Sheriff’s Office Employee Honored with 2021 Celebrate Women Award
Alexandria Celebrates Women recently honored Cicely Woodrow (right) and four other women for their extraordinary service to the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ms. Woodrow, who serves as the chief fiscal officer for the Sheriff’s Office, was recognized with the other honorees during a virtual awards ceremony on March 29 just before the conclusion of Women's History Month.
Ms. Woodrow’s colleague, Gayle Reuter, nominated her for the honor and detailed Ms. Woodrow’s extensive volunteer work during the pandemic. She had regularly helped with ALIVE! furniture delivery and when that was put on hold, she continued to assist by collecting donations of housewares. She also supported the community's efforts to help those in need by regularly making contactless food deliveries for Christ Church's Lazarus Program, and during the holidays, she delivered Thanksgiving food for ALIVE!.
Ms. Woodrow also supported vaccination efforts, taking part in a multi-organization outreach effort that distributed information to more than 4,000 homes and helped register more than 600 people. She also volunteered at COVID-19 vaccination sites on the weekends, working day-long shifts helping members of the public receive their vaccines.
In addition, Ms. Woodrow has personally found thoughtful ways to recognize the hard work and commitment of deputies, civilian employees, and contract staff at the William G. Truesdale Detention Center who have faced significant challenges during the pandemic.
The Sheriff’s Office thanks Alexandria Celebrates Women for their recognizing the accomplishments and contributions of Alexandria women and offers congratulations to Patricia Amaya, Gaynelle Bowden Diaz, Anne Gaddy, M.D., and Gee-Hyun McNease who were also honored for their exceptional work during the pandemic.