the projects and likely occur at the conclusion of project scopes in the immediate area. Staff will work closely with nearby project teams to coordinate timing and will update the King and Commonwealth Streetscape Improvements timeline as nearby project schedules are finalized.
Current Phase: Design

Frequently Asked Questions
Why are we doing this project?
The Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (VPRA) is using Federal funds to replace the existing rail freight bridges which span King Street and Commonwealth Avenue. When completed, the new bridges will have a wider span which creates new space on the ground where the City can install new pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure that meets City design standards. Planned improvements include wider sidewalks on both sides of the roadways and protected bicycle lanes. The installation of safer sidewalks and bicycle lanes help the City meet its Vision Zero goals of eliminating fatal and severe injuries on our streets. Separating cyclist and pedestrian traffic from vehicles is an opportunity to reduce opportunities for crashes and reduce potential crash severity.
Who benefits from the project?
This project will provide benefits to a wide range of people. People walking will have improved sidewalks which are wider, better lit and provide more direct connections around the King Street Metro Station. People riding bikes, e-bikes or scooters will have a separate space from pedestrians or vehicles, reducing the potential for conflicts and providing connectivity to the Metro Station. For people driving or taking the bus, the road network will remain the same, but providing dedicated spaces for pedestrians and cyclists will reduce other roadway users and make it easier for vehicles to navigate the space.
What are the benefits of including a wider sidewalk and space for people using bikes or scooters?
A wider sidewalk and separated space for bikes and scooters offers several benefits including safety, accessibility, economic and environmental.
- Safety: Providing dedicated spaces for pedestrians, vehicles, bicycles, and scooters reduces the risk of accidents and collisions by minimizing conflicts and ensuring safer movement for all.
- Accessibility: A wider sidewalk accommodates more pedestrians, including those with strollers, wheelchairs, or mobility aids. It enhances accessibility for all individuals, regardless of their mode of transportation or physical abilities.
- Economic: Creating a pedestrian-friendly environment can boost local businesses by attracting more foot traffic. Cyclists and scooter users may also stop and patronize shops or restaurants along their route, contributing to the local economy.
- Environmental: Encouraging cycling and scooter use as alternative modes of transportation reduces reliance on fossil fuel-powered vehicles, leading to lower carbon emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change. As more people choose to bike or scooter, it reduces the number of vehicles on roadways and can reduce traffic volume for other drivers.
Can you add more travel lanes for cars?
No, there is not enough space for additional vehicle lanes in the proposed plan. While Virginia Passenger Rail Authority is widening their freight bridges, MWATA's Metro tracks (right next to the freight bridges) are not moving, and the existing support pillars will stay in place. The proposed widths of wider sidewalks and bicycle lanes can adjust around the Metro pillars, but vehicle lanes can not be accommodated due to the location of the Metro pillars.
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