Waterfront Flood Mitigation Community Engagement
Community Meetings and Site Tours
Upcoming Events
The following is a list of the next stakeholder engagement events planned for the Waterfront Flood Mitigation Project. Details will be provided once the dates are confirmed.
Project Updates on Parks, Streets, and Lower King Pedestrianization
- Waterfront Commission: December 2024, February and March 2025
- Parks and Recreation Commission: February and March 2025
- Open House: February or March 2025
Full Project
- Board of Architectural Review: December or January 2025
- NEPA/Section 106 Consulting Party Meeting: Late Winter or Spring 2025 (Anticipated)
Materials and recordings from past events can be found in the Past Events and Activities section below.
If you prefer communication in another language, free interpretation and translation services are available to you, please email LanguageAccess@alexandriava.gov or call 703.746.3960.
For reasonable disability accommodation, contact Lydia Durand at Lydia.Durand@alexandriava.gov or call 703.746.4622, Virginia Relay 711.
Past Events and Activities
November 25, 2024: Public Meeting and Open House
- Presentation
- Meeting Video
- Display Boards:
- Pump Station Location and Waterfront Park Landscape Design Options
- Point Lumley Park Landscape Design Options
- Pump Station Architecture
- Site Civil Plans
November 21, 2024: Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
November 19, 2024: Waterfront Commission Meeting
October 17, 2024: Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
- Park and Recreation Commission Webpage
- No Presentation Given
- Analysis of Alternative Pump Station Locations
October 15, 2024: Waterfront Commission
- Waterfront Commission Webpage
- No Presentation Given
- Analysis of Alternative Pump Station Locations
September 17, 2024: Memo to City Council re: Analysis of Alternative Pump Station Locations
July 18, 2024: Park and Recreation Commission
April 16, 2024: Waterfront Commission Meeting
April 10, 2024: Old Town Civic Association Meeting
March 26, 2024: Waterfront Flood Mitigation Project Open House
March 21, 2024: Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
March 19, 2024: Waterfront Commission Meeting
January 27, 2024: Waterfront Flood Mitigation Project Site Tour
- Live Tour
November 28, 2023: Waterfront Commission Meeting
- Waterfront Commission Webpage
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- Presentation
- Waterfront Commission - Letter to City Council Regarding FY 2025 Budget Priorities
October 20, 2023: The Alexandria Forum - The Waterfront Revisited: Birth and Rebirth, 1730-2023
September 19, 2023: Waterfront Commission Meeting
June 20, 2023: Waterfront Commission - Annual Waterfront Walk
May 16, 2023: Waterfront Commission Meeting
April 18, 2023: Waterfront Commission Meeting
January 17, 2023: Waterfront Commission Meeting
November 12, 2022: City Council Public Hearing
October 18, 2022: Waterfront Commission
- Waterfront Commission Webpage
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- Waterfront Commission - FY 2024 - FY 2033 Operating and CIP Budget Recommendations
September 20, 2022: Waterfront Commission
June 21, 2022: Waterfront Commission
June 16, 2022: Park and Recreation Commission - Underground Stormwater Storage at Founders Park Letter
June 8, 2022: Old Town Civic Association Meeting
May 21, 2022: Waterfront Commission - Annual Waterfront Walk
May 16, 2022: Waterfront Commission - Alternative Recommendation Letter to City Council
April 20, 2022: Alexandria Archaeology Commission Meeting
April 19, 2022: Waterfront Commission Meeting
- Waterfront Commission Webpage
- Agenda
- Flood Mitigation Committee Draft Recommendations
- Potomac River Power Generation Plant
- Waterfront Parks Maintenance Projects
- Tall Ship Providence Update
April 7, 2022: Waterfront Commission - Flooding Subcommittee Meeting
March 22, 2022: Waterfront Commission - Flooding Subcommittee Meeting
March 17, 2022: Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
March 16, 2022: Alexandria Archaeological Commission Meeting
February 15, 2022: Waterfront Commission Meeting
- Waterfront Commission Webpage
- Agenda
- Virtual Meeting Recording
- Minutes
- Flood Mitigation Update Information
January 18, 2022: Waterfront Commission Meeting
- Waterfront Commission Webpage
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Waterfront Flood Mitigation Brief
- Alexandria Seaport Center Update
January 6, 2022: Waterfront Commission - Flooding Subcommittee Meeting
November 16, 2021: Waterfront Commission Meeting
November 15, 2021: Waterfront Commission - Flooding Subcommittee Meeting
November 6, 2021: Founders Park Community Association Clean-up Event
October 19, 2021: Waterfront Commission - Letter to City Council Regarding FY 2023 - FY 2032 CIP Budget Priorities
October 4, 2021: Waterfront Commission - Flooding Subcommittee Meeting
September 23, 2021: Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
September 21, 2021: Waterfront Commission Meeting
June 26, 2021: Waterfront Commission - Annual Waterfront Walk
June 7, 2021: Waterfront Commission - Flooding Subcommittee Meeting
May 13, 2021: Founders Park Community Association Meeting
May 6, 2021: Founders Park Community Association - Board and Past Presidents Meeting
April 5, 2021: Waterfront Commission - Flooding Subcommittee Meeting
March 16, 2021: Waterfront Commission Meeting
December 15, 2020: Waterfront Commission Meeting
October 20, 2020: Waterfront Commission Meeting
November 19, 2019: Waterfront Commission Meeting
June 18, 2019: Waterfront Commission Meeting
June 8, 2019: Waterfront Commission - Annual Waterfront Walk
City Commissions
Waterfront Commission - Flooding Subcommittee | |
The Waterfront Commission Flood Mitigation Subcommittee was organized to facilitate focused discussions on flood mitigation topics with community representatives. This body continues to play a critical role in providing feedback on the City’s Alternative selection and refinement process and informing the City on the community’s priorities for the Waterfront.
Connect with Us
Consistent and transparent communication with the community is an essential element of the Waterfront flood mitigation project. Ever since plans to reassess the Schematic Landscape Design approach in 2020, the City has consistently shared information and collected feedback from the Waterfront Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, civic associations, other special interest groups, and community members. The Waterfront Flood Mitigation Project team is dedicated to maintaining that open dialogue with the community as the project progresses through design and construction in the years to come.
Stay Informed
Here are two ways to receive project alerts and information:
- Sign up for Project Updates - Receive all announcements, plus reminders and site activity alerts
- Sign up for Alexandria eNews - Receive official City announcements - Go to the Planning and Zoning category and select Waterfront Planning
Contact Us
Project Manager
Matthew Landes, PLA, CCM, ISA
Project Implementation
Media Inquiries
Office of Communications and Community Engagement