Commercial Refuse and Recycling Services by the City
Commercial Refuse and Recycling Program

Refuse and recycling services for commercial properties are primarily provided by private, commercial solid waste haulers who are permitted and registered with the City. However, commercial refuse and recycling services may be provided at the City’s discretion to non-residential properties that meet the qualifications for service as a “non-required user.” These City collection services are provided one day per week. For additional information, please refer to the City’s guidelines on refuse collection.
Fees for Service
The fee for Commercial Refuse Program is set by the City Council each fiscal year. In FY2024 (beginning July 1, 2023) the fee has been set at $500.00 per unit, per year (the same as the Residential Refuse Fee). One unit of service is defined as one standard 65-gallon size trash cart (provided by the City). This one unit of service includes as many recycling containers (either bins or carts) as deemed necessary by the solid waste inspector to adequately service the property. Additional containers will be provided upon request for an additional unit of service up to a maximum of seven standard City containers. The Customer is required to prepare any trash or recycling for collection according to the guidelines published in the City’s Guide to Services. Invoicing is done semi-annually in October and April for half the annual amount due. Payments are non-refundable.
Required Service Agreement
As a commercial property, the City of Alexandria requires a signed service agreement by the property owner or their agent in order for the City to provide trash and recycling services. To enroll in the City’s Commercial Refuse program, please complete a refuse service agreement and return it via e-mail to CommercialRecycling@alexandriava.gov or via post to the address below.
City of Alexandria – T&ES
Commercial Refuse Service
Resource Recovery Division (RRD)
2900-B Business Center Dr.
Alexandria, VA 22314
Once approved, refuse services will usually begin on the next service day to your address.
Any Commercial Refuse customer that is a non-required user may choose to discontinue their City refuse service and hire a permitted, private refuse hauler. To do so, please notify the City’s Resource Recovery Division at the email address or postal address above, and update the annual Recycling Implementation Plan (RIP form) to reflect the change in service. This RIP form is required of all commercial properties regardless of their chosen refuse hauler so that the City can meet its State reporting requirements.
If you have any questions, please contact CommercialRecycling@alexandriava.gov or 703.746.4135.