Residential Leaf Collection
The City of Alexandria's 2024 residential leaf collection program has ended. Information about 2025 leaf vacuuming and leaf bag collection activities will be posted in the fall.
Leaf Vacuuming
Leaf Collection Zone Map and Schedule

How to Prepare:
- Rake leaves out the day before your assigned collection date (check online for a weekly updated schedule or sign up for T&ES' Resource Recovery eNews to get weekly updates by e-mail).
- Rake leaves into piles at the street curb. This enables crews to move more quickly and efficiently.
- Remove stones, litter, branches or other debris. These items can damage equipment and injure our workers.
- Avoid placing leaves in front of storm drains or water meter covers.
- Move parked cars off leaf piles.
- Do not rake leaves into alleys or service roads. No leaves, whether in piles or paper bags, are collected from alleys.
Composting Leaves at Home
Composting at home is an easy way to take advantage of the environment's natural recycling process, which creates valuable organic supplements, and can be done right in your own backyard. Visit alexandriava.gov/ResourceRecovery to learn more about grasscycling, backyard composting, the City's new curbside composting pilot, and the City’s farmers’ market composting stations.
Leaf Season Information & Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When and how are leaves picked up?
From the end of October through January, City crews operate leaf vacuum trucks and collect paper leaf bags throughout the City. Residents who receive City refuse collection services will receive three passes during the season. Residents are responsible for raking their leaves to the curb or placing leaves into paper leaf bags and placing them curbside for collection. Leaf bags are collected on the same day as regular refuse collection.
What happens to my leaves once they are picked up?
Leaves are ground into mulch and available to residents in the Spring.
How do I know when my leaves are scheduled to be vacuumed?
A schedule is mailed to residents and posted online every October. The City is sectioned into five collection zones and Old Town (Zone 5) has four collection subzones. Each zone will receive three collection passes. To determine your assigned zone, use the Residential Leaf Collection Viewer or refer to the Leaf Collection Zone Map.
If the vacuuming schedule changes, how will I be informed?
Why does Zone 5 (Old Town) have subzones?
Zone 5 (Old Town) has been divided into four subzones to make its service more consistent with the rest of the City. The leaf collection program delivers three passes for each zone. This was not the case for Zone 5 in the past. Now, with the introduction of subzones, residents of Zone 5 will have scheduled dates for each of their three passes.
Where are leaf crews? Why aren't they picking up my leaves?
Sometimes inclement weather and equipment problems cause delays. Sometimes inclement weather and equipment problems cause delays. In the event of delays or schedule changes, the information will be announced on the City website and via the T&ES Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. This information is also available through Alex311.
Crews may also take several days to complete leaf pickup in a single zone. You may not necessarily see crews on the first day of collection in your zone.
Where do I rake or take my leaves?
Leaves should be raked to the curb or placed in paper leaf bags for collection. Avoid gutters and storm drains. Do not rake leaves into alleys or service roads.
If I am unable to rake the leaves from my yard, will City staff rake them for me?
Residents are responsible for raking leaves to the curb or placing them curbside in paper bags. Commercial landscaping companies are widely available to rake leaves for a fee. The City does not arrange for such services or endorse any particular service provider.
When will my leaf bags be collected?
Leaf bags are collected on the same day as regular refuse collection. For instance, if your refuse collection day is Monday, leaf bags will be collected on Monday, too.
Why were my leaves not collected if they were put in a plastic bag at the curb?
Leaves in plastic bags are considered refuse, collected with normal trash pickup, and disposed of at the Reworld™ Alexandria Waste to Energy plant. Plastic bags are unable to be processed into mulch even if they are recyclable, and therefore are considered trash. Please recycle by putting your leaves into paper bags, so they can be recycled into mulch.
I am having an event. Can my leaves be picked up before it takes place?
Unfortunately, due to staffing constraints, there is no special leaf pickup service that can be scheduled in advance. If you have leaves you would like collected before the next leaf collection pass throughout your neighborhood, please put them in leaf bags for collection on your normal refuse collection day. Leaf bags are available for free at designated City facilities.
What day will my leaves be vacuumed?
We cannot give you an exact date for leaf vacuuming on your street. Inclement weather, as well as staffing and equipment constraints, may cause delays.
I want my leaves picked up today. Why can't I schedule a pickup?
Unfortunately, the City does not offer special pickup services. Please check your collection date in your zone or place your leaves in paper bags for collection on your regular refuse collection day.
I saw crews in my neighborhood, but they did not get my leaves, or they went to the other side of the street and did not do my side. Why?
Crews often complete one side of a street and then return for the other side. There is also a chance that crews may be emptying a truck and will come back to finish the route.
It's snowing and raining, will crews collect during inclement weather?
Weather affects the collection schedule. If there is inclement weather, crews will not be able to collect leaves and will need to reschedule for that day. Check online for a weekly updated schedule or sign up for T&ES' Resource Recovery eNews to get weekly updates by e-mail. Service updates during inclement weather will also be communicated on the City website and via the T&ES Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts.
I raked my leaves out to the curb too late, will they come back to get them?
If crews have already been through your neighborhood zone, then consider checking for the next pass in your zone or placing leaves in paper bags for collection on your normal refuse collection day.
Why do I see leaf signs posted in my neighborhood?
The City posts these signs to inform residents when their collection passes are scheduled.
Stay Informed
Need the most current information about the City's leaf program schedule?
- Sign up for T&ES' Resource Recovery eNews to get weekly updates by e-mail
- Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
- Report a collection issue online by using Alex311
Additionally, each fall, T&ES sends a leaf collection mailer to residents receiving City trash, recycling, and yard waste collection. Read the 2024 Fall Leaf Collection Mailer to view this information online.