Support Historic Alexandria
Support Historic Alexandria
Your donations support a wide variety of initiatives in Historic Alexandria, including educational programs, exhibits, historic preservation, research and more.
Become Involved!
Become a Member of Alexandria’s historic sites and museums. Come to special events, receive newsletters, get discounts on Museum Shop merchandise, and support history.
Volunteer and Career Opportunities
The Office of Historic Alexandria is always looking for passionate, talented individuals who want to join us in preserving and sharing Alexandria’s past to enrich the present and inspire the future. We offer volunteer positions, internships, and employment opportunities.
Make a Gift
Historic Alexandria receives City operational funding to support its mission; however, these resources do not cover the full scope of the department’s strategic goals and projects. Donations, special revenue, and grant funding help supplement staff, conservation work, and educational programs. Support Historic Alexandria and make a gift today!
Do you have objects that are relevant to the City's history? Learn more about donating items to the museum collections.
Purchase event tickets, donate to your favorite museum, become a member, and buy selected merchandise online at The Alexandria Shop. The Historic Alexandria Museum Store, at the Alexandria History Museum at The Lyceum, offers great gift ideas a wide variety of Alexandria-related merchandise and the very best selections from all the Historic Alexandria museum stores. Your purchases support programming at Historic Alexandria's museums.
Stay Connected
Stay connected! Look for Historic Alexandria on the Web and through Social Media. Stay informed with eNews, like us on Facebook, follow us on twitter, and see us on Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube.
- Historic Alexandria, Virginia
- Alexandria Archaeology Museum
- Gadsby’s Tavern Museum
- Stabler Leadbeater Apothecary Museum
- Alexandria History Museum at The Lyceum
- Historic Alexandria @HistoricAlexVA.
- Alexandra Archaeology Museum @AlexArchaeology.
- Alexandria History Museum at The Lyceum @AlexLyceum.
- Gadsby's Tavern Museum @JohnGadsby.
Instagram and Pinterest
- Gadsby's Tavern Museum on Instagram and Pinterest.
- Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum on Pinterest.
Rentals and Private Events at Historic Properties
Six city-owned historic locations in Alexandria have facilities available for rentals and private events. The properties can accommodate from 15 to 160 people, for a range of events including parties, weddings, performances and meetings.
Commissions Supporting Historic Alexandria
City commissions play an active role in preserving Alexandria’s history. Commission members must be Alexandria city residents and are appointed by the Alexandria City Council.