Programs & Services For Immigrants and Refugees
Resources and Services
Below are services and programs provided by the City as well as collaborative partners, nonprofits and other organizations working to improve lives in our community.
Community Partners
Below are some community organizations that provide services to immigrants and refugees. We are always adding to this list, so check back for new additions.
- Alexandria Housing Development Corporation. AHDC provides reduced-rent apartments for lower-income households in Alexandria. As well, AHDC provides some additional resident services to current residents. Most rental units go for a few hundred dollars less every month than many market-rate counterparts.
- Alive! ALIVE! provides basic needs support to residents, regardless of citizenship status, who need food, monetary assistance, housewares and furniture. The organization also offers a certified Child Development Center preschool for children ages 3-5 on a sliding fee scale.
- Casa Chirilagua. “Chirilagua” is the name given to the Arlandria neighborhood in Alexandria by its Central American residents. Casa Chirilagua provides ESL and Spanish literacy classes, after school and college preparation programs and more.
- Ethiopian Community Development Council. The Council's Victim of Crime Advocacy program assists refugee and immigrant victims of crime to regain a sense of safety and security. The Council also provides culturally and linguistically specific advocacy and accompaniment services, information on the criminal justice system, housing assistance and referrals to other victims services.
- Just Neighbors. The mission of Just Neighbors is to provide immigration legal services to low-income immigrants and refugees of all faiths and nationalities through our offices in Northern Virginia. Our team of attorneys, staff and committed volunteers offers hope and help as immigrants seek to navigate the current immigration system and access benefits that will enable them to become more contributing members of society. Through our community outreach efforts and volunteer program, Just Neighbors fosters mutual understanding between immigrants and the larger community in which they live.
- MAP Clinics. A network of weekly health care clinics that provide community-based health care to uninsured or underinsured residents, regardless of citizenship status, using an interprofessional treatment team approach. Visit the MAP Clinic website for a list of clinic locations and hours.
- Tenants and Workers United. Programs supporting working class communities, people of color, immigrants, youth and women.
- Legal Services of Northern Virginia (LSNV) is a full service, nonprofit law firm that serves clients throughout Northern Virginia. LSNV is the largest legal aid organization in Virginia, helping thousands of clients each year in civil legal matters. We partner closely with other legal aid organizations, state, and local bar associations, as well as the courts to serve the region’s low-income and neediest populations. We provide services regarding: Consumer Law, Elder Law, Family Law, Human Trafficking, Housing Law, Public Benefits, Veterans Law Project, Support for Re-Entry and Return to Communities.
- CASA Virginia Adjustment of Status, Consular Processing, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Family-based petitions, Naturalization/Citizenship.
- Catholic Charities Diocese of Arlington, Hogar Immigrant Services - a program of Catholic Charities Diocese of Arlington, seeks to fulfill the Catholic Church's mission to "welcome the stranger" by providing high-quality, low-cost immigration legal services to individuals, regardless of their race, religion, nationality, country of origin, or ability to pay. We also provide referrals to other programs of Catholic Charities Diocese of Arlington, including citizenship, English, and workforce development classes; financial and other assistance to refugees and asylees; transitional housing facilities; mental health and therapy services; emergency food and financial assistance; and more.
- Lutheran Social Services Adjustment of Status, Employment authorization, Family-based petitions, Naturalization/Citizenship. Employment services, Legal Orientation Programs (LOP) / Know Your Rights Presentations (KYR), Referrals to other services, Social services. Populations served: Human Trafficking Survivors, Lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender, Torture survivors
Know Your Rights
The following resources provide information about your rights and how to exercise them:
- Legal Aid Justice Center Rapid Response Tool Kit
- ACLU Know Your Rights
- National Immigration Law Center
- By the Children Thrive Network
Refugee Resettlement Agencies
There are three main Refugee Resettlement Agencies serving the Northern Virginia region. These include Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities Migration and Refugee Services, and the Ethiopian Community Development Center. The purpose of these organizations is to assist refugees with their resettlement into the United States. Services include Reception and Placement in which families are met at the airport upon arrival, provided housing and Welcome Money, and assisted with cultural orientation to living in the United States. Additionally, these agencies provide employment services to improve the self-sufficiency of individuals through employment. More information can be found on each agency’s website:
- Lutheran Social Services
- Catholic Charities Migration and Refugee Services
- Ethiopian Community Development Council
Safety Net and Financial Assistance Services
The Department of Community and Human Services provides a range of services and programs to assist Alexandria residents, including immigrants and refugees, experiencing needs such as a housing crisis, medical or disability needs, or needing assistance with purchasing sufficient clothing or food for their household. You can apply online for many of the benefits listed below using Common Help. For a complete list of services, visit
- Refugee Assistance. Financial and medical benefits to refugees.
- Rental Assistance. Assistance to eligible, low-income persons facing a housing crisis.
- Utility, Heating and Cooling Assistance. Assistance to income-eligible households.
- Homeless Services. A range of services for those experiencing homelessness.
- Food Assistance. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) assists individuals and families who are unable to purchase sufficient food for themselves.
- Healthcare for Children. The Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plan (FAMIS) Provides health insurance to children under 19 years-old who are uninsured and who are not eligible for Medicaid.
- Healthcare for Adults and Children. The Medicaid assistance program that pays medical service providers for medical services rendered to eligible individuals
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Provides eligible families with a monthly cash payment to meet their basic needs.
- Auxiliary Grant Program. Income supplement for individuals who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and certain other aged, blind or individuals with disabilities who reside in a licensed assisted living facility or an approved adult foster care home
- Food, Clothing, Dental, Prescription Drug, Eyeglasses and Burial Assistance. Services provided by the Office of Community Services.
The City of Alexandria’s Workforce Development Center (WDC) assists individuals and businesses with their employment needs. Offering services including Career Readiness Workshops, individualized case management, assistance with Training and Certifications, and Hiring Events open to the public, the WDC is a Certified One Stop Center for all employment services.
There are multiple programs offered at WDC that can assist with training and certifications. Many of these programs have eligibility requirements. All of these programs have the goal of securing livable-wages so that individuals are self-sufficient through employment. Some example of these programs:
- SNAP-ET supports Education and Training goals for individuals receiving food assistance through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
- VIEW is the Virginia Initiative for Education and Work; this program assists Temporary Assistance for Needy Families recipients.
- WIOA is the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act; This federally funded program supports Adults and Youth through case management and career coaching in order for participants to reach their career goals.
WDC also collaborates with onsite employment partners to provide additional program:
- Upwardly Global: Upwardly Global’s mission is to eliminate employment barriers for skilled immigrants and refugees, and integrate this population into the professional U.S. workforce. This partner offers employment services including online courses, an Employment Advisor in your industry of experience and networking opportunities for skilled immigrants
- Catholic Charities Migration and Refugee Services (MRS) offers employment support including resume assistance, translation services, and pre-employment training for refugees within the first 5 years of resettlement.
- Virginia Employment Commission (VEC): Through the VEC and the Virginia Workforce Connection, job seekers can search for jobs, take career assessments, and research local labor market data.
- Melwood Jobs assists individuals of differing abilities or those with long term unemployment with career exploration, case management, and job placement and retention services.
- Women Immigrant Socio-economic Empowerment (WISE) group meets monthly. The goal of this group is to encourage women immigrants through empowering them through the resettlement process. For more information please call 703.746.5868.
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (EDCD) holds support groups for Afghan women. The goal is to introduce women to other newly arrived women, discuss resettlement challenges and offer tips for living in the United States. For more information please call 703.685.0510 ext. 266.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
There are multiple options for English Language Learners in the City of Alexandria. Some options include:
- Alexandria Public Library provides a variety of free programming and materials for education and recreation. They offer ESL classes and access to computers and the internet.
- The Literacy Council of Northern Virginia (LCNV) focuses on teaching adults the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and understanding English so they can access employment and educational opportunities and more fully and equitably participate in the community.
- Alexandria City Public Schools offers an Adult English Learners Program consisting of 6 levels of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in sessions held daily in the morning and evening.
- Northern Virginia Community College offers the American Culture & Language Institute (ACLI). ACLI helps students achieve their goals of language proficiency for self-improvement, academic studies, and professional development.
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS)
Students are admitted to ACPS programs without regard to immigration status. Below are a few of the ACPS resources that may be of help to immigrants and refugees. For a full list of programs and services, visit
- Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Center. The FACE Center involves families in the educational experience of students. Through free information, resources, workshops and fun activities for students and their families, FACE helps connect families to the academic achievement of their children.
- Free and Reduced Lunch Program. Children need healthy meals to learn. ACPS Nutrition is pleased to offer FREE Breakfast and/or Lunch for eligible students, regardless of citizenship status, as part of the federally funded National School Lunch Act and Child Nutrition Act, and administered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Virginia Department of Education (VDOE).
- Anne R. Lipnick Special Education Parent Resource Center. The Anne R. Lipnick Special Education Parent Resource Center (PRC) assists parents to become partners in their child's education. Focusing on the child's needs, we promote training parents to be advocates for their children while establishing cooperative partnerships between families and schools.
Immigrating to the U.S. can be a traumatic and difficult experience for both parents and children. In addition, parenting culture in the U.S. can be new and confusing to some immigrants and refugees. Below are resources for parents and children as they adapt to life in the U.S.
- Children Youth and Family Services. Programs and services for children, youth and families.
- RAISE. Includes resources for dealing with childhood trauma and information about Alexandria’s Trauma-Informed Care Network.
- Pre-school enrollment for children ages 3 and 4. Kids’ First Years is a partnership of people and organizations in Alexandria who work together to make sure our city provides comprehensive support, care, and education for all of its young children and their families. Additionally, we help families find opportunities, care, and learning experiences for young children. This includes resources for expecting mothers, childcare, healthcare, special needs services, playgroups, and preschool.
Health and Wellness
- Alexandria Health Department (AHD). AHD offers many essential public health services and programs for Alexandria residents, including immigrants and refugees. Visit for a complete list of services, including vaccinations, testing and clinics.
- FAMIS Prenatal Coverage is full coverage for pregnant individuals who do not meet immigration status rules for other coverages. Individuals do not need to meet immigration status rules, provide immigration documents or have a Social Security number to be eligible for FAMIS Prenatal Coverage; individuals must live in Virginia, meet income rules and be uninsured. Learn more.
- Medical Providers for Individuals Without a Primary Care Doctor or Insurance. Access a list of healthcare providers accepting patients who are underinsured or uninsured, including those who serve regardless of citizenship status. Learn about additional resources for underinsured and uninsured individuals and families.
- Medicaid has expanded coverage eligibility for certain Lawful Permanent Residents: Effective April 1, 2021, a qualified Lawful Permanent Resident (i.e., green card holder) who entered the U.S. on or after August 22, 1996, and who has resided in the U.S. for at least five years no longer needs to have a 10 year work history (40 quarters) to receive full Medicaid benefits. Lawful Permanent Residents who previously were ineligible due to not having the required work history are encouraged to reapply online or call CoverVA at 855.242.8282. If an individual is lawfully residing in the U.S. but does not qualify for Medicaid because of their immigration status (permanent resident status for less than five years), they can get marketplace coverage even if their income is less than 100% FPL.
- Mental Health Resources. DCHS provides a wide range of mental health services, including 24-Hour Emergency Mental Health Services, Mental Health Outpatient Services, Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Services, Alexandria Residential Treatment Center (ARTC), Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Support Groups, Opioid Treatment Program and Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence and LGBTQ Services. Also, access Multicultural Resources.
Adults With Disabilities and Older Adults
Aging and Adult Services offers a wide range of programs for older adults and adults with disabilities with special emphasis given to those who have a low income. Services range from financial assistance, rent relief, transportation and help finding employment to caregiver resources and food delivery. For a complete list visit
Public Safety
Learn more about the agencies and programs that help maintain the safety and overall quality of life for all Alexandrians, including immigrants and refugees.
- Alexandria Fire Department. Delivers responsive and caring emergency service. Learn about calling 911, cooking fire safety, how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, smoke alarms and how you can prepare for storms and disasters.
- Alexandria Police Department. Maintains and enhances a partnership with the community to reduce crime and improve the life of all of Alexandria’s neighborhoods. Listen to officers reading stories for children online with APD Storytime.
- Alexandria Sheriff’s Office. Responsible for general public safety as well as operating the adult detention center and courthouse security. Listen to deputies and the Sheriff read stories for children on the Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.
Public Charge
Homeland Security issued a final rule on the “public charge,” adding protections to immigrant families’ access to social safety net programs. The final rule clarifies that several health and social services are NOT considered in a public charge determination. The rule took effect on December 23, 2022. Read more.
City of Alexandria Immigration FAQs
Find information about legal resources, your rights, immigration enforcement in Alexandria and how to report discrimination. See the City’s Immigration Information and Resources.